'Monday, December 17 19B4 essive FRAMtClE SAY kSSGCtCrflOn WcRE RGHTiNG FOR YOUR LIFE Q)AYS 111 ir . f I 5 2? yyy Good Rockin' Blues from 9-1 :00 Only $1.50 cover! LA J? iji i-! rt. i I J - ' ....... f f i iisccrms a tapes 223 M. 1C:-WL5r::t!n 2 j S DJtvC.T-i.'l in...' Progr shoi a 'f BIG RED Um l i : i 1 fftisX i: j I- X y f 136 ft Klb ! V I n i : .ii Si E 23 I 7 I fed y ! - il (ml fl V V -war ' : ' ' ' ' Cl ' Daily Nebracksn Pago 25 ppers ill id gifts in Lincoln Analysis by Scott H&rr&h Dlly Nebrakn SUIT Reporter The Christmas season is frus trating for students because study ing for final exams seems to take up all of their shopping time. What's even more perplexing is finding unique gifts for the unus ual people on one's Christmas list in the plastic Santa Claus world of Lincoln stores. But, if you use your imagination, you can easily wrap up an avant-garde Christ mas. Here's a list of some local businesses that carry strange items for the progressive shopper: Dirt Cheap at 217 N. 11th St. offers a bastion of bizarre items in a broad price range. You can choose from such ceramic frivol ties as a Betty Boop soap dish to a Humphrey Bogart mask for your living room wall. For the perverts in your life, there's the Sexual Trivia game and a book on "How to Regain Your Virginity." Wearers of arcane fashions might appreciate one of the store's leopard-print blazers or an anti Nebraska Frankie Goes to Holly wood t-shirt with "Frankie Say, Big Red Hide Yourself!" embla zoned across the front. For your parents, check out the tastefully tacky dragon's head and flamingo lamps. The store also has studded leather bracelets and whips. And ior me punker who has every thing, you can buy numerous Day-Glo earrings and hot pink gloves. John McCallum, proprietor of the downtown Dirt Cheap, says records and tapes are the hottest selling items this year. But gift items still are popular with both students and profes sional people who can afford the more expensive imported goods. Although some of the store's items are costly, most are worth it in quality and originality. Continued on Page 23 DBODQOOOOOOQ SUGAR BOWL g Q WEEK n 1 CONDO French Quarter 1 Suitable for 2-6 1 I $1 000 R i Tii i: ' I ' , I (408) 377-0360 O for details. OOQBDBBOQODO ihxii is to;.malce. it home? Become a plasma donor! $10 is paid per donation and you can donate twice weekly (but please wait 74 hours between donations). That's up "to $100 a month! And that can buy a lot of gallons of gas! New donors bring this ad for a $2 bonus for your first donation. Call now for an appointment. 475-8645. UNIVERSITY 1ASHACEN1 1442 "O" Street mi 475-8645 Mon., Tuss., Thurs., Frl. 8:00 am to 6:30 pm' Wed. and Sat. 8:00 am to 6:00 pm FEDERALLY INSPECTED 1T "BWJ T-PAY-R1QRE" Store Don't throw monsy way! First-quality tenses in designer frames st HALF the prices you'd pay elsewhere. Jpslfi j 1 J. DON'T PAY . . . 1,000 frames to choose from. Fashion and quality from HaSstcn, eili Blass, Ctvt nchy and Yvs Sssnt Lsnrcrrt. THE OPTICAL SHOP 333 N. 12th 477-9347 Titnr Iftfn-J . r r . "UCJOTIi ,rurs.: woon-B, sat.: 101 Jr Omaha: 325 N. 72:nd Strap ySHQ8S Mon.-Sat.: 10-6. Thurs. until 8. 551-1633 fffWf" ' Omaha: 1323 Jackson Street (Sgwg, . Mon.-Fri.. 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 344-0219 m-f t:;i 2 f 3