The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1984, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Friday, December 14, iga4
Pago 4
Daily Ncbraskan
n o
Graduates must remember lessons learne
nNL will churn out another 1,000 or some folks to handle. In comparison, life
so graduates Dec. 22. For many of in the slow lane is fairly comfortable.
-s those graduating, their diplomas
will mean a comfortable job selling Bibles,
Graduates, please don't forget the
handicapped people you met in your
classes. If you took the time to listen to
them, you found out how difficult life can
be in a world designed for people who
function without aids.
Dont forget the foreign students who
then a promotion to district manager, a
Mouse outside of town, a wife, two kids
and a new car.
Nothing is wrong with that. American
life is based on that sometimes elusive
However, when the homogeneous stu- came to this country to learn. Dont forget
dent body that is UNL retires to its home, their opinions on world events. Most of
it tends to forget some of the most im- you probably wont be exposed to those
portant lessons learned. types of views ever again. You dont have
Suburban life has its pressures, and to agree with what they believe. Just
many of those pressures are too much for remember what they had to say.
Lawmakers loincia
tcsmcmwm Bennies
Remember also the number of different
religions practiced on this campus. Apply
this to the world outside your ofSce and
your living room, where Moslems and
Christians, Catholics and Protestants say
they may not be able to survive in the
same world.
Remember the seemingly eccentric
professors who challenged you to consider
Freudian symbolism, the true nature of
man, the origin of the universe. They're
not as strange as you think. They believe
what they believe because they have
intensely studied their subjects for years,
sometimes decades.
Minorities probably viU not be a part of
many of your lives from now cn. Remem
ber how easy it was to live and work with
people from all races and the things they
had to say about working their way from
the bottom because of cultural biases.
Remember the homosexuals, bisexual
and others who didnt practice straight
heterosexuality. Their lifestyle may be
repugnant to you, but they deserve to be
You are educated people now. Be
tolerant. Go in peace.
Jeff Browne
DalJy H&&rx&&a Eetior Editor
to loll
or one group of small-business
men, there are two
kinds of problems on Capitol
Hill: congressmen and cock
roaches. The sad truth is that congres
sional offices are overrun with
roaches. They're more numerous
than lobbyists and almost as
Yet the exterminators hired to
coordination between the two
assault teams.
As for the great outdoors, where
Budowski's firm is responsible for
rat control, there are other prob
lems just as touchy. Entech must
use environmentally safe rat poi
sons, and take care that, for
example, no tourists' pet dog
drops dead behind some TV cor
respondent doing a standup re-
fight the wily critters often find port on the Capitol lawn.
their hands tied by the very law
makers and aides who should be
supporting their efforts.
Jack Anderson
and Joseph Spear
The result is that the Capitol,
and the Senate and House office
buildings make up a luxurious,
marbleclad roach motel. The
insects slither across senators'
desks and secretaries' file cabinets
with an insouciance bordering on
arrogance. It's almost as if they
know the budget for congressional
cockroach control is a pitiful
$24,000 a year.
Our reporter Scott Barrett
talked with Gene Budowski of
Entech Inc., the exterminator that
currently holds the unenviable
contract to keep the buildings
and grounds of th e congressional
complex free of vermin. It is, he
said, an impossible task for a
number of reasons.
The big problem, not surpris
ingly, is the $24,000 budget.
Budowski said a more realistic
figure would be anywhere from
$60,000 to $75,000 ayear. But the Advisers. He is one of President
lawmakers who approve trillion- Reagan's favorite conservatives,
dollar lederal budgets insist on Dutne apparently stokes the com-
Budowski said the congres
sional extermination contract is
a "prestige account" but he
won't do it again, thanks.
Hello-goodbye: Officials at
the Federal Emergency Manage
ment Agency obviously believe
that planning for natural and
manmade disasters is a sensitive
business. They recently installed
a new telephone system that will
monitor all outgoing calls auto
matically. An internal memo
explains the effect this will have
on employees:
The system will impact per
sonal calls from government
phones. Each local and long dis
tance number called will be record
ed on a printout and sent to
office managers, who will be
required to certify each call was
official government business...
"Calling to say you will be home
late could result in a fine or sepa
ration from the job."
Who's news?: Lew Lehrman,
self-made millionaire and unsuc
cessful New York gubernatorial
candidate, is in the running for a
Political sala
here comes a time in eve- The list of the new poor will geted at most of the middle class
ryone's childhood when you include numerous millionaires in nor anv of the rich. To save them
realize how the world really Congress, most of whom will feel a tax increase (and to satisfy an
wnrVfi Thic hflnnanc whan lrnnVa no nRv : 1 1 1 1 . . , 1
niw.mjij7i.iio mitiijuuic uu e""1- auuui uupu&iiig uie new ideological compulsion to trasn
about to be punished, and a par- austerity ethic on their less- the federal government), pro
ent says, "This hurts me more wealthvcoUeaeM. The latter will
it hurts you." Nothing is of course, suffer silenth. In Wash-
quite the same after that.
name for the sword: You live by it;
Now we have the latest varia- vou can die by it.
tion on this theme, and it comes
ington, hypocrisy is just another Among them are some that ought
from the Reagan administration.
After the president proposed a 5
percent pay reduction for all fed
eral workers, the Cabinet agreed
Even for politicians at budget
time, the Dole-Michel-Reagan pay
cut proposal is epic political non
sense. It s symbolic of how show-
to be junked and others that
should be reduced. But to suggest
that it is fair to take the good and
the bad, the essential and the
frivolous, and cut them ail is both
ridiculous and an abdication of
responsiblity. It's the president's
pinching pennies when it comes
to pest control
Another thing that bugs
Budowski is the uncooperative
attitude of congressional staffers.
They balk at letting his crew move
books and papers so the rooms
and furniture can be sprayed
seat on the Council of Economic & T?kia anship and symbolism now pas- Job to decide what's worth keep-
r uvowuuiuu: ses lor siihstanro in Woclimrtnn miais nut iuiu w iuiu
IIUUIIUIUUU. . j. ... ,
The idea is to appear fair, as if ways to pay for what's important
fairness means treating rich and
poor the same. When you com- Ofcourse.inoneareathepres-
pare the wealth of a man like ident has done sust that. The
petitive fires within another
Empire State supply sider, Re
publican Rep. Jack Kemp.
During the Republican conven
tion last summer, a Kemp aide
advised Lehrman and several of
his aides to remove their fire
engineered suspenders because
?-y Richard
tP Cohen
properly. "It's very frustrating, it made Lehrman appear to be
because it's so simple," he said, setting himself up as a cult figure.
Then and this may come as a Rep. Tony Coelho, D-Calif.,
uonaid Kegan with that of a clerk defense hsirit j bloated as it is,
who's supporting a family on a has so far escaped the knife
civil-servant paycheck, the point even analysis. In the end Con-
Not to be outdone in the sarri ":X. uviuus. nut isxe a look gress will haw to cut it too. tsui m
fice depaSme the meantkne the president's
Leader Bob Michel (R-Iin and Proposing ns budget freeze, reluctance to recommend cuts in
Senate MajoVity Leader Bob Dole 13 unfairness disguised defense says a lot. For him there
(K-Kan.) said the idea was so
wonderful it ought to be extended
as fairness.
surprise to readers beyond the according to our sources, wants to rnnfre ah tk0J , T .,
Washington Beltway - there's to become the financial czar for rZaLv uISS??? 3lld of an across-the-board
oto 'n "' lt::y' "c" ULt?e ww create some-
the problem of staffers who eat the Democratic Party. He is mak-
lunch at their desks, instead of at ing his bid from strength: During
fancy gin mills, as legend dictates, the 1 0S4 campaign, he raised mil
Leftover tunaflsh sandwiches, lions for the party's House candi
plus opened bap of munchies dates and is given much credit
stashed away in desk drawers, for minimizing Democratic losses,
provide more than adequate Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, is
nourishment for the armies of lit- privately lobbying for a seat on
gested an even better idea. He, thing like a fiscal Battlef-Britahi
-ww, v..w aaj v.ui, vjuuy: atmospnere: We are all in mi
There goes New Year's Eve i
li. l ' wuo Knows where
the bombs will land. But we know
Palm Springs.
are two budgets one for defense,
which is sacred, and one for the
rest of the federal government,
which is all junk. Do with the junk
what you will and dont bother
him with the details.
The sort of fairness the Reagan
tie six-legged guerrillas deployed
on Capitol Kill
Although regular spraying is
the only effective way to deal
with roaches, Budowski said, the
the Armed Services Committee.
He is already a member of the
Foreign Relations Committee and,
according to the rules, he cannot
be a member of both. But Glenn
wants an exception for him on
This means that among those
who will now join janitors and
secretaries, clerks and drivers in
precisely where the bombs wi'l administration proposes with its
"&itu,. iiiey win land on the food- uuu&tl ireeze ana pay reuutuu
stamp program, Head Start low- P1"0!5033 is precisely what Ana
income fuel aid, Aid to Families tole Francs has in mind when he
with Dependent Children rent said The law. in its majestic
- 1 Jit "w
"n&wfflbe subsidies, child-n, X"' LI emialitv. forMdk the rich ai wdl
. ' 1 1 1 1 1- w " 1 - '
nr. Prams Klnni. 1 . " i the
"g Denents and
Programs whose
"eneHu and the poor to sp under
,. ok..7.' v " Prowams whose """sea, MDejuime sirecu
are the poor or the
contract calls for spraying only in wants an exception for him on former Bechtel executive I Wa h , ' ' .
response to complam ts of mfes- the grounds that he would make of course, George Bash who du r pp
tation. Also, he said, another con- an ideal "liaison" between the two fog the campaign foreot that hil
panels on arms sales matters. father was a millionaire and dZ The t0 .
cts -4, Ur.l'.zi Fesr. ZynCc, Inc. dared himself a self-made marT osaf thou; hnoSfcl to"
tractor handles the restaurants
and cafeterias, and there's no
to steal bread." Oh, Anaiole, youVe
never been to Washington, in tne
name of fairness, the bridge pro
gram was cut
1 14, Wtshteten Fcst 'ilrs Group