Friday, December 14, 1934 Page 2 , Daily Nobraskan adio starts East Campus fire R Wire About a dozen people in Ruth Leverton Hall on East Campus were evacuated Wednesday night after an AM FM radio malfunc tioned and started a fire that caused between $10,000 and $15,000 in damages. UNL Police Lt. Joe Wehner said the fire broke out on the third floor of the building, but said no one was in the room at the time. According to a university operator, fire officials were dis patched at about 7:05 p.m. Police were unsure how many people had to leave the building. Harley Schrader, director of the UNL physical plant, said it would take "a few days" before the room could be restored. Most of the damage was to the room's wall cabinets, he said. "I think the small amount of damage speaks well for the con struction of university buildings," Schrader said. "The fire was very intense, yet the damage was min imal because of a good alarm sys tem and alert custodians. It was very indicative that university buildings are reasonably fire safe." The fire was put out in about 15 minutes. Co attaBS Gators! 'o , k b V St J .-r . In - ll UTS J I 'I'. ,,. ,l -i v - i . ri if,; . . M " ? awt, ".-- Members of the championship Mid-American Regional Flag Football Team includes: (Front row left to right) Linda Alderson, Cryftal Hicks, Amy Alderson, Judi Mumm, Bev Schott, Jayne Fleck, Darrell Parks, (Midd!e row left to right) Mary Maloney, Mary Pritchard, Nancy Gogan, (back row left to right) Cathy Seybold & Robin Scherer. Not Pictured: Chris Mangan, Tami Scholz, Theresa Safranek, Jeff DeBoer. Good luck at the Sugar Bowl Flag Football Classic The team is sponsored by D & D Distributing f M v ri ffisMm ill e 9 0 s-1 1 Hi 4 ,?A'5' l 411 if 111 Sj ntf i?s Hindis ; wis a hi 1 1 J I f f 1 1 r n rA Aor 1 flit If National and international news from the Renter News Report Artificial limit recipient lias stroke while eating LOUISVILLE, Ky. The world's second artificial heart implant patient, William Schroeder, suffered a stroke yester day but four hours later was responding to conversation, a spokesman for the Humana Heart Institute said. According to Dr. Allan Lansing, Schroeder suffered the stroke at 6 p.m. EST .as he was eating supper with his wife, Margaret. Lansing said Mrs. Schroeder noticed her husband, who received his plastic and aluminum heart at the Humana Hospi tal on November 25, had stopped feeding himself and had become limp and unresponsive, he then fell unconscious. Lansing said Schroeder had now recovered consciousness and was alert, and understood conversation, which he called an encouraing sign. The stroke affected the left side of Schroeder's brain, causing weakness on the right side of his body and he still has difficulties on that side, Lansing said. He added that Schroeder was also having difficulty speaking. Tests showed no signs of damage to the brain cortex and doctors were trying to pinpoint the cause of the stroke, Lansing said. Lansing said it was "far to early to make predictions" on the course of the patient's recovery, though he saw no reason to suspect that the recovery would differ from that of a person with a normal heart. Schroeder has been reported making an excellent recovery since undergoing surgery that replaced his diseased heart with the artifical one. Since the operation, he has gained weight, was taking exercise and yesterday talked with President Reagan on the telephone. Thousands flee from city's gas BHOPAL, India One hundred thousand people have fled the central Indian city of Bhopal where scientists plan to neutraUze a lethal gas which killed 2,500 residents, the Press Trust of India reported yesterday. Following 60,000 who escaped Wednesday night, 40,000 people jostled for places on crammed buses, trains and bullock carts to get away from the Madhya Pradesh State Capital that used to have a population of 700,000 people before the deadly gas leaked out. .. Authorities set up camps to house 125,000 more people on the outskirts of Bhopal before Sunday's reopening of the Union Carbide pesticides factory where 15 metric tons of methyl isocyanate gas are stored in an underground tank. Weinberger agrees to defense cuts WASHINGTON Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger has agreed to cuts totalling slightly less than $8 billion in military spending in the 1986 financial year beginning next October 1, administration officials said Wednesday. Weinberger, who has been resisting Pentagon budget cuts, accepted a lower budget during a meeting with President Rea gan, the officials said. Hunger strike draws more prisoners STUTTGART, West Germany Thirty-five convicted or sus pected left-wing urban guerrillas have joined a hunger strike in West German prisons in a bid to be grouped together, defense lawyers said yesterday. The fast was declared on December 4 by Christian Klar and Brigitte Mohnhaupt, alleged leaders of the Red Army Faction, at their trial on nine counts of murder in Stuttgart's maximum security Stammheim prison. U.S. may increase ..EtMopia's aid WASHINGTON The Reagan administration, criticized for a slow response to famine in Ethiopia, may mk Congress next year for sharply increased emergency relief funding and a new U.S. food aid program aimed at boosting agricultural output in Africa, U.S. government sources said yesterday. The amount of the increased emergency relief funding request has not yet been determined, but administration offi cials said existing funds have been virtually exhausted and Africa's needs are considerable. The new food aid program, called "Food for Progress," would offer selected African countries increased U.S. food aid if they adopt more market-oriented policies that encourage domestic food production . Federal Reserve may ease credit K?nNGT0N " Federal Reserve policymakers, concerned mat the current U.S. economic slowdown could deepen, may seriously consider easing monetary policy further to arrest declining economic trends. Public statement by officials of the central bank and private interviews with others suggest that some policymakers are worried enough about these trends to cau ror another move to ease credit and brinjj interest rates down even further. pJSJ? Secretary Donald Regan Wednesday accused the federal Reserve Board of being too tight-fisted with the nations money supply.