Daily Ncbrcsk&n Thursday, November 29, 1C34 SUA Peg 8 ilWM i PA M 1 : 5 V January 2-8 , Departing Lincoln early a.m. on January 2nd and Arriving'bsck in Lincoln - Price: $258 with transportation . ($20 damags deposit will be assessed) TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! INCLUDES Lodging at Ski Inn or Promentory (4-10 persons per unit) 4 out of 5 days lift Beer and Cheese party on the Mountain NASTAR Ski Race Concert 2 evening parties Discounted ski rental ' UPC and Travel Associates staff on duty OPTIONS: . $7.00day ski rentals Extra ski lift ticket is $1 5.00 Both Must Be Prepaid by December 1st You may bring your own equipment. THERE'S STILL TIME TO SKI STEAMBOAT!!! Sign up in CAP Office 200 Nebraska Union for more information call 472-2454 UPC Special Events Committee I 1 ft-Eta 5 .7 P W ft' '3 t B H . I I JJJllMM L 1 1 til HI . If you have too many bills due and not enough paid, start collecting some cash today! Become a plasma donor! SlO is paid for each donation and you can don ate twice a week (but please wait 72 hours between donations). That's up to $100 a month! We want to give you "bills" so you can pay yours! J I 1 r i a ii a -j 3 H M confirm u YTMTmrrf&p 1 w 1 tl i 1 1442 O Street 475-8645 i 4 . 0 Uon., Turn., Thurs., Fri 8:00 sm to 6:30 pm Wed,, Sst. 8:C0 sm to 6:00 FEDERALL Y INSPECTED ........ - --- ' ' - . .... . i Dsn CyfmiUsy tasussiusii , Cirient Editor cf "Tta Lstcs," Doc Drcctcr, dta witJi 'Laurus' needs student input The Lauras," the undergradu ate litcrny msssine, not enly to run by students but sho requires student input Senior Doug Bruster is editor of this year's Lauras, which he said ht3 hsd'a number of name chsngca since its conception. Ths pre1ous name had been "The Msgaiine," but for the last four or five yesrs the name h3 bcn The Lauras. In the past the magazine has been released once a year, but if there is enough demand, Bruster said, they will publish another issue in the late spring. The selection of works for the magazine line drawings, pho v wild -r;if f ' V'M itJ LIVE MUSIC tographs, poctrv and pros to dons by the lb stidt members. Th3 authors remain anonymous during the selection process. Bruster said he expects The Lauras to fcss pz in length. Erustsr said he expects a good marine and said that their faculty adviser Jim Roberts has helped the staff. Submissions to. the Laurus should be sent to Andrews Hall 227, by mid-January. A stamped, self-addressed envelope should be sent with submissions to insure return of materials. Bruster said he encourages students to sub mit their works. If - ! I ! 1 1 9 I 1 d I X. ?M 1 i. no cover charge. Bill's Saloon, 1C20 P Si. Tucker Inn, 2235 S. 12th St. Progress One, souljazz, tonight, Free Ride, country rpcfc, Friday:, no cover; Rattlers, rock V roll, and Saturday, $2 cover charge. Friday and Saturday, no cover z lg3 N uth cnarge' , Caribe, reggaeska, Thursday Clisstsrlleld, Bottomiley end through Saturday, $3 cover charge. Potts, 245 N.lSftht. The New r,n,r,r High Flyers, rock 'n' roll, Friday . and Saturday, no cover charne. Cinena 1 & 2 Oh God You Devil," i:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20 and Drumstick, U7 N. 4Etb L 0:20 p.m.; "Impulse," 1:40, 3:40, The Wingtips, ska, Friday and 5;40, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. Saturday, $2 cover charge. cooper - -Amadeus," 6:10 Green Fro?, 101 P St The and 8:20 p.m. Alpha Street Band, rock 'n' roll, Friday and Saturday, no cover Plssa 4 "Just the Way You charge. Are," U:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15 and ir-n rr f p nm P--I "Buckaroo Banzai," 1, B?tf?ctfL ? 3:16, 5:30, 7:45 and 10p.m,;-Mi3-and the Country Boys, country, sing Ln Act'ion - .1:30 4:30 6:30 Friday and Saturday, no cover 7:30 and 00 p.ro.; "Terminator," cnarge' ' 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30 ajd 0:45 Boy&l Grove, 340 W. Cora- p.m. totsrlllwgy - Verandas, pop D .F;rcthorr, i .25 cover charre -'3:25, 5:25, 7:25 and 0:25 p.m.; .cover triage. -No .3:20 ''tit Bistro, 35 N. 11th 5:20 7:20 and Q:20-D.m "Christ- 8 t. Dennb Taylor, jazz, Friday, mo story," 1 :S0, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 p.in. - !di dr I ! Ill IfJfijC 'ink n ir:vefi - I t i u;ii(M:k I ; i H : i n 1 1 1 : 1 l ru, : f r East Frk 3 "Christmas Story," 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20 and 8:20 p.ra.; Thar Lip," 1:20, 3:20, 5:30 .and 7Q p m.; "Places in the Heart, 0:30 p.m. CSsta Suprg!rl,"n:15, '3:20, 5:25,7:30,0:35 p.m. Ctc7t Country," 1 :30, 3:30, 5:80 7:30 and 0:45 p.m. denats3 Ssliwfiqr cadi Bm&ssy tines c j