Tuesday, November 27, 1834 Pago 12 Daily Nebraskan Q"f o da Viai Itarf' few' Jm m a Jaet ViL mjnt Jj Li tLJ CLAtSIFtrO AOVFRTISiNG CALL 472-iSi $2 50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten word Included. $2.00 minimum charge por day on individual ttudont and student organization ads, $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial adt. All personal Sot must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND tdt may be submitted tree of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through The Daily Nobraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted adt from businesses that are not equal opportunity employers. CLOVE CI3ARETTES from India Cliff's Smoke Shop 1200"O ' Street L : ? I i mro K-ceuNTny ts:i meti tti.n. kew PACKAGES START AT fSUS. t&KSAU l C O. Ht-watt, quality speakers for sale, Keep calling. 475-230. MOVING SALE - MUST SELL Double bed $tS, lovsaat (120, droeser wmlrror $70, lamp 30, dresier$20, coffee table $15, rocker recllner $ 30, email bookcase $20, lamp $15, small table $20. Call 474-7643 aftsr p.m. 30"x48" desk. Excellent condition. $150 or best offer. 483-5000. Leave message. TT - 3 TAKE A GOAL-LINE STAND CORNHUSKER CORNER FOR A P?C BLITZ Buy 1 item for regular price Buy 2nd item (same price or less) 50 OFF West of Stad iu m on 1 0th MON-FRI: 9 am-9 pm SAT.-SUN. 9 am-5:30 pm CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALES2&. ACROSS 1 Hit musical 5 City in NW France ID A tide 14 Region 15 Fishing equipment 18 Active volcano in Sicily 17 People with the same tastes 23 Juan Kill 21 Hebrew dry measure 22 Stage 23Thetentmaker 24 Feels contrition 23 Contests a case 23 One in ambush S3 Garlands SI Bennett's Lessways" 32 Utah Be'ach vehicle S3 Cal Ripken is one 33 The whole hog 43 Certain dams 41 N.A. mammal, for short 42 Goes round and round 43 What perfumeries make 45 According to fashion 48 Speaker's platform 43 Debussy work 53 Clenched hand 1 Pasture sound 54 Fliers about 50 inches long S3 Assert strongly 3 What social climbers hate to loss 3 Above CI Rabbit 62 Shift or sheath C3 Folds DOWN 1 Taxis 2 Melody for Milnes 3 Sea swallow 4 Sorrowful 5 Pleasant odors 6 Submit for confirmation 7 Rise-en Kind legs 8 Landon 9 Compass dir. 19 Lower 11 Patriot Allen 12 " of robins . . ." 13 Skins an apple 18 "are bora great...": Shak. 13 Come into view 23 Eject 24 Angers 25 Tropical food staple 23 Longa, city of ancient Latium 27 Authentic 23 Four fluid ounces 23 Charters 31 Lena from Brooklyn 32 Grebe's cousin 33 Coagulate 34 Decimal system bases 23 Meaning 37 Yum.Yuns,Jor one 3 Cold desserts 42 Defeats utterly 43 Window frames 44 Quote 45 Seaweeds 43 Newly hatched insect 47 Middle East chieftain 43 Subjects of - many best sellers 3 Liquefy 51 Cornea irritant 2 Soon 53Vipsrs 53 A-Eccasnsctloa 1 Tutelary deity 57 Knock 29 If 4 30 35 45 it 19 ia i 14 1 44 4i S4 43 47 11 12 13 " mcmm 8 41 .J 44 i ! .4 lJ Rooms available now and for second imtf Cornhusker Co-op, 705 N. 23rd. Phone 474-9772 (0773). AiK for a house officer. CHOICE LOCATIONS We have ut the right aparlmonl for you. One bedroom from 1225. Two bedroom from $275. Call us for more Information. Austin RealtyERA 4C9CC9 EAST CAMPUS LOCATION Three plus one bedroom, fireplace Available now. Call Austin ReltyERA 4bM3Q& or John 477 B067 evenings. Winter storage for Motorcycles. 10. monthly, 435-734. ' rm.m clccxi rwj emm Three bedroom house, attached pver;. laundry, Just remodrid 5U0 per month. Avibse December 1st. 435-0132. , , RAINTRCf APARTMENTS Central Location 1 bedroom apts. avail. Oeo. 1 Call Wrenda between 3-6 p.m. at 474-4781. K5 23rd T" 2 bedroom $335 $330 $200 Oepotit Available December 1st 423-3314 - 458-4583 If you're looking for part-time help, lock at the JO 4 tOA.VJ 0ssSie 112 Ad.iiltivtrctton Bu'l.'inj A variety of jot. are listed evvry try. The servlcs Is free, and can hep save you time and money. PT Chrf"fmna he'o needed. Contscl Kim. J. f-Ucgingi, 487-4&S0 r The Dally Nabratkan needa editorial columnlsto, senior reportore and editors of ail sorts. Apply at 34 taioraika Union or call 472-17:8. Sttx?nt Help Wanted. Part-time plnchaser Cashier. Apply Union NecRoom City Campus. 4 Oodfalher's Piffa now hiring for Part-lime day kitchen help. Must be avail. MWF or Tues. Thurs. from 10 a m. 2 p.m. Apply In person. Downtown, 12th A "Q". YMCA needi Basketball offlclsts on Sunday after noons for adult league. Call 475-6322 ext. 43, AMIQO'S 14th & "QM If you are a quality conscience, customnr-oriented person, Amino s has an excellent part-time lob for you. Apply NiW at Amlgos, 1th 4 "Q", 8-6 p.m. Monday tbrough Saturday. Jon's Motes hiring for Spring Sarrester. Earn $14 $20 per lecture. Apply for a variety of classes at Lancaster Printing. 1200 O Street. DATA PROCESSING CUSTOME R SERVICES PART-TIME Serve on HELP desk for local government data center. Interface with user personnul end data processing st elf. Requires kriowiedge of concepts of data pro cessing environment and ability to communicate with DP and non-DP personnel. Requires familiarity with IBM MVS or DOS terminology and DEC familiarity helpful. Previous experience In data processing operations andor programming required. Hours of work: 7:30 a m. to 1 1 :33 a.m., Monday thru Friday. Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire. Closing dale: Friday, November 30, 11-34. Apply at: CityCounty Employment Office 53$ South 10th Street, Room B113 Lincoln, Nebraska 8iS8 Wanted: Two Wynton Marealls ticket. 477-591C, Jann. i i i i v i i INTCSNATIONAL 4-H YOUTH CXCHANQI SCMOLAKSPS are available for single young adults 19-28 years of age. Stay 4 to 8 months living and working with hest families in one of 38 countries. You may leave April, June or September. Scholarship covers transportation, orientation, and much more. Application due Dec. 1 Call 472-2338 for more Information. GayLesbian Students Steak Dinner Thursday, Dacember 6th Call 474-2213 or 476-3400 after 6:00 p.m. for information. PICTURiMAN PHOTOS from the CAMPUS PRIDE DANCE (Friday, Nov. 0) era on display at the RHA Office (107 Neihardt) Monday-Thursday 2:30-4:30 p.m. CuZZR XOUfH TGSAY All University Fooz Ball doubles Tournament Nbr. Union Rec Room. Nov. 27, 29. Dec. 3 All University Intramural points avail. Information vail, at Rec. Rm, or Campus Rec. Onsight Registration avail. Winners advance to 4 state tournament In February. Campus Red Cvoea M sating in the Union on Tueaday at 6:30. Officer lections don't forget. New Members Welcome. Do your Christmas shopping in a relexed setting with some unique gifts at reasonable prices. UPC ARTS & CRAFTS fair Nov. 28 & 29, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Eait Campus Union. Great Plains Room. Find out in May or July 1885 if you have been awarded a 2 or 3 year scholarship. Students, agas 1 7-23 with GPA above 2.3 can apply AT NO OBLIGA TION Go to Rm. 110 M&tt eidg. or call 471-6562. d plui e if I Aaj b j if"l jjoli In ME L E5 C RJU X'i O R D O 3131 1 iiir 1 tjo qihIt on 'cby tPjlC eTiJ fill d " 1 3MPiij triC 3s k ' llll VBj "rTEJe is i WoTo j"sifiir. iriTStf fiEBRASKA AUCTION SCHOOL Learn Auctioneering at Nebraska Auction School. Cit ites held on UNL campus at Nebraska Csnter Call or write for free catalog Mailing sddreis 2707 Scott, Btalrlce, Nebrmka 6iJ310, phone 228-3000. Classss start Jan. 7, 1SS3. COLLEGI REPUBLICANS Officers, Corrtmiite Chairmen, and Political Activity Mambers: Important organliallonal meeting. At Cliff I 11th a"O"6 30p.m. iotess8Te! m tr.!:::a A,rrf There are still few apot open on tne feki Club trlpf Fcr information, tome to the mating Thursff ny at 7.33 In the Union, or drop by the $k Club boon 1 hursdsy. It II be great time Don't miss III FRANCHISE CLU9 MSSETINCl Thursday at e C! CSA Lounge Speaker: Randall &irun Prsatdant of The Phona Source New Members Wa'come LAST CHANCE TO DANCEI After Dinner Overtures Thursday. Nov. 2 1 00 p.m. Nebraska Union Centennial Room K0LI3AV and ten AOAIX9T ONLV$1 Presented by UPC Concerts $ Coffeehouses ATTENTION BUSINES3 STUDENTS Applications (or Probe Magaiine Stall are now available in CBA 240. Positions available: Aoot! Editor, Advetiiing Editor, Copy Editors. Photogra pher, Writers. Applications due December 5. JOURNAL ISM STUDENTS Writers needed for Probe Mtpaiine Staff The CBA bi-annua! publications. Applications are available In CBA 20. ATO LITTLE GI3TER3 Remember to preference your little brothers today. Deadlino Is Wed Night. Gymnees Important Meeting TONIGHT 6 00 Mable Lea. Be therel It happened In Lincoln 29 year o BADLANDS see It tor yourself Nov. 29 & 30 it ir DTD LITTLE C-lSTE'l Remember tomorrow it's dinner out at ChetterfleW'sl Be at the house a! 5: 1 5. Questions call Jay 4 74-9235. BADLANDS NOV.29SS07S9P.M. ROSTRUM REGISTER ANYTIME for UNL Independent study courses. Contact the independent study office 472-1928. Alpha Zeta Regular Meeting Wednesday Nov. iflth 7:00 p.m. EAST UNION - Room to be posted DOMT ti LEFT OUT! Applications for Walpurgisnacht Entertainment are due today. Available In the CAP Office. CLOVE CIGARETTES Cliff's Smoi.e Shop 1200 "O" Street Corn Cofee Meeting today at 5:00 p.m. at Valentino's on Hotdrege. Bring $2. See you thsre. Walpurgisnacht ia Jan. 25th. It is a great time be a part of itl Volunteer ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION Fun at Cliff's Lounge Thursday Nov. 2Xh 3:30 Congratulations to the 1934-85 Officers of Tau Kappa Epsilon President John Vonnes Internal Vice President David Dillow External Vice President John Bement Secretary David Purczinsky Treasurer Jamie Johnson v Historian Brad Tsrp , Chaplain Carl Charron House Manager Steve Hunt Pledge Trainer Marty Daetwyler Kitehen Manager Doug Rathman IFC Rep. Shayne 2:utavern Social Chairman David Perkins John Jorgensen Sigma Nu Little Sisters: Donl forget about the Booze Auction and meeting Thursday night. See ya at 8:301 UNL Zki Cluu Aipn s getting closer ail he time! Hope you're getting fired up! $100 payments are due. Bring your payment to the meeting in the Union Thursday at 7:30 or drop by the booth Thursday. SLAVE RAFFLE Buy your chances to win a Ciil Phi pledge to be your slave for 4 hours on Dec. 1st. 16 winners. Tickets on sale for SO or 5$2 at the Union or Chi Phi House. TALKS A TOPICS Important meeting TCDAYI Will be selecting spring speakers. 3:30 City Union. New members, as always, welcome. fi ffwon SI V I- J "i : V ! J Si V" IS I " 4 factory tm'.-nnA foreijyi cai Bc4alis4 27th tt T Liacoln Nebsaefca 1 0-1)7.2 L ! Lew student seeking female roommsie. Two bed room apartment. D'Shwashar Microv. Walking distance of City Campus. Resonable 474-4010. 1 non-smcklna female to share cut2-bdrm house Yard, bsmt. $103 00 piua 12 utilities. Call 429-7648 Best time 9.C0 a.m. or 10 10 p.m. Female roominte wanted $140. plus 12 utll, Cable Inciuf-d. 4S4-J41J, Housemate for roomy F-2 locstlon. 12.50 plus 1J utilities. Near East campus. 44-4311, Non-imoklno FemaJa: New Aptrtmtnt acroxs twm Eai'.t Camput. $133 per fMoniih.4 utilities. 4&4-4M4, Susan or Ann. ReioonslbU, Non-er;tclng Male Roommate r1i for hire 9 LA furnishes apt close to campgs, U'S.OO plus 12 electricity 477-7121 To the woman In red outslda the Cornhusker Co-bp on Sunday Th,nk you gorgeous. Would likt to meet you reply If inleid. Guy in Plaid Suit Hp'y El'lh'day Terrt Lou From 412, 425, 419 and Frank Dear Red, Yoj'ra ell wlitnert. Love You AXiD's, Lambda Chi A Ott.a-s. Thanks for helping us Cilcbrsta our pinning (last Monday). You r the bert. Beth and Jay Fozzy, I LOVE YOU! And Boo Boo tool! Happy 20th! XOXO C.K. (Trl-DHa). Did you ever think you would ba living with 70 guys? We think w have the foxiest mom on campus) The DU't Robin (S.A.), This is a personal your first one no doubt! This may top the black and white picture. It was great seeing you. Ee good for 3 weeks, O.K.? Me P.S. Shelly, keep an eye on hert ALPHA XI'S Give Jo, your hasher, a big kiss today, it's hit 2 birthday todayl Told you I'd get you! Shamoo, ix it have a whala of a day. Love your favorite whale buddies. Ore & Moby P.S. Can't wait till Friday. Singla & Pmgnent? Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential Information call Nebreska Children's Home 4t3-7679. FREE PREGNANCY TESTIN3 ' WOfID GRAPHIC When You Cant Wait For A Week Cal! 476-WORD Termpeper. Resumes, These, etc. Suite 33 1053 "Q" IN THE GOLD'S GALLERIA WORD PROCESSING SERVICE TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 TYP!NJ Term Papers, Resumes, Theses, etc. "MY OFFiCE" 304 South 13th St 474-6345 Across from the Cornhusker Hotel TYPHI G Proof Copy, Final Copy, spelling check, Storage of project, ail included. Mors than juat typing. COMPUTER TYPE Phcm 47S-TYPE 1630 Qm Street TIRED OF TYPING? Specialized Data Services 1701 South 17th Suite 1-H. $1.50 per page Includes proofread. $1.00 per Page ycj sroofread. Boih includ Speil Check, hone: 47S-S22S. TYPING SERVICE Close to both campuses, $1 .OOPege Includss grammaticalspelling corrections. Ceil 4C4-331Q L.D.' TYPING SERVICE Term papers, these, diseertationt it; Seictric 423-7168 I I it i i ! In j t i j j KEYS DUPLICATED" Sure-Locked Homes 713 Vine 474-OJ85 Full Service Locksmith CHERRY CHEWING TOBACCO Cliff' Smoke Shop 1200 "O" Street The li Tr mm tee ai ft Arts Crs"; Fair (East Union) Wednesday & Thurtday Ese the g-old art of making lace by hand. Tfttfed girt itms, jewelry, frames! pifcm, ornament, nott cards, piperweishti. b in? t.nis ad for 10 off any tatted Christmas ornament or pierced earrings.