The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1984, Page Page 11, Image 11

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    Thursday, November 15, 1934
Daily Nebraskan
Pago 11
Duran Duran latest release lacks
quality lyrics, excitement and power
about what is wrong. The band than the studio version,
members apparently have letfame The only song worth listening
get the best of them and now are to i3 "The Seventh Stranger," a
producing commercialized pop. live version of the song that wasnt
For example, The Wild boys," gnbhed in time to be on the
It's the only studio cut on the SandttRmedTerbnm.
album. Le Bon sounds as if he's Pr.etty? nd at1Tm?slbdofngl3r2
being tortured while singing the ? al,bum- Unfortuantely, it
confusing lyrics, which you need doesn t salvage this album,
an interpreter to understand: -You The ,bcst thlfn.f about thJf LP ?
get sirens for a welcome there's its packaging. Uke Duran Duran s
bloodstainforyourpainandyour thfr albums, the cover is nicely
telephone been ringing while designed with a matching inner
you're dancing in the rain." sleeve. Area 's packs-pig includes
a sharp-looking, eight-page color
In fact, "Save A Prayer" and booklet with pictures of each mem
"New Religion" are the best at- ber looking like a model out of
tempts Duran Duran ha3 on this GQ. Whatever happened to high-
... t
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Review by Stcp!2ii-s Zink
Duran Duran wants to get as album. Even so, the weak per- quality music? It's not here.
much as it can from their 1033- formance put a toll on even the
84 concert tour, so tne group most popular Duran classics,
released Arena (Capit ol). Rumor "Hungry Like A Wolf is bland,
has it that they are releasing a having lost the excitement it once
studio album in May. We can only had. What it needed was power;
hope that it's just a rumor after what it got was lukewarm atten-
listening to thi3 record. tion. It hurts to hear Le Bon
Simon Le Bon, lead singer of butcher "Planet Earth" and "Care-
this motley crew, is undergoing a
voice change at the tender age of
26. At least that's the best guess
less Memories." Even "Union of
Even John Taylor, Andy Taylor,
Nick Rhodes and Roger Taylor's
talents don't salvage this mess. Le
Bon's voice shrieks over the instru
ments and drowns them out.
No one should expect studio
material on a live album, but
there should be power behind the
performance almost like you
the Snake" is unbelievably worse are there. Arena makes you glad
and sounds even more obnoxious you weren't.
Chaka Khan's 'Feel for You'
touches music fans, pop charts
Photo couroty of Wirnsr tsroa.
Review by Scott E&rrah
Dsily Nebraskan Staff Reporter
This has been the year for soul
artists to cross over onto the pop
charts. Chaka Khan is one of the
mainstream rockers who once
dominated only the black music
market. She's come a long way
since her days with Rufus and
such hits as Tell Me Something
Good," "I'm Every Woman," and
last year's Grammy-winning "Ain't
Nobody." Chaka recently told "US"
magazine that her record com
pany, Warner Brothers, coerced
her into making her latest LP, I
Feel For You, commercial.
"I hate the stupid electronics,"
she said, "and I hate stupid love
Contrary to what Chaka says,
her new opus is a funky display of
virtuosity that has to be one of
the best albums of 1084.
"This is My Night" starts side
one out with a forceful bang with
its boisterous beat, snappy synthe
sizers and alluring alacrity. Burt
Bacharach's "Stronger Than Be
fore" follows, and Chaka sings it
without a hint of schmaltz. The
rapturous remake of Gary Wright's
"Our Love is Alive" has much
more spirit than the original
version. "Eye to Eye," Michael
'Maniac' Sembello's melodic ditty,
is also fresh proving that Khan
can re-hash with class.
The tempestuous title track, "I
Feel For You," which opens side
two, has already soared to number
one in England and is working its
way to the same spot in the
States. Prince s lyrics, some rau
cous rap sequences, a drive beat
and Khan's vehement vocals make
it one of the most delectable dance
numbers of this decade. "Hold
Her" comes next keeping up
the raw pace that flags with grace
on the soothingly mellow "Through
The Fire." Chaka's own lyrics and
a whimsical intro make the last
cut, "Chinatown," close the album
with pizazz.
Every song on this LP has higj
hit potential, which is why music
fans are going to really feel for J
Feel For You.
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