The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1984, Image 1

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Thursday, November 15, 1934
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vol. L84No. ,60
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Veathcn Mostly cloudy, windy and cooler today
with a high of 47 (8C). Thursday night, clearing
and much colder with a low of 22 (-6C). Friday,
mostly sunny and warmer with a high in the upper
40s to the lower 50s ( 1 0C).
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Dnsce Spriasstesn fazsa Ealuta "Hie Doss" in preparation for his concert at the Bob Devaaey Sports Center Soi&dsy.
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iiciais critic
By Bntd GifTard
Although a commission study
ing ways to improve higher edu
cation hi Nebraska h&3 made no
formal recommendations to Gov.
Bob Kerrey, the college and uni
versity community is reacting un
favorably to three proposals under
The Citizens Commission for
the Study of Higher Education, a
66-raember group created by
Kerrey, has just begun to con
sider information it has gathered
since July. Assistant Director
Andrew Cunningham said Tues
day the commission will enter
virtual seclusion for the policy
making process. The group will
reveal no decisions until Kerrey
receives the full report Dec. 18.
But indications that the commis
sion may adopt proposals to
tighten UNL's admissions stand
ards, delete its remedial or
"catch-up" courses and merge it
with Nebraska's state colleges have
drawn fire from college and uni
versity officials.
Admissions Standards:
ize tight admissions proposal
ito for IdsiieF education
"Admissions standards are not
so much to deny anyone admis
to the university, but to bet
ter prepare students to experience
academic success," said Al Papik,
director of admissions.
Commission member Paula
Wells of Oir.aha earlier this week
said the group probably would
recommend tougher entrance
standards, possibly tests, to make
access to UNL and UNO more
restrictive. UNL and UNO cur
rently offer open admission to
any graduate of an accredited
Nebraska high schooL In 1988,
however, students will have to
meet one of four specific require
ments to enter.
Those guidelines are:
four years of language arts;
two years each of math (exclud
ing general math) science and
social studies.
OR an ACT test score of 18,
SAT score of 850.
OR upper-half class standing
after junior year.
OR three years of language
arts and one year math (condi
tional admittance). Students
entering the university under this
provision must upgrade their
academic base to meet the first
requirement level in their fresh
man year to continue.
A UNL task force developed
the new standards in 1982 after a
year-long study.
Td like to give this plan a
chance before we start looking at
a different one," Papik said.
Minority group leaders have
said stricter standards discrimi
nate against minorities.
Deb Chapelle, director of the
Nebraska State Student Associa
tion, said tougher standards also
would discriminate against stu
dents from small, rural high
schools, which don't have exten
sive college preparatory programs.
She advocates improvements on
the elementary, junior and senior
high school levels rather than
stricter entrance requirements.
Remedial Courses:
Wells said the commission also
is likely to suggest that the uni
versity stop offering remedial or
"catch-up" courses.
These courses currently are
offered through the Division of
Continuing Studies, Papik said,
and are vital to the 1986 admis
sion plan, which would allow stu
dents with deficiencies to upgrade
their basics during the freshman
The university can help stu
dents from high schools which
can t provide a variety of courses
by offering classes that "start at
the beginning," Papik said.
"I don't call those persons defi
cient students," Papik said.
NU Regent Robert Koefoot said
he favors a merger of the NU sys
tem with the state colleges at a
hearing Tuesday in Lincoln. He
favors the single, multicampus
institution because Nebraska has
only about 40,000 students in
four-year institutions; state and
university resources need to be
used more efficiently, and dupli
cation of graduate and upper
level courses should be avoided.
The bottom line, he said, is that a
merger would save money.
William Fuller, director of the
Nebraska Coordinating Commis
sion for Postsecondary Education,
said quality might be exchanged
for the savings.
"It depends on the goals the
commission has for education,"
Fuller said. Tm not sure that a
change of governance would
reduce costs or improve quality."
Carrol T-.ompson, chairwoman
of the State College Board of
Trustees, said at the hearing that
space between the state's four
year institutions must be main
tained. "Centralization stifles early
response to need," Thompson said.
"Early response to need is impor
tant in a state as vast as Nebraska."
Koefoot said the commission
must "have teeth" if it is going to
be effective. Neither the governor
nor the Legislature is bound to
the group's recommendations, and
Koefoot said that past educational
commissions have had little im
pact on policy.
Fuller said the commission's
opinion "will be respected and
will be listened t o" because of the
national trend toward educational
reform and Kerrey's responses to
his other task forces.
"I've always honored the com
mitment of time and the recom
mendations these people make,"
Kerrey said.
Save a life today adopt a smoker
Smokeoiit helps would
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By Gene G entrap -
Today i3 the Great American Smokeout
The goal of this year's Great American
Smokeout is to get at least one in every
five smokers to give up cigarettes today
from midnight to midnight
The Great
Barb Schumacher, chairwoman for this
year's Lancaster County smokeout, said
smokers will be adopted by non-smokers
for one day and monitored to see if they
can restrain from "lighting-up."
According to the American Cancer
Society, last year nearly 36 percent of all
American smokers attempted to give up
cigirettes on Smokeout Day and 8 per
cent succeeded for the full 24 hours. One
to 11 days later, more than 4 percent
were reported still not smoking.
For the fourth consecutive year, Larry
Ilsgman will be National Chairman for
the 1934 Smokeout. During the day a
national hotline will be available for
would-be quitters by dialing 900-210-KWIT.
A caller can receive friendly advice
and encouragement based on personal
TV newsman Mel Mains, celebrity spokes--"
person for Lancaster County, wEl join
Schumacher and appear on the KOLN
Morning Show with host Leta Powell
Drake. The three will discuss details of
the Smokeout while Drake and Mains
plan to "adopt" each other for the day
and quit smoking for at least 24 houra
Schumacher said another goal is to
create a public awareness of how smok
ing effects a person's health. She said
packets about quitting smoking have been
sent to schools and businesses. A "Grimm
Reaper," whom Schumacher described as -"the
symbol of death," will be handing out
"quit -smoking" paraphernalia on the
Nebraska Wesieyan Campus.
Information booths on how to quit
smoking will be set up in the Nebraska
Union, Centrum and Gateway Shopping
This is the eighth year for the nation
wide smokeout. The idea originated from
Lynn R. Smith, editor of the Monticello,
Minn., Times in 1974. His idea of smokers
giving up cigarettes, called "D-day," quickly
spread through Minnesota and by 1976
went west to California where it became
known as the Great American Smokeout.
In 1977, the Smokeout was observed for
the first time nationwide.
Society clinic to. help
make a
fresh start
Smokers will have the chance to help
themselves and others break the habit at
a stop-smoking clinic hosted by the Ameri-
The "Freshstart" clinic will consist of
four one-hour sessions scheduled to begin
at 7 p.m. Nov. 27, Nov. 29, Dec. 3 and Dec.
5. The meetings will be at the Lincoln
Center Building, Room 327, 15th and N
The clinic will be given by Marty Mase
man, a registered nurse, a member of the
American Cancer Society and a former
smoker. Maseman said she will stress
group support and sharing of thoughts
and experiences.
Anyone interested in attending the
sessions should call the American Cancer
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charged to cover the cost of renting the
Maseman said smokers have to really
want to quit smoking before they can put
out their last cigarette. At the clinic, she
said, the group members will discuss why
they want to quit and help others stick to
their decision to stop.
Tips for quitting smoking, provided by
the American Cancer Society, are on Page