The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1984, Page Page 11, Image 11
Friday, November 2, 1934 Daily Nebraskan PagaH 472 ClASSIHID ADVERTISING CALL 472-2583 $2 50 minimum chargs per day on commercial ada. Tan worde Included. $2 00 minimum chara per day on Individual student and student organliatlon ada. $75 billing charga on noncommercial ada. All personal ada mual be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ada may be aubmltted free of charge. TAMALE3 Authentic Recipe HechoeEn Ceaa CaH In your order today. 475-3529 477-3023 79 Chevette. 4 door, 74,000 mHea, 423-517 or 1-346-2420 (Omaha). Skiing In Stylel Sunglaeaee. Looking cool with hot ehadea from Buccl. For the peraon on the go. Skiing, Windsurfing, Biking, Driving. Full protection from the aun, filtera 100 ultra-violet 95 inlarared. Quality optical lenses from France. Several faef.ionable atylea at an affordable price. For brochure aend $2.00 and a SASE to: Mountain Optica. P.O. Box 660944, Steam boat Plaza. Colo. 80466. Three Springsteen tlcketa. FRONT ROW, CENTER STAOI 1 or all ticketa. Beat Offer. 476-2913. Bruce Springateen ticketa on the floor. 4744552. Looking for old booka or magazine? Then the place to go la Holiday Inn Northeaat, Sat e Sun. Nov. 3 & 4, 9-5 Wed.. Thura., 6 Frl. For Sale: 2 Ticketa to Bruce Springateen Concert. Best Offer. 423-5828. Lotua Claasique 12-apeed, 20" Like new, Extraa, cheap 475-1 102. 2 eaoeftorit tprlngsleea ftefests will take beat offer. Call Jerry 472-9300. it USED TIRE SALE Used tirea at uaed tire pricea 13-15 Inch. Some real dandissl See at "Que Place Standard" at 17th & O or call 475-6619. King size waterbed. Pioneer RT707. Reel to reel tape deck. EV Horn loaded concert speakers, albums and caasettea. 488-8186. Keep trying and make offer. Springsteen trade 2 good KC ticketa for 2 good Lincoln tickets. (913) 842-0024 no collect calls. COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard. Yale. Prince ton, Dartmouth, Boston College. USC, UCLA, Stan ford. Notre Dame, othera. $15 each postpaid. 10 day delivery guaranteed. Box 317, Brocfchaven, MS38S01. COOe, VISAMC call 1-601-835-1Ce5. S.M.L.XL. 2 Bruce Springsteen tickets 1st balcony, front row, Sal B. Call Julie 472-9084. Springsteen tickets for sale. Excellent aeata. 472- 0626. lolrlAja' islLlulRlsf an s u Rj7 j Ji.Jp Tin u p Jp e a s CI r e t gTh Tfo n hb ram s S C TH H RtT rooper ipntTQ me- ABETrlHiS ALA i Or.jA lE k 9 -1 M Jb. 3. th pin TJw a y m e 3 I E Hl H E RID IE TlA T E AiwjNMttTp It dahse1i If" j R'.Rfg Mp"" ' serTr" a tTe!" 1l TtowliTsTs CLAIR E cTmTe NJN AUIT A S ijSiE R EjC T EAi. 1884 Mercury Lynx - Lew mileage, make Offer. Contact Linda at Burlington Employees Credit Union. 484-0287 - 6:30 A.M. -115 P.M. ROOMS AVAILABLE Cornhusker Co-op 705 N. 23rd Call 474-9772 and talk to a house officer. .o55"?S',7.J,f00m CoMo ,n Dllllon. Colo. 483 5297, 423-1966. ExtrasI Basketball officials for YMCA youth league, grades . Saturdays beginning Deo. 1. Call Youth Sporta, 475-9622. Excellent opportunity for university student to teem management, sales, service and collections. This lob Involves working with young people, parents and cus tomers aa city carrier route supervisor. Must nave good communication skills and be available by 2:30 p.m. dally 9: 00 a.m. Sat. and some Sun. mornings. Requires approximately 35 hours week and your own vehicle with mileage expenses paid. Please call the Journal-Star Printing Co. for an interview appointment. CHI CHI's Now hiring for all positions. Apply In peraon 201 N. 66th IMMEDIATE OPENING Make phone contacts for sales people from 5:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. $4 an hour plua bonuses, 84th A "O" vaclnity. Call 467-4330. Please leave name and number on recorder. Part-time telephone and monitoring Weekenda and on call. Telephone experience required. Computer experience helpful. Call M-F 9-3. 476-4322. Service Station Assistant: $3.35 per hour 8 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. Mon.-Frl. 4S7-1082. Mothera helper needed In New York. Prevloua exp. preferred. Call aft. 3 p. m. 475-6671 . Sam's needs a cook for pt nights and weekenda. Flexible houra. No experience necessary. Apply In person, Sam's 48th A Garland. Part-time bartending and cocktail waitresses posi tions available. Experience preferred. Call the Knoll's Restaurant at 423-2843 for appointment. PT sales clerk Gateway store. Early afternoon, MWF, some weekend hours. Apply Frl. Nov. 2, 1-3 p.m. 1 1 1 2 "O" St. Stephenson School Supply. New Restaurant All types of help needed. Call Randy 421-3330. Help Wanted at Taco Inn. 13th and "R" St. Day and evening shifts available. Some weekenda. Apply In peraon between 2-5 p.m., M-F. id rM4"R"tT. 4?" t f "lilM TODAY: 1:45-4:1 5-7:C3-S: BILL MURRAY "THE RAZOR'S EDGE" WEEK f I TODAY 1:40 3:40 5:40 7:40 9:40 3 aft H E f fFo"l3l 7 N 8 H il l S i, VEATS 12.00 til MM. fTVTTXS 476-1553 2JLm-1m-m1415 "O" ST.I TCCAY: 1OT-3:30"5:3N7:3SJ-9:3i f .iHiil jm i w jlGI H if H M H M H if M If H H H H H. r "P" St. 77-12S4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT 12:00 MIDNIGHT SEPARArt ADMISSIONS 3 75 EACH I D REQ 0 FOR (R) FILMS -NO PASSES- PI A Fifsftfrnnir rid rr-j r I ii v'WY W Tx fiiYH'i r;Y H Hrl wmv 0 S 3 1 1 M.'-fnf wr IE . Ct Wfc Refcl Rocker - Lover THE CROISERSw w si!!: : V i i t -" ' sa- Okie Husker fan deslree 2 or 4 tickets to NU-OU game. Reasonable please. Call collect 405-348-9131. 4 male ticketa to Oklahoma game. Preferably to gether. Call 477-7820. Need 2 O A. ticketa for Oklahoma game. Call 435- 6823. Need 5 M and 3 F OK game. 433-3435. Wanted: Female roommate. (123.75 plus 14 utilities. 488-8835. Grad atudent needs responsible housemate. Roomy NE. 1182.50 plus 12 utilities. 484-4511. JOSEPH & AJC3 THC.XA8 E. (SAf t The women ot the Mole Hole cordially Invtte you for an evening of the finest wines and exquisite cuisine An evening you'll want to forged f.!ATT S. NO HOTS-Donlworryl Just FRIENOSI Chlo, Ya didn't think I'd let thla one alip by without a reply, did you? Besides, M lets me got by without s present. Happy Birthday, you old ladyil A cane would neve been appropriate, but aome things are lust more Importantl Right?! Love yal Kid Allen S. (DU) Your trick waa cute (the hula!), And your treats were grestl Wss the five pound bag of candy, A hint for me to gain weight? Thanks ao much for thinking of me on Halloween. Love, Mjnon Blffer, Doder, Scooter, Cut, Stoner, and CapL Cardi gan: Football by moonlight! W loved the cheap shots! You guys are Squids! Love ya, Spunge, Dirty, Dutch, Doobie P.S. Thanka for Bagelsl Kathy, Jennifer, Tanya (KKO), Thanka tor your hospitality and love. With All Mine, TJ Dave K. (Phi Pal), Enjoyed the thoughtful Hallowesn treat! Tami J. John C. (or Gordon, Jake or Jay?) Have you'gctten over your Identity crisis? Enjoyed sleeping with youl 12,14,33 Steve K. Kevin Y (AOS) You guya are the best thing since bread on butter! Our anawarlng machine will never be the same. Jan, Heidi, t Roxy Bilan, Let's dance all night with Sound Celebration at 8 PLASH DANCE tonlghtlll Lori K. (Theta) Just because . . . Scott Guy In grey cost: Don't remember seeing you. Tell me morel Offer sounds interesting. . Blonds In Red Coat lOTAWQMA UMILON Balls, Boomer, Bowzer, Davey, Ferret, Fife, Fritz, Gearheed. Grease, lea, Oly, Roody, Tools and Wave GO FOR ITU Men'a Gymnastics Team, Good luck this weekend In Big Invitational!! Gymmees AGS Little Sisters: When you thro w a Halloween party you really throw Halioween party. Thanka, It was awesome. The Men of AGS Tracy V. (Theta) Mommy's watching you so be goodl Love Mommy Dearest Laurls (AOPI) Thanks for everything you are to me. Happy Birth day) MPH Jeff (FIJI). Happy Birthday! Thla la it your present! Surprised? Nan (AOPI) Weery, You're a great roomie. Hope we can work things out. KE DDAYS 2 Happy Birthday Puff! DDAYS 480 ATTENTION UNL BARHOPPERS Shelly (KD) will be turning of age Nov. 4. Watch out single and married men. Gumby and his sidekick Pokey Klm- Do you feel any different? Chronologically you're 21! Happy Birthday! Lla Kyle (AGS), Seven more days to go. Happy Birthday Sweetlell Guess Who Playboy Gubba: Thanks for the treat that made my night. By the way, I haven't got back what I lost. Sweets from 12 Dianne (Gamma Phi Bote) Happy Birthday To the bst alster. Miss ya, Colleen Kelly R., M.D.N.P. Have a great time Hunting! I'll be thinking of youl Happy 20th Birthday to my favorite "Little" brother! KKG girlfriend Have a terrific time this weekend, but remember, next Friday belonga to me! Love yal Kai Eddy: Happy 24th Birthday) Sorry you have to miss dinner but Thanksgiving la just around the corner. Have M. tun in lowat You Know Who Yoj're grestl) Have a super day!) Love you lota, NAK CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Luge 5 Cow catcher 15 Tilt 14 Orderly 15 Fall bloomer If Hip 17 Christmas-tree decoration 19 Sheltered arcade in Athens 23 Turn to the right 21 Customers 22 Older brother of Moses 23 Broadway musical 24 Actor Moss 23 Deference 23 in a poke 33 Roulette bets 31 Delicate flowers S3 Pealed $7 Lend (heed) S3 She gets what she wants S3 Dietrich vehicle, with "The" 41 Stately 42 Mineral: Comb, form 43 Small, flat seed 44 Pure 47 Elia 43 Wants 53 Hawk's home SI Short, as in a poker game 54 Italian commune 53 White, spongy confections 57 Salt Lake City team 3 Silly 53 Promisor 3 Does a lawn job 61 Kind of race $2 Receive top billing PQWN 1 For men only 2 Couturier's offering 3 Margin 4 Color 5 Glaswegian girl 8 Pale 7 Gaze 8 Cinco follower 9 Hockey great 13 Second city of the U.S. 11 Emcee's function 12 Kind of pigeon 1,1 fro IS Bellows 22 Seed covering 24 Mimic 25A!pertor Shriner 23 Racetrack 27 Computer list 23 Bartender's offering 23 "I've Got ..." 31 Spiritual being, to Fif i 32 Formerly named 33 Eastern philosophy 34 Biblical land 33 Tie-in or twofer 37 Prefix for date or rcom 43 Islets 41 Violin's ancestor 43 Le Carre character 44 Annual visitor 45 Must 43 Trod the boards 47 Licit 43 Place of combat 50 Bancroft or Baxter 51 Burlesque shtick 52 First lady on Olympus 53 Belgian river 55 Tune 53 Simpleton 1 2 3 4T' t 3 9 T '"' 10 II 12 13 IT" - I r- , j4 - I 3 17 ""juT jj pn i 1 t . nem rtff irw-- -msbibsm asMsen aasBsaan mwjfcx'ivr- . bbmubi aataasjM asaasatM aasHSM hassssaaa m j 24 asT1 ''aar'aTt' """" r ' "' "tan " "" " " ' ! J BMaesma sasmavi assswasi jauane aaaam itm -. - .ii.i immmw mmmwtj am wmv mmmmm xjt u 30 ,4X 33 03 34 4$ casasHBsi leasMasen BBsaswe&BBSSiMi nBfa-.-'- fcaBBiSBaai RBBBaejaH lasMasex aasBhsasx .ip..-. aessai MBBMatefaaBiai smbmbssi . - -" j j . r i 1 j r-Jias loanqiiaswat onmsk: -.urbshbi ansMaa aaaBsaaji bbbhbm Mi nwrf-ewasi Maw esanasu asaaaHi 1UJ hT T iM I t ! I i I I t 1 M 1 1 Butter (CO Have a Happy "19." Lrt party till you puke. Boxcar (P.P.) Janey (Theta) Roses are red Violets are blue, I help give aid. Does that give you any clue? Lovs, Mommy Baybe Reeta, (Theta) Mommy la so excited about her new beybell Have good weekend. Mommy will be watchingll Love to youl Mommy Gall, Bill, UPC Staff You're the best. Albatross Springsteen Loves Albatross Congratulations on Phi Mu Sorority tor donating the most blood of any other fraternity or sorority. A warm thanka to everyone who donated for Acacia Fraternity's blood drive. Tereaa, (KKG) Happy 20th Blrthdsyt Lova, Your Roomie Wee (Gymnast) You area definite 10) Good luck this weekend! A special thanks to sll the Sigma Nu Little Sisters jho helped make our 75th Anniversary a success. Chris P. Nancy K. Becky M. Sarah S. BarbW. BrandieA. Jill C Barb D. Tract A. Lisa P. Meg B. Susie M. DanaS. I really appreciated It. Big Brother Congratulations to our new fall associates: Paul Ries 1 Bryan Hlldreth Bujin Goh Richard Newell Bernard Yosten Your Lambda Chi Alpha Brothers 4N to, 7 tfmml ftm MIA Mt 10 tl n BJ1 mm a 0Mk m m a 9 r m v. e u m mr'Tk mm cr-k w - NASSAU AM0i$f (Ca1Jsii 3J Jh A ICI Aiinlalu.l K A Sl -V4S4 41S !Vwift wk T IC - T9 hoVtT 11 CO! fAVt'ATABC! rOA .-4 f CaM Carol 8 Day Cruise From KC C'vm hot Gerq 10 1 CKJttt PARTY? sVine four DKtHf Coupon to AtC Save m tU '2$ ear person It Moo f SI Snirm Awiokm Cumit It-nil Car ue to fetid Oft' V FLASH1 CirmiiZnmm. 4 S-r '24 f m. 'Sff AIR filV c V Umoh i. 'iSHa t t a ' - CANHy74Q SFAWIwk. T ft K C tmi 349.: 01 (law RT T Mill, 2 to. Lei. 1 tfffe. &aa LTW tft. m 1 Wk 509 is mi e?4 I NUSSIA er f PMSUOA t wt viHu. 2ZL k4Ks . Tahiti. 1 Vk g89 L I tmmi i Country 'HIS CrttMA 2 Wka. MS$ & tm aVinaai '4a Atwfee '421 tswe Cay '40 Cs frsncn lniMte '. Ceneun Cowwrt ' 2 ft mmfm0i'm LONDON 1 lAJh JKXtQr 429 t C Ameterdatmarie t Wt I C $ ' I,uAna.K r!,MtMt MAIM V.M J 7Yrt. Tout ft C ' Jf Jrrl 'SCheaM'S Home 79Atttena 741 Mfiei) 'tvfttenne '815 MaeMdUebon . . 99 GlaegoMrCitimB'ri '629 Pstrle 649Ouan '549 Am'dem 474fice,099 Olo 19S'hoim 659 ZurtchWareew . . '739 Preoue9 eei . . '774 Tel AvrvCeiro . . AmmenOemaacue Zegreblatenbul . '929 JeddehKuweri'1190 LegosNeirobi . .'1340 Rebet'eSS'Je'bunj'iasa Oekar '1040 StaM '1310 Quttotcffote . . . '939 B'AiresSeniiege 930 Ume SSCarecee '499 S Juan '394Keili '449 San JeeePenerM '3C9 MenHaSeoul . . . '880 H'Kens'929rKok'IOSO TefcyeTeioei . . . '894 l eace'lCMnMing '1160 temoe 9S9fHi '899 799sVAfcud The World '939tttj8oby . . ' 1290 RererM M30'ueece'14i0 Ujdai'XMO HM 'SJ?9 SydneyAucklMid '1089 MonueeVV'ver . '339 C J Dwcewrn une regs w seeve - wavnuan. ttreup Bergains to AM Werld Dw)tintian - Cell Carol FR SHOvHTS l- " AFRICA W SAFARI r f cm SMerture imie, m ediBi hrirw w - fw ij" ejsvyw (tsww iwnej, Mae WU crime, amtrnt e i ir ui s I . SiaeCMk f0smaerAC Honerwwm' Ci Nw st-C f-or Ontiw Ktaas - " ' CAMilV OiSCOUSaTi'sl JAfaiTkiiI fXf'taj to cesr .. Padre w . . j awrcn-uct pepte. Cele . Orianss - R T A j Cmm torn- 234.meie as -caDwe I i lei Aim . & iiM 6ihf bra. r. Mtva. forte - Ui A,' X fae. fttt. ftgwe r fcww Twr lRMNinATIUt) LAw CLIC.4 Cat Cma C"i Wo Pfis !21-130IHW V -i t-T.-:i 0v a A-'"',f' CJSCUS CS?CUS Wt. 22i po-'lls! fswiftnwvpno'l w'pkg '214le Tef3. '2i-f i for IHmm tm' Sm A SM MC tKfWf t.w wr!i &mW Qf" . Sa; raws rMtMrofifMaiirsi - Cdifm H i la Hell GHAafinS I (31 ) 221-0100 124 Hra.) f 310 Anwmr M . N ( C. 94119 i iiiiifmtt'i"" & tbnaebMetkqiisUBOat I ajaamsT aa st aaeci an cue see aa a aaoajrr