Pago 10 Dally Nebraskan Friday, November 2, 1934 '-virile CLCKMKl COUNTY fcir Debits Breathed I i i.i-f JJ. . 4 t a B '1. I A , , .-v Aft Afvi ' . v xT . ' V - -A' topay's cbs aecnoN as mi as ,.anp inpians. mucm. poll snows mrm wmh ahp samm j aup somm uztmis. A!?Ricah tmm Mry cotmmim. mp bus prners amp CAtiPMTZSAttfomiXj i IWXRS MP S,1X fZtWK- PAP LAST AM0N& 0LACKS. MN AN? VCCKAtXS ANP L , SA rtrrr RCP-HCAPCP VACUU , .., -wo&mr mi must mi vis esrun mm mnassm mm. TUEFUGHTllSS ukmowm wrrr I ' mil. l f"S ft I 1 m. T&HWA 1 in me MPiu of ii it kwt to ptscuss camny m$w TtXH AS USUAL. YOU MM TULPMwm Gff. mp WH imno-meKticmNWRA ffZATOlffXR. CAtJSeXKAHP mmuRw yov J SHOCKS. SHOCKING. A ' "fid s WVNN0 msomNTiiB mmrprmecr petmm. urn pomitmKf smimi . PtXVSS IT A WILLY TO f HE, UIUX Iff&jSz MTftlCK0B7REf "U. ( VI! 1 L y Bit V.'XJFf Li VaAI I A -J" Bv Stevo'KHI MV O0SH m com you do mmti ir IT? (GET fli j dnr i ti 'ifh A- in hi I' , i J Ml l WAY WE &RE m. mr, IPif a. w i - I II all i i W V s ! ":-.r.;iSlT!?T in in. i 8 ) y & 1 -7.' i.v.v.v.vil f'F-kM JbV 9 9 ' V V 9 I I i 4 S .-'7tfJrik m A . fe A ! a it a i (V v.v.v.v.v.v. ( r .1 ; V. Cards & Letters This is in regard to Kevin McCoy's opinion on Bruce Spring steen ticket sales (Oct 31). There widespread drunkenness or fight ing as he has suggested. As for police patrols, they seemed to have gone by at least once every half hour. Maybe, Kevin, you were having too good of a time to notice they were 11 t jp . . v r mi ,. nfih !MWJ&l HA'fr I 1? I 2 Bl The University Program Coun cil did the best job possible under the circumstances. No matter when the announcement had come, there would have been a stampede at the Nebraska Union. Since it was announced early, the stampede was slowed somewhat. I walked the line Saturday before the football game, and all the sidewalks were clear of tents and campers. I did not see any of the campers creating an "obsta cle course" for Big Red fans. Ticket sales also were handled as well as possible. The Nebraska Union had the facilities to handle the amount of people coming through. If all the tickets are sold in one place, then those in charge know exactly how many tickets are left. If there had been several ouuets, as soon as one outlet was So KelHn, thT picturVyou sold out, the people would go. painted was inaccurate and un- running to another outlet. In fair to those involved, addition, there could not be a Lauri computer link-up because the UPC No 12 hiS cannot afford one. It would be rlw nice, but it is not possible, yyJt II