The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1984, Election 1984, Page Page 12, Image 20

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    Page 12
Daily Nebraskan
Thursday, November 1, 1084 14
7,130 !lliS
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Ross' sweetness dominates album
ft Jl A I t . III. fll. ..4 AM A J I - I
By Scott Harr&h
DsJiy Nebrttitn SUIT Reporter
Back In the '60s, "girl" groups
f'; . d-? '
Courltiy of RCA Record
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fierier bus! fj Ct Entrcnce
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u..t unlit rnnsLsted of three
younfl women Bportlng lots or
powder, lipstick and levity tore
up the music charts. Diana Ross
was a member of the most popu
lar "girl" group, the Legendary
After a decade-long solo career,
she has survived an ill-fated at
tempt at acting, two marriages
and a heavily-publicized concert
in New York's Central Park that
was drenched In a downpour.
Amazingly, she still remains as
sweet and lighthearted as she
was in her "Stop, in the Name of
Love" days. But her sweet nature
is perpetrated far too much on
her latest LP, Swept Away.
The tirst cut on the initial side,
"Missing Vou", is a saccharine,
lackluster ballad that is marve
lously sleep-inducing. "Touch by
Touch," which follows, will wake
listeners up with its catchy cal
ypso intro but it peters out
much too fast. The other two
songs also lack punch, but then
along comes the title track, "Swept
Away," which more than makes
up for them. Your speakers will
be shocked by this jaunty, unex
pected jolt of panache, written by
l)arvl Hall and augmented bv i'ni.
tar virtuoso Jeff Beck. The song is
infectious, put together well and
ripe with raw, raucous vocals by
Ross. However, It sounds a bit like
a redundant intonation pattern,
but don't most dance ditties?
Side two pexpetuates the harsh
pace of "Swept Away," as it com
mences with "Telephone." The cut
features ringing phones, dialing
and a cacophonic beat but
Diana can't seem to keep up with
it. Ludicrous Latin singer, Julio
Iglesias, makes a deplorable guest
appearance on the schmaltzy,
best-selling "All of You." This
middle-of-the-road yawner will
either touch your romantic heart
or send you to the bathroom to
pray to the porcelain god. After
vomiting, youll need myriads of
Dramamine to settle your stom
ach while listening to "We Are the
Children of the World," a song
that sounds like it was written for
an elementary school mi'c class.
Swept Away will thrill dedicated
fans of Diana and the title track
will excite dance freaks in disco
theques nationwide. But overall,
the album shoudl be "Swept away"
into oblivion!
'Knife' boasts strong vocals
Courtesy of Sire Records
Review by Stephanie Zink
Deily Nebrmskan Staff Reporter
Following up its well received,
highly acclaimed debut album
High Land, Hard Rain, Aztec
Camera has released Knfe (Sire).
The eight song LP truly does
justice to the band and is a nice
showpiece of what the band is
about. Songs such as "Still On
Fire" typlify Aztec Camera's folk
and reggae influences.
Continued on Page 13
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