The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1984, Election 1984, Page Page 10, Image 18
Pago 10 Dally Nebraskan Thursday, November 1, 1034 V, J f - r'" ..r - , - ' mmmnim, - "- 'i nr 1 1 nr-i-i ,L -'I" " 1 ,n r 1 11 11 n rtf- 1 -- -'i fi "1'"' A l Li L-LJA U wn J Get a FREE liter cf Coke! "V I ' Some things just go hand in hand with good times. Pizza for one. And, when you've got the urge for pizza, Valentino's delivers the best deal in town. Order up one of our temptingly delicious legendary pizzas, and we'll throw in a liter of Coca Cola on the house. Delivered direct to your door. Fast and FREE! So go ahead and be a part of it! Take us up on our mouth-watering good times special. Call us now, and then enjoy. Offer expires December 17, 1934 Campus Delivery Only 35th & Holdrege 467-3611 Hoodoo Gmras radiate pi'e-coiEiiiercial image Dv M&ik Davis Dally Nebrwkmn Staff Ef porter Nobody waited in line to see the Hoodoo Gurus. The Australian band didn't even pack the Drumstick. But they are gaining speed. The Hoodoo Gurus are a com bination of old and new. Their lyr ics are unique, transcendent of typical boygirl relations. They rad- Iiate energy equal to pre-com-mercialized rock but with the same polished talent of assembly line rock. , The Hoodoo Gurus got their start in 1 080 playing back-up to a mainlng original members of the band. After producing "Leilani the band added bass guitarist, Clyde Rramley, giving the band a "tougher" sound, Falkner said. Just three weeks before com ing to America drummer Mark Kingsmill joined the band, replac ing James Baker. Kingsmill looks like a long-haired lawyer when compared to the radical look of the other band members. "I'm not going to change my hair," Kingsmill said. "It's been like this too long." Kingsmill does his job well. "We have a lot of fun when we play," saw "I don't think we'll ever play with the dog again. He did a feature film and we haven't seen him since." singing dog on the Don Lane Show (Australia's answer to John ny Carson). Soon after they signed with an independent label and produced their first album, Lei lan i. After gaining considerable pop ularity in Australia, they signed with Big Time, a prominent Aus tralian labeL There they recorded Tojo a single that draws a para llel between a cyclone that hit Darwin, Australia in 1975 and the Japanese attack on the same city in 1942. Not the traditional content that fills the grooves of a single, but Hoodoo Gurus is not a typical band. Now on the A&M label with their new album, Stoneage Romeos, Hoodoo Gurus is on their first American tour. Looking back on the band's start, Dave Faulkner, lead guitar and vocals, didn't think they would ever get together with the one personality that set the band on the right track. I dont think we'll ever play with the dog again," Faulkner said. "He did a feature film and we havent seen him since." Faulkner is one of the two re- Kingsmill said. As with many new bands, Hoo doo Gurus is very hard to classify. While they seem to have some Elvis influence, they sound sim ilar to the Doors. A member of the audience said that he closed his eyes and could '"almost" see Morrison." j The band uses pause sequence and psychedelia, reminiscent of the Doors. When Faulkner screams, it sounds so much like "live" Morrison that it is scary. Kingsmill agreed there are sim ilarities, but was hesitant to be compared to the Doors. "It's a great compliment," Kings mill said. Kingsmill said he didnt like to be classified in any categories. He said the band plays "just rock n' roll." No matter how Hoodoo Gurus is classified they are usually com pared to the greats. They have been compared to everyone from Suzi Quatro to the Ramones and the Talking Heads by critics both here and in Australia. Hoodoo Gurus' new album ex emplifies the bands diversity. 3 CSOTITY by OcrZae Crcsthsd 3 EMY KSIOTAL 2 MOVIES. OF YOUR CHOICE (OfHf R VIDEO DISC PLAYER V xSrth-Se&E I -ZJ R I video ossc nsconoin s ouisg op voua cisoise H THE VIDEO STATION THE VIDEO STATION THE VIDEO STATION I b 66TH AND 0 4750 NORMAL BLVD CORNHuIkeR 1 4 8702 KUUT.31 EYISIU-GiT C-Q GUrJ 1-G H ume Feme ffC57 mOTRimt PLAU for a iowr. XNsrme. svuMe mm w eo LQQK!?& FCR QUALITY comNiQMSiip. ma. tmitw r i t ) 3 r r e r es !W er to ed ha ty- le- ive ive lid eir e, ie? no Is nt