The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1984, Page Page 9, Image 9
Tuesday, October 30, 1934 Daily Nebraskan Page 9 Rec Scoreboard VOLLEYBALL Alpha Phi def. Alpha Omicron Pi 15-6, 7-15. 11-6 The New Crew def. Piper Three 15-0, 150 Love Hall def. Sandoz Nine I 5-9, 1 1 5, 1 1 -6 Abel Three def. Mashers 15-1, 15-2 Raymond Three def. Smith Five 15-12, 15-10 An Economics def. Bruner Club 15-10, 9-15,15-0 forma Delta def. Pound Ten 14-1 9 1 fi-1.1 APFive def. Sandoz Two 1 0-1 5, 1 5-6, 1 5-9 Smith Eight def. HeppnerTwo 15 0, 15-0 Alpha Delta Pi def. Pound Nine 15-6, 15-1 Sluffiettes def. Sandoz Seven 15-5, 15-1 a &amma def- AJpna Chi Omega 15 1J, 15-9 ni4i . ng Football Division A Sigma Phi Epsilon 34, Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Chi 14, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 12 Abe F ve 18. Ahri F.Wpn n Schramm Ten 25, Abel Ten 12 Rowers finish second By Brad Kuhn Daily Nebraskan Stall Reporter Nebraska's novice heavyweight men's crew capped an undefeated fall racing season Sunday, leaving Midwest rival Kansas in their wake at the first annual University of Nebraska Fall Regatta. Unfortunately, the Huskers fin ished second to Kansas in many of the other events. A surprisingly large crowd of 500 spectators packed the grand stand and parking lot at the Capitol Beach Marina. The crowd was one of the biggest at any Midwest rowing event, with the possible exception of the Midw est Rowing Championships in Madison, Wis. Kansas won the regatta, strok ing to four firsts and four second place finishes. Minnesota's women's crew finished second with three firsts and a second. Nebraska finished third with two firsts and three seconds. . Nebraska's novice men's heavy weight-eight posted the fastest time of the day, blasting down the 1,100 meter course in 3 minutes, 21 seconds with the wind at its back in a preliminary heat. On flat water, the novice heavies won the final with a time of 3 minutes, 45 seconds, only 15 seconds be hind the winning varsity time and 4 seconds behind the Ne braska varsity finish. The eight, coxed by Cathy Asle son, a sophomore from Omaha, was rowed by: Bob Taylor, Gregg Brettman, Tim Manhart, Walt Price, Todd Breedlove, Eric Rhodes, Mike Olson and stroke Mike Stuchlik. Nebraska's other first-place finish came late in the day, long after the crowd had gone home for supper. Denise Varner and Lynne Gillaspie won the women's varsity pair race after a near collision on their way to the start ing line. The two apparently strayed onto the race course, halt ing a race in progress and nearly disqualifying themselves. Ex -Footballers 12. Sweets Two 7 Phi Kappa Psi 14, Alpha Tau Omega 2 BC Thundering Herd 27, WSB 6 LTS 21, Killer Bees 19 Sigma Nu 14, Tau Kappa Epsilon 8 Abel Eleven 1 8, Abel Eight 6 Abel Ten 25, Schramm Ten 12 Alpha Tau Omega 6, FarmHouse 0 Sweets Three 13, Guzzlers 6 Phi Gamma Delta 19, Delta Tau Delta 6 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 26, Alpha Gamma Sigma 0 Phi Kappa Psi 13, Phi Gamma Delta 6 Beta Theta Phi 20, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 7 Chi Phi 13, Sigma Alpha Mu 12 11th Annual Football Relay to Ames, Iowa DIET---. 1 (CENTER i If rj ' , "4 155 ffidDiB Sponsored by Tau Kappa Epsilon & Gamma Phi Beta To make Contributions call 474-9354 or 476-3507 PROCEEDS GO TO ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL over $11,000 raised in the past 6 years November 2-3, 1904 (Co-sponsor- f eJM) tt-r"v"ja -TV" v ' 1 4 '-in) - v Xs 0 D D EnnnooaraonnEaoQoasEiQOEiBaQaEzn DOES YOUR FINANCIAL H SITUATION LEAVE YOU HOE AT NIGHT? 0 0 0 0 Mark Dsvia Daily Nebraskan A member of the Iowa wonsen's crew rows tow&rd the finish in the Hissker Imitstional Eegstta Smsdsy. Become a regular plasma donor and earn $20 per week plus $10 bonuses!! It's easy, it's relaxing, and it pays! Bring in this ad for $5 extra on your first visit. WE PAY MORE 1 M 2021 "O" 475-2335 8-6 Mon-Sat free parking in the rear aannraBQPBanoaanaaaacinoasnncl If . . W3 mm. mm If you're enthusiastic about UNL, then New Student Orientation (NSO) may be for you. Come to our information session tonight. 7:00 p.m. Harper Multi-purpose Room Make a Lasting Impression. Be a 'Student Host! New Student Orientation Campus Activities and Programs 209-Nebraska Union 472-2454 University of Nebraska Lincoln an equal opportunity employer Id a i , ( zJ 4 i Mon., Tues., Fri. 8:00 to 6:00; Wed.. Thurs. 8:00 to 8:00; Sat. 8:00 to 4:30 3Lr mm my? ofo iiif,iHn! .r- f;f lift 0 f w If1 r -t N ! iltS 4 Cliffs, 1 S 0 o D