The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1984, Page Page 5, Image 5
L Tuesday, October 30, 1934 Daily Nebraskan Page 5 ;'2a Letters Situation was 'blown out ofproportion 9 Referring to the Dally Nebras lean's editorial Friday about ded icated "Doss" fans, we feel the article was blown out ofpropor tion. For having the huge response and Increase of people camping since Tuesday, the UPC is doing an excellent job in trying to keep everything organized. We have heard nothing but positive re marks from the crowd and the crowd is doing everything it can to help it run smoothly. We don't feel the grounds are a "disaster." People are trying their best to keep litter cleaned up. As far as ruining the "landscape," most people don't consider sit- ting on weeds as causing "hun dreds or thousands of dollars worth of damage." The campers should be given a lot of credit for being so coopera tive and UPC for bringing the big gest event of the year to Lincoln. Linda Madison junior business administration Karen Muhvic senior social work Pam Crompton junior elementary education Catholic views questioned in politics Perhaps Chris Burbach should spare the American public his vote once again in 1 984. He states that he will cast his vote for the MondaleFerraro ticket because Ferraro is a Catholic. Being a Catholic, I would find it very difficult to tell my grand children I voted for a Catholic woman who was a supporter of abortion. A woman, who if elected, will allow millions of abortions to occur in this country. I would suggest that Chris Burbach re-examine his Catholic values and beliefs. I also would suggest that Burbach sober up a bit before he cast his vote for the first time in 1984. Maybe then he will consider the issues rather than the candidates' looks, gender and religious backgrounds. Molly Egan senior advertising T y Tt Da i ly t EDITOR PUBLICATIONS BOARD CHAIRPERSONS Chris Weinch, 472-1723 Nick Foley, 476-0275 Anaela Nletfeld. 475-4331 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publica tions Board Monday through Friday in the fall and spring semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer sessions, except during vacations. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-2583 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For informa tion, call Nick Foley, 476-0275 or Angela Nietfield, 475-4981. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St.. Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1S94 DAILY NEBRASKAN b ) 0D h (p3 OTMMKwmmMi . I f ! i MLJ uunu L!l3 LJ3 1.. VwS'iJ .A n Children's Book Author W7 q u a r n T 9 will be in the Bookstore r 30 4-5: autographing her new book: Based on the experiences of relatives during the tornado devastation of Grand lsland,.Nebraska on June 4, 1980. f 33 t - 1 r" if 9t .V " End of the "October Autograph" series Open Monday-Friday, 8-5:30, Saturday, 9-5:30 h.OR E THAN A BOOKSTORE 12th & R Streets In Lincoln Center 476-01 1 1 nn nr 13 nn i 1 I I E 1 ft I E t 4 et3 n 7 uu 77 n nn Now is the time to take care of your fall semester expenses. The sooner you see us, the less time you have to spend worrying about finances. Our friendly staff is available Monday through Saturday to serve you at either location. Convenient drive-ins open at 7:30 am daily for all your regular transactions. Inside, or by mail, we can process your student loan quickly and conveniently. Ideal for any situation or location. When you need a student loan, remember Havelock Bank! ! 1 X I 111- i- x : 3fih G Ad-mo 1