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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1984)
Pago 10 Daily Nobraskan Friday, October 19, 1934 Mark K. (SAC) We already know you'rt the Anchor Man Candidate with my E ticket! with the bett looking legs. Can't wait to aee 'am on Saturday, uooa lucki Bill C. (IA), Coma back to Lincoln Saturday Night and halp ma Teresa K. (Alpha XI) Sweet hearts are haid to coma by Wa'ra glad you came along. Thanks lor being a part of our brother hood, with love and Appreciation, Jim M., Have a groove ISthl Jeannlne and Ann Brn,a' Six montha ago you became everything that's Import P S. The Clock looks fantastic Congratulations Kim B. on your engagement. months to August tant to me and you made me the happiest. Just 10 The Men of Acacia To our coaches Kathy W. A Staph R You wavea You're the greatest! Looking forward to making j " " vea with you at the D3 Anchor Splash! Get pumps J! 478-8083 z nra a oay, AOS ANY QUESTIONS7 Jeffrey wn provide confidential anwere to your Inquiries . . , Drug Info effects; personal problems; friend or family member needs help; treatment options. ban urug urms Line Love, Your two wonderful rommatet Your Freddie pam an chrls - I'm going to C.A. with youll Wayne (Beta) AXO Plelgsa. Happy B-dey Sunday. The big 20! You're the greatest We had a great time at the study break! You're big bro, love ya a ktl! awesome! Let s do It again sometime!! Your Utile tlx (PI Phi) Artlvaa nl Ream II Beta Sig Pledges Be real, you guys. President and Vice-President are , CRUDE TWO; SWOOP! Dixie Mark M. ain't on our bus! Neither li Vincef Same Difference! eegulls onapi ueu owimmeni, Team inn nt uei oiwny mu . D B uu..iir.hnoemo1fntrhnolofiwenmthrouohl Psyched" paraonal, you know! It's 8:30 Saturday Sounds great! We're going to have to do It (again) P S. We sure hope modem technology comes through! breaktaat men to the pool we got Good Luck! sometime sooni uigni as a reamer. out of your league. In 29 years we'll be running thia CD, country ana you it oe nevmg oeoiei. Qood Luck on GMAT. I know you li ace it out. Never say N aver TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4138 Love Your Anchor Splash Coaches P S. Dont look back. Humans can lick hands tool Love, Ooug and Craig Bill B. (CPA), Red. Janet, 4 YOUR EGO The V.W. runs great! Can't wait 'till Attention Men of UNL: Thanksgiving. Make Karen B.'s day and wish her happy 20th Main birthday. P.S. The horn does not blow when you turn the , ,9ni,lonon' BubbalAbelSS.A). You re the best partner around Hope you have Good luck In lob hunting. I know you II find one may. how ahout that 21 at B-dsv. Get out of town. becauae you're super! Hope I can make it the best ever. 5.F. BoboJo FIJI'S. Women of Pound 12; Thanx for everything! Good-bye. WORD GBAPHIC Word PreceeXng , Fast, Personalized Surv'ce Theses, Papers, Resumes, Career Placement Forms, Scientific Symbols 48-WORD Near Campus Michael K. I hope your birthday Sunday Is as terrific as you. T.M. very happy birthday. Have you seen Al lately? YOU RULE! Kev tru Txin I Becky, Cory and Shauna Your trophy's in our living room prom last years spiasn Lyn J. (Res. Ed ). "Partying" with you and your family was great!, with these DG coaches THANKSIII We'll kick some ash Love, Smith Staff John G. (Acacia), Good luck on your OCATs1!! Love, Your D G. coaches, (Cheryl W.j , Cory, Becky, and Shauna lt'serelaphant,maisH,opyB-day,1hebig21.Youre FB a FF, Glen A Shana - S !f ; i v Fiji's mu MnYn) l& (C($ My) r i r A D ) iJ - J Phi Psl's, It's OG Anchor Splash We're behind you all the way. Get your trunks and goggles out 'cause it's almost Saturday! Good luck Mike (You foxy anchorman!) Lauring and Anne Sig Epa, Here's to a victory at Anchor Splash! Love. Lynne & Chris Your Brothers Laurie. Sandy, Cathy (ADPI'a) The question is whether you re hot enough tor usl your DUcky dates li losing 30 lbs. In 30 days worth $30? 484-8190. STRAWBERRY CHEWING TOBACCO Cliff's Smoke Shop 1200 "O" Street The Farmhouse men will be a smash When they win our anchor spiash Good Luck I Your DG Coaches Harv. Bets & Maggie ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meet every Friday 8 pm. 1701 "E" Street . . Pattle. Hope you . r J Theta Xi's, Good luck at Anchor SDlashl You'll be oreatt Love, Sherry & Laurie Together we're both happier . so why go back? Gerard. Huskers are red Vandy's are black. Officer Jerome (Jerry) T. is in Lincoln General Hospital. How about we bury him with Get Well Cards. Baby Wendy (AXO) Brush up on the story of "the three bears." ' Love, Mommie Love you. Tishs Steph S. (Theta) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish I could party with you tonight. Remember don't break anything or doanything obnoxious. Big Brother ia watching. Dave Privileged Driver, I'll check you out any time (and your groceries too, as long as you don't forgot the strawberries and whiooed ereaml Lady Dl P.S. I like your study breaks. SAE Swimme's Go for the Gold at D.G. Anchor Solash! Ann and Jeannine r FOUND: 1 calculator in Unlsonie case. 22nd A U streets. 16 Oct. '84. Call Kent at 478-3400 to identify calculator and claim. FOUND: Men's watch on CPN basketball courts. Call Jim at 472-1033 to identify. FOUND: Ladies watch on sidewalk on campus on Wed 1017. Call478-2583 to identify make A style. Ask for Scott. LOST: Blue Trunks in Bud towel Tuesday night Coliseum lockers. Reward 475-8435. LOST: A men's Highschool Class Ring in restroom of MN Building. If found please call 472-9057. TYPING $1.25 page Experienced, accurate 466-8651. ra C3 E3 EZJ 3 L3 E3 ti r f I 1 v Ay Si ESQ E3 EZ3 d CZ3 E3 C3 ZZJ nQEEl-3C33n3n Pregnant Too Soon? Adoption is a caring alternative. Call us in con- IMPORTED CIGARETTES Cliff's Smoke Shop 1200 "O" Street m a e. . mm m NEW LUJiriE Rornmo a monlar nhcm3 Honor ann n earn $20 per week plus $10 bonuses!! f It's easy, ifs relaxing, and it pays! Bring in this ad for $5 extra on your first visit. PAY MCMH ' l i f idence. We II give you the tacts. Nebraska Children's " Home 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING a D ifl C i H s I 2021 "O" 475-2335 8-6 Mon-Sat free parking in the rear o 0 Q D mmmmmmmmimmmmwumsimmmm GRAND OPENEMG s&i raw' Atrium Shopping Center Skywalk Level 12 & N $7.97 Free Goldfish (I per family) 2 for 1 Tropical Fish South Store 3822 Normal (Normal & South) Puppy Sale 25 off entire stock (sa!a items, dog and cat foods not included) Y Sa!e Hours: Saturday, October 20 10 arn-6 pm Sunday, October 21 12 noon-5 pm Sale at Airium and South locations ONLY! DtaeertaHofl Typing The perfect service from siart to finish dissertation and tnfsis typing. Includes editing, correction of tilling, grammar and punctuation, correct footnoting, acientifc formulas and tables. Reasonable rates. Parker Typing Service 463-7057 YOU WRITE WE TYPE COMPUTER TYPE 478-TYPE 1 630 QUE STREET TYPING ANO MUCH MORE. WE STORE YOUR PROJECT. GIVE YOU PROOF COPIES, CHECK SPELLING AND MORE. COMPUTE! TYP2 123 QU2 STOEET 47S-TYPE KS3tTCAYr??.VJCf IIESHASICA DOOKSTORE 1135 "R"SL TYPING One Page Report Di:!.eriations Fast Accurate $1.25 Page 477-4879 TYPING Term papers, manuscripts, thenes, dissertations. IBM Selectric. Call Lori at 423-7166. VERY GOOD TYPING, spelling, grammar, punctuation, style. Dick Riggins, 435-8734 Word Processor in my home. Typing 5 line. 474-0742. Rally for WAKCY HOCH Sunday. October 21, 6 00-7 30 P.M. Gold's Gaiieria Mall 1 1th & "O" Colorado Ski Vacation Breckenrldge Rant 3 bf . con do direct from owner save 20. Ski In, hot tubs, fireplace. (303) 422-4205. Rally for NANCY HOCH Sunday, October 21. 8:00-7:30 P.M. Gold a Gaiieria Mail 11th & "O" LPO Notice of Sale of unclaimed bicyctos and mice. Sroperty, Oct 0 at 10 a.m. 140 W. P by the Property 'ivision. No checks accepted. International Banquet Cultural Show Saturday. Oct. 20. 1334 6 pm at Nebraska Union Public la welcome Ticket available at both Union Info deeka a I.E.S. office (472-3284) Max Laraen support teacher certification Vote for State Board oi Education Max Larsen supports better salaries for teachers Vote for MAXLARSSM State Board of Education GRAFFITI IS BACK GRAFFITI IS BACK October 18 & 19, 7 & 9 p.m. ROSTRUM i I I 1 1 1 Friday Nile Fish Fry (AH you can est!) A. Beer Battered Deep Frfed or Brolbd Ccd B. Crisp French Frias C. Tcny Cola Slaw D. Fresh Loaf of Bresd Served Family Syb 5:30 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. I I HOLIDAY MM AIRPORT 475-4S71 I Crir.i n ttte ad cr.rj receive 3 $l.Cocnprr&cn! . 5 'Mu&s $5.SS 1 i 512 3.S3 1 . . 1. i llhki If 1 ma tsi tsa tsi fa -g, Ka ra j