Thursday, October 11, 1034 Daily Ncbrcskan Pago 13 0 MEN'S FLAG FOOTBALL Harper Seven Independents 13, HaroerbeveninaepenaentsiJ, Rug Burns 12 (2.5) BetaThetaPi53(4.0),AgMen22 (3.2) rt rtX ra . MHSG 24 (3.2), .Playboys 16 (3.4) phi Gamma Delta 31 (4.0), Sima Nu6(4.0) . - ' , Pigskins 21 (2.4) Kolysmokers 0 (3.2) r. PhiKappaPsil3(3.0),Ti?uK3ppa Epsilon 0(2.7) BandC Beta Theta Pi 6 (2.5), Delta Tau Delta 0 (2.U) tinree overtimes) phi Gamma Delta 18 (2.5), Theta Chi 8 (4.0) Beta Theta Pi 20 (3.7), Phi Gamm Delta 6 (3.5) D. K. Docs 7 (3.2),Tapa Kega Day 6(4.0) Canned food drive Alpha Phi Alpha will have a canned food drive Saturday in connection with the Nebraska Missouri football game. The fraternity will donate col lected canned foods to the Lin coln Food Bank. Alpha Phi Alpha member Ricky EuSlins said it will be the first campus fund-raiser for the Beta Data chapter, which is not recognizee! by the UNL Inter-Fraternity Council The graduate chapter Beta Xi Lambda in Omaha will help with the food drive. Set, Oct. 15, en Your gift of a can of food will help the Food Banks help Lincoln's and Omaha's needy. Bring a can of food and look for our collection sites surrounding the stadium on October 13. Collection sites will be staffed by Food Bank and Alpha Phi Alpha volunteers. Donations will be used to fight hunger in Lincoln and Omaha. 7- alw :-:V nnr !; courarrof .i vMmW swi 1 si ? ,' ! - -- .v i Alpha Gamma Rho 20 (3.8), Tri- angle 0 (3.2) angieO (3.2) Phi Delta Theta 41 (3.7), Delta Tau Delta 0 (4.0) Sweets III 6 (3.2), Comhusker's Co-op 0(3.5) Theta Xi 12 (3.0), Sigma Alpha EpsUon7(3.4) LXIXER's 26 (4.0), Son cfDoobie 0A2) Beta Sigma Psi 13 (3.2), Alpha Tau Omega 12 (3.0) Acacia 13 (4.0),SigraaChi0(1.2) (Women's) Selleck Stompers 40 (4.0), Pound Four 0 (4.2) VOLLEYBALL ; rv.N v vi iXT Xl-X iC U: A7-Vv. y Vttl f!1 . I V !' t ml - - " X M ! X " ' VX ' X 7 ' ; ,. ' A.JXV ;j X - (X " i ' .. 'mmmim&iisgmmsm? xy . 1 i W v mm0m&mmmmf AAor Xns ' i I . : '. OOL OFFICE OF '" 1 i Ford is proud to sponsor the Ford Bronco II Volleyball Classic. A very special intramural volleyball tournament for the.UNL intramural program. JOIN THE FUN Read the information Official Vehicle of . '0r 4 t;. ti LI ..J k-J i.,...- Alpha Delta Pi 15-6, 15-5 over Alpha Chi Omega Ainhan.rn Kappa Alpha Theta 15-10, 15-6 over Kappa Delta Smith Nine 15-1, 15-12 over Abel Seven Sandoz Four 15-9, 15-13 over AlphaXiDelta AlphaOmicron Pi 13-15, 1 1-9, 15- lOoverJSmithTen Alpha Phi 15-3, 15-2 over Town Club : . Sandoz Five 15-8, 1E-6 over Piper III Chi Omega 15-4, 15-17, 15-9 over Pounders The Generics 13-8, 15-3 over FCA above and sign the U.S. Volleyball Association f i. tm.j Women The Nev Thp Npw rrpw lfi-io. 1F- 10 over Catch 22 S0CCE2 Abel and Willing 7 (3.5), Harvey Smithers 2 (3.2) Kappour3 (2.8), The Dead 0(3.0) Abel Nine 9 (5.0), Bang Gang 0 (5.0) Lambda Chi Alpha 3 (4.2), Sigma Phi EpsHonKKG 0 (3.8) FyiAlpha Chi Omega 1 (4.2), Abel Thirteen 0 (4.4) High game Terry Folkerts, NOTICE Run and Paddle en- trie3 are due before 5 p.m today fx-'Oii up at the UNL Office of Campus J" IT3 Recreation today! I EVERYONE CAN PLAY All students, staff and faculty are eligible to compete. Winners receive awards courtesy of Ford Moter Company. FORD BRONCO II and the 1984 U.S. Volleyball Team ...A Golden Performance! Ford congratulates the U.S. Men's Volleyball Team on winning the Olympic Gold Medal. As their proud sponsor, Ford Division salutes the U.S. Men's Volleyball Team for its gold-medal per formance in the XXIII Olympics at Los Angeles. To go all the way to the XXIII Olympiad, you need raw talent, tireless dedication, and years of hard work. The U.S. Volleyball Ti am displayed them all, and we applaud their achievement. Scoreboard at the office of Campus Recrea- Hnn 1740 VinpSt.ThAPvpnt.wiil take place at 1 p.m. Sunday at Oak Lake Park. T-shirts from Pepsi Cola will be awarded to the winning team in each division, BOWLING Big Red League High game Mark Delaney, 212 High series - Dave Frazell and Paul Ballentyne 687 Collegiate 220 High series Dan Struss, 540