Wednesday, October 10, 1934 Pago 4 Dally Nebraskan 1 71 o Q i QldDM 1C V ii irfcn .in ' , """"rrr- TT no Ti P"! jot M Vl01 ( There's no excuse for not voting. When you turn 18 you get a chance to participate In our govern ment. It's a privilege thousands have fought and died for. Low voter turnout b a sign of apathy and complacency. People complain that they pay too much in taxes, or that the poor are starv ing, or that we need a nuclear freeze, or that we need more nuclear weapons. Then they say they are too busy to vote. Nationally, less than 60 percent of eli gible voters usually turn out for the election. A lot of people think their votes, dont count. They don't if people don't vote. The direction this country takes for the next fouryears will be determined by this November's election. We will take either the conservative path seek further expansion of the private sector and the defense budget and reduce government; or the liberal path seek reductions in the huge federal deficit, seek reductions in the defense budget and try to find ways to keep Social Security and Medicare alive. It doesn't matter whether you re a Democrat or a Republican. If you dont vote, you dont have a right to complain about President Reagan, or, conceivably, President Mondale. There also are many state and local issues and candidates to vote on. Those votes can and will afect your life some how. We are lucky to be Americans because, unlike many others, we have a voice in how we are ruled. Take the time to regis ter and vote for president, for the senate races, even for the country weed board You have until Oct. 28 to register, it only takes a minute. Go to the city County Building, 555 S. 10th St Go tc the Election Commissioner's office anytime between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. It's open until 5:30 p.m. If you want to vote on local issues and your hometown isnt Lincoln, you need to reg ister in your own county. If you register in Lincoln, you can only vote on Lancaster County issues. t-a-rockfish ' program protects endangered species very boy should have a pet, and mine is named Ralph. Or Amanda. I cannot be sure. I have never met the creature and, even if I had, I know nothing of the delicacy required to ascer tain the sex of a striped bass. Maryland, where a striped bass is called a rockfish and is the official state fish, has a program whereby for $5 you can adopt George Will a bass. The proceeds help finance studies of the decline of one of America's most precious sport and commercial marine resources. The striped bass has been called "the aquatic equivalent of the American bald eagle." It was the subject of the first con servation law in North America: In 1639, the Massachusetts Bay Colony forbade the use of these fish as fertilizer. In 1670, the first public school on this continent was financed in Plymouth Colony by prof its from striped bass, herring and mack erel. Captain John Smith wrote of seeing the Chesapeake Bay so teeming with bass that a man could almost walk on their backs. - But today the bass population is on the verge of collapse of spawning failure. In 1973, 14.7 million pounds of bass were harvested from Atlantic coast waters. In 1983, the catch was just 1 .7 million pounds. The decline could become irreversible before scientific evidence even establishes the role of various causes, which may include overfishing but certainly and pri marily include many forms of pollution. At some point, economic forces become perverse: As bass have become scarce, the price they fetch has soared, increas ing the incentive tc catch them. And even the small amount of good news is a scien tific puzzle. Why is the bass population in the Hudson River expanding? One delight ful explanation is that the river's limes tone bed acts like Alka-Seltzer and coun ters the acidity of acid rain. Of the 12 coastal states along the bass migration range from Maine to North Carolina, Maryland is immeasurably the most important. Ninety percent of the bass are spawned in the rivers running into the Chesapeake Bay, and 75 percent of the bass caught are taken in waters under Maryland jurisdiction. Thus it is no empty gesture that Maryland has made in banning the taking of bass, beginning next year and continuing until the decline is reversed. - The Chesapeake Bay has been called the nation's finest protein factory. But its productivity is now jeopardized by indus trial pollution, chlorine from sewage treat ment, runofis of agricultural chemicals and acid rain. Maryland has grave responsi bility of the bay, but this is a national asset and hence a national problem. The President acknowledged as much when, in this year's State of the Union address, he mentioned protecting the bay. Another Great Communicator, the Palm-. ist celebrated "the great and wide sea with its living things too many to number." But those things are not too many to become endangered. Over harvesting is responsi ble for today's sharp decline in lobster stocks. The decline is so serious that per haps 90 percent of each year's generation of one-pound lobsters is being taken, many of them before they have repro duced even once. Last year William Warner, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his book "Beautiful Swim mers: Watermen, Crabs and the Chesa- yTi I ri ! " .. . 3 urn I V - I l Hf: lV bust ircnsMsssu mmM,,mt$W0M, Write jw? peake Bay," published a splendid, instruc tive book, "Distant Water." It tells how "factory trawlers" giant fishing boats almost destroyed commercial fishing in the North Atlantic, and how timely government limits enabled the sea to come alive again. Regarding striped bass, the federal gov ernment has been reluctant to intrude into coastal fishing regulation, tradition ally a matter of states' rights. But bass are careless about crossing state jurisdictions, as is pollution. So as this column is being written, Congress appears about to pass legislation that would impose a morato rium on striped-bass fishing in any coas tal state that does not comply with wha tever plan is developed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. This is utterly inadequate. The stakes are great and the threatened asset is a national asset, so Maryland's moratorium should be national policy. Maryland's action to protect an endan gered species injures another great Ameri can species the watermen, those fiercely independent and admirable men who for centuries have done the hard work of Dulling protein from the productive waters. What we have here Is a test of national stewardship. It is profoundly unjust for Maryland's watermen or other citizens o pay the price of conserving a national asset. If the watermen's loss is to be tempor ary, national action must be timely, and should be generous toward, a breed of men who did not create the problem they are bearing the burden of solving. MM, WrablagSan Poet Wsitera Group 13315 etters Student calls far 'taking it easy ' Dear Fellow Students: Come on buds, why does everybody seem so down on everything? My proposal is to quit making fun of "fat chicks" and start laying back and have fun by taking it easy. A lot of us don't really know how good we have it here in Lincoln as students, which is too bad! Let's quit complaining and start partying! P.S. Would one of the Daily Nebraskan staff please int erview one of those "suspicious persons contacted by officers" in the police report column? I think it would make a great story. . Ira M. Shapiro junior business administration Offensive remarks anger student Last Friday I had the pleasure of participating in the Homecoming parade by riding on the float entered by the International House. I enjoyed the ride and I must say that the enthusiasm of the crowd was the biest thrill cf the event. But, as happens in so many cases, the great crowd had a few rotten apples in it. International House (or I-House) is an organization for U.S. students who want to get to know foreign stu dents and to help foreign students adjust to our lifestyle. I-Kouse consists of two floors in the Neihardt Residence Hall on the UNL campus, but one need not live there to be a member. I represent the non-resident members (affectionately called outhousers) in I-House's govern ing council. For the parade we had a truck pulling a flatbed trailer on which members of I-IIouse rode, some dressed in their native attire. The crowd, as I said, was very friendly and the most enjoyable part of the parade, with a few exceptions. Some people along the route were shouting remarks about foreign students, and foreigners in gen eral, as our float passed by them. "We don't want you" and "Go back to your home country" are examples of these comments. I also noticed many gestures, such as slanting of eyes, which were made to insult or make fun of foreigners. I lived for six months in Colombia and have visited Spain and Morocco, but at no time did I receive this type of treatment. Why is it then that people from ether countries receive this treatment here? People like this give America, net to mention Nebraska, a bad name. People like this give Americans the stereotype of being these remarks and gestures, is this the image we want of uuraeives: wnai is uie rationale for doing what you aiu. Are you unable to accept something different than what you're used to? Why do you feel that it is wrong for these people (yes, they are people) to be here? Aren't you proud that they chosa to come to our country and our university to get an education? Where is your human dignity? I'm sick and tired of the United States being consi dered a country full of Archie Bunkers. I am also sick and tiied of seeing foreigners in this country being treated so poorly. These people are human beings, with twn can be hurt. I love this country of ours, and I'm proud to be an American. Hilt it rnffllrcua mo resnr onifrv when our own citizens sf nr 1 filings 01 i those unlike us. Nathan J. Strong senior geography