The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1984, Page Page 14, Image 14
Pago 14 Daily Ncbraskan Tuesday, October 2,1334 JA h; Of ItlutS AMUMy MMMU T HoodT through Friday miring tn chool ynalwkl7 la tin iuaar J4 MbniKi Union, TWO k ttrac, hoooiq, . oao-vo STATEMENT Of OWNlfSMI, MS w" NT AND ClftCUlATIO I IHi.1 (X UUCAIK Cully brskn 11 miu :imo lllw.iwm 179 Jfl ANNUAL SU4CMWft FAtCI 55.00 Board or lUgtnta, Univtriity of ftbrttka, FgnU Kail, Lincoln, KE Chris tfeUeh, J ebr8k Union, 1400 R Street, Lincoln, KE 6ai8-m8 non r UnlTftrgjtj flf Hehrigka KNOWN ftOMOMUlOtM t0TGAtf AHnOTHfM SfCUWlTV HOt)4"t OVMHHQ 0 HOLtXNG I KHCIMT OA MOAfc OP lUTAi. A MOON T Of IOHM, MC4MUACM OA OTHM If CO Hit f M MM CfLf T MAI UNO A D( IS 0, F0A COMctTlC IV NUN'i)fl! QMUAHl fftTlOhS AuTMOftltO inWAIt 7 tO.t RAT IS iSrttim 4JJ J J iWA MAS HOT CMAMfi! 0 OUftlMO MAI CHANOtO OiiMlNO ntttCHNi. II MONTHS lit aTINTN0NTu(ll0CinCUOriM luut oubcng mrclOtNG istul lntu S!"!'! 10 TOTAl NO COll (. 17,500 17,500 I AID CIRCULATION immwiMiMgiii.iiMiMnMma T,000 n,000 C TOTAl PAID CmCULATIONflM IMI m4 10S1I 17,031 17,025 0 fK DiSTl(jTlO Y MAIL, CAAAif OK OTMtA MEAWf AULll,COWPllMCNIANV,N001Hin(tCO'li( 20? 2B I. TCiiALOUTPHuTicm,j. vc-woy 17,236 17,263 COinot oitrnnuKD 2. Rvfimi Nam Mami AMiit 0 0 ' 0 TOTAL MbwAf. Ft l-ilmtU tvtal ml fefm mm mwmlm 41 17,500 17,500 " I eortify that th m. by (XpL"' "ffttT uaag. o. of nit bo ir corrtct and eompltw yA'jLfriaMJ- General Manager M m im ana J o Wrjp--i a- "HQ j T1T1 J O T! M Tl ljjirjr MJkata There b a new movie in town made of the same old stuff of which stories typically are made. Girl meets boy. Boy gets girL Boy i3 married. Love is doomed. Then, just in the nick of time, true love conquers a!L Movie Review The movie, now playing at the Douglas 3 Theatre, is "Until September." The setting Li a Paris that looks as if it had been filmed by the people from "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous." The girl, Mo Alex ander, is played by &ctres3 Karen Allen. Allen portrays a tree nursery owner from St. Louis separated from her tour group after missing a flight cut of Paris. A predictable bureau cratic visa hassle ensues and she ends up staying in r.uix The expected French love object, Xavier de la Perouse, is portrayed by Thierry Uicrmitte. Lehrmitte portrays a banker whose wife is summering else where. Obviously they are not happily married. Some bright spots of the movie include Allen's denial of the "I bought you dinner so now you're dessert" attitude whfchliicrmiUepin from Hollywood, it was slightly refreshing. An airport scene, similar to the "going through a crowded airport scene" found in "Airplane," occurs in the final footage and, relative to the rest of the movie, is slightly funny. The film even plugs tourism in the American Mid west. Maybe the popularity of the "Wizard of Oz" or "Terms of Endearment" contributed to that comment An underwritten script that provides trivial reasons for Lhermitte and Allen to show interest in each other, You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.' But the movie, "Until September," provides enough romantic escapism to entertain couples in love. 1 D55 A dance, talent show and parade will be part of Homecom ing '84, which began Sunday and will run through Saturday. Tuesday Dance to the music of the Deputy Dawg Band at East Union. The dance begins at 8:30 p.m. Admission i3 $2 for students Lome and $3 for non-students. Wednesday Get a glimpse of UNL's talent at the talent show. Scott Jones will be master of ceremonies. The show begins at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Cen tennial Room. Admission is $2 for students and $3 for non-students. comin Friday A parade and pep rally are the featured events. The parade begins at 6:30 p.m. on 15th Street and will end at Ne braska Union. Immediately after the parade a pep rally will be in the Memorial Plaza, Nebraska Union. IN I960, THE PILL GAVE WOMEN A NEW FREEDOM. IN 1984THE SPONGE GIVES WOMEN ANEWCHOICE. It s been a long time.Twenty-four years, i and there hasn't been a sensible new option in birth control. Until Today. Today, the 24-hour Contraceptive Sponge. Today is a soft, comfortable sponge that contains Nonoxvnol-9, the same effective spermicide women have been using for over 20 years. The Sponge is easy to use. You just moisten it thoroughly with water and insert it like a tampon, and it works for a full 24 hours. With The Sponge, you don't have to worry about hormonal side effects. And no other non-prescription vaginal contraceptive has been proven more effective? It's been through seven years of extensive testing, and over 17 million Sponges have been sold. Of course, you don't need a prescription for The Sponge. It can be found at your local drug store and at selected supermarkets. In the 3-pack or convenient 12-pack. And the Today Sponge is the only contraceptive that comes with someone to talk to: our 24-hour Today TalkLine. If you have any questions, or you're just, wondering if The Sponge is right for you, visit your student health center or give us a call at 800-223-2329. (In California, 800-222-2329.) Finally, you have the spontaneity you want and the protection you need. But, best of all, you have another choice you never had before. Until Today. -v. 4 f it. f 1 M. iV Xi 1 ,? h I! U. n-. jOj, .a iiar. . r b . m .i -. a.-..iii.Ji..iJn.,JiJ.iu-..a. ,vi Pheia Courtesy I iX'.'A CSisydam snd Rcundsr Rt tee-Si Blees glsiit ClsrcRce "Gstsracsth" Bmim plsyi the to Bar tonight. ON TWO 3-PACKS OR ONE 12-PACK. To Consumef : Limit one coupon per ourctiase Good onh on products designated Consume! pays safes tar To Retailer: We will reimburse you the face value of this coupon plus $ C3 handling provided that you and the consumer have complied with the terms A our couoon otter This coupon is oood only when redeemed by you Iron a consumer at time of purchasing the set i"5u proauci. ,ny uinet use consulates rrauo Keoemprions not nonureo thnyjoh brokers a oilier cutside aoencies Invoices shomimi vtur purchase of sufficient stock to cover all coupons must be shown upon request Void if prohibited, ta?ed or restricted This coupon in rwn transfe'afile. non-assignat. non-reprcducio!e Cash value 120th of $ 01 Otter ipod only m USA Redeem by mailing to: VLI Corporation. PO. Box 4&0. Clinton. Iowa 52734 513L.y 1001M0 Offer Expires itf ) - - v.- (01.- . C!inical tests have concluded that women can expea an annual effectiveness rare id h9-91', xi they use the Today Sponge consistently and according to label instrucnons W84 VLI Grp. Today and The Sponge are trademarks of VU Grp. ' ' I ICINKO'S IS MO Watch for our NEW downtown location at 1237 'R' the beginning of October! m Or iiop in t 46th & Vine WORD ETC also I h iSir- - 'Ivy ch x -V .V4 , "4 It,