Pzm 12 Ozlly fibres ken Monday, October 1, KZi i O ATTENTION: DECEMBER GRADUATES Your Degree Application is due October 1, 1904 Apply at Apply at 203 Administration Bakery Super Savers for the Week Li iM jaV.i'as4Va1 II rjieh eSio $ 02 a 2i3a Redeem yslth coupon EXPIRES: 10584 EOOAGKA union Use your Bakery Dozen money-saving stamp card. 1Q84's FIWAL "" I 1 .S:-:: 1 j S A i I , - v r . . . . , " i u y a.. J coupsn EXPIRES: 10534 PEBOAOICA ton ;f-fi- tiiHi i-'?i5js fill's l -tM iV jiifjllt.!! INTCflCSTED IN BIOLC3Y? Rata Peta Baia biological Society I no accepting applications tor associate membe.ahip. ApjMicatl ns arid mora information art available In biological Sciences Advising Canter. . Thara't still plonty of lima to Sinn up for SIGMA PHI EPSILON LITTLE fe.STLrt HUM (Oct. fMi. fclgn ups have ben extended to Frl., Oct. 6 at tha S'g fcp house, 601 N. 16th. Just walk In and sign up. Questions call Nick Hang at 474-WW. Angel Flight announcaa Its Fsll Rush with a "Deusert" Party Tum., Oct. 2nd, 7:00 p.m. at tha Naihardt Residence Cantar. Rooms will be posted. Angal Fliynt It an honorary sarvlca orgsnlzstion (or man and wjmen who promote tha Inteiests of tha U S. Air Force, AFRQTC, Arnold Air Society, and tha Unlver y. For mora information contact Lynalls Traugar at 435-75 76. Wl TASlf Tf3S CLU3 Starting Oct. 8. Evaryona walcomal Mealing aach Monday avanlng. Student Union Baaamant, 7-10 p.m. Mary, Hava you aaan thote sharp homecoming t shlrts? I'd stop by tha Homecoming booth this weak before they're all gone. What a steal for only $3. It wouid ba a great way to get Into tha spirit of Homecoming M. V'jaardafCStrKlt4C.d.1Cara . . . ee a'Siluila. 6avir.ps account A faaa ra i'rad. Fraa datelis. Your name, addrees, phona. 4?5-i515or 1-t0u-42-3S3 Ext 012W. Do devda svlm? Find out at UPC Foreign Firm, Damon Pond! Sm Sept. W, 3, 7,:15 Won. Oct. 1 7, 9.18 I2.S0 UNL atuoanta $3.30 public Sheldon Theatre Tha man and Creients of lambda Chi Alpha announce little sister rush. Oct. 10-17. Interested ladtea call Jaco.ua 477-22S5. ROYALTY Homecoming Royalty Elsctiona Wed., Oct 3, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Both Uniona SIGN UP NOW for tha TRIVIA BOWL $150 first prize $75 second prize $30 third 8 fourth prizes Entry faa ia $3.00; make chacka payable to tha Residence Hai i Association. Onlytha first 32entrlea will ba accepted, and antry forms are avaiible at residence hall desk. Turn your entry In to 107 Naihardt Hall A.S.A.P.I I Can anvona stop tha mighty "Son of Moii Patio!"? Will "Boo Kadlay Fan Club" make a comthack? Can "toman's Kltina" challenge for tha 1150 firat prize? Or will "Mr. Moo Moo ami tla Lova Boy" surprise everyone? F4MA THIVIA BOWL November 8 9 A Residence Hall Weak Event HOECOSflQ ROYALTY ELECTIONS I a.m.-! p.m. Both Untons Collage Republicans! Meeting Tomorrow Might City Union 6:00 p.m. Committees will ba organized! Gat psyched for 8.A.W. t!raa Nu LKa fsSers Ba aura to stop by tha house and pick up your scoop sheen so you can atay Ind ormao c on tha upcoming events. Hava a great weekl Help us Rock-out Arthritis! Stop by th AOII 48 hour Rock-a-thon for Arthritis. Oct 4-8. Join tha celebration of Homecoming! Homecoming Talent Show City Union Centennial Room Students (wrth I.O.) $2.00 Non-atudents $3.00 Gymmees meeting Oct. 2 at 6:15, 401 Mabt Le. Bring your duea. -A- COM O R ATU LATt O ?5 to tha men and woman of tha TEN DIAMONDS: Chase Travis Antonio Luke Skip Preston Tal , Dallas Brandon Jerome Billy Tad Alexander Ethyl Edith Brooite , Tiffany Whitney Mi iffy Buffy UPC Meeting today for Free University committee at 4:00 In City Union. Check the schedule. New members welcome. Tha Publications Board will ma 1 4 pm. Tuesday In tha Nrbrsska Union to discuss Daily Netivtken poiictea. COLLEGE COP Meeting Tuesday at City Union, :CJ p.m. Important and Informative. Gat ready to atart tha machtna rolling) Tha Unlvaf s!ty Program Council la now accepting applications for Vica President of U?C-t.t. Applications avaiiabla at aithar CAP office, Appii catlona dua Wadnasday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m. Congratulations to CBS's New Student Advisory Board Members: Alan T. MlcHe D. Curt S. Ma'? e M. Roaiyn R. Kly K: Ry A. Darci W. LIssH. jeffH. Juiie T. Annor.a F. Steve H. Alan B. Kan Q. Stacey H. Get excited for an "enthusiastic" yfurll TONIGHT START HOMECOMING WEEK OFF RIGHT saaFLACHOANCE 7.00-6:00 Nebraska titt Union Graat Plains Room intra. WEtTIRH CIV. WKOMZ! TtST are your notes up to par? JCN't NOTES available 1-4 Men -Frt. Lancostar House 1200 Q To AM Ya Suckaroca, GidJy'up and coma on down to tha Oawg Dane. Tuesday. Ociooar 2 at Vm East Union. Billy Bob Tha Momentum Is carrying it to tha Grert Plains Room ... FLASHDAKCE! Looking for a class that's out of the ordinary? Try a UPC FREE UNIVERSITY course! Register thia wek, 10 a.m.-Z p.m. in tha City Union. Don t mi!ts Itl Want to learn Judo? Skydiving? Karate? Want to find out about tha Unicameral? Time Management? Sex Roles? Take a UPC FREE UNIVERSITY course! Register in the C ty Union this weak, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. PHI CHi THETA making Tuesday, October 2, 1984 Nebraska Union 6.00 p.m. Piaga and actives pioasa attend. The University Program Council is now accept ing applicntione for vice President o( UPC-East. Applications avaiiabla at either CAP office. Appli cations dut Wednesday, Oct. 3, 3 p.m.