The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1984, Page Page 9, Image 9

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Thursday, September 27, 1934
Dally Nebraskan
Pago 9
'Ghostbusters 'fan club full-time job for founders
By Ward W. Triplett HI
DtHy Nfbrazk&n tit ff Editor
and trading articles from science have predicted this," she said,
fiction movies and found out we Miller said the promotional plan
"" uuu """cipaung wnat ior tne movie was utterly simple, esting," Lister said
tK.T u r Just tne now-famous iogo with Even if Ghostbusters crosses
tyear, but .the big break came World this Summer," which ran the business.
!lnen. un.ostbusters opened. Al- in some larger newspapers and "We still sell a lot nf Rt.r Trw
record and entertainment maga- material and there will always be
zines. A week before the movie more science fiction films," Gar
opened, ads wii the players them- vey said. The company is prepar
selves began appearing. ing materials for "Dune" and H2001 :
People who had seen the ghost .a Soace Odv5?pv "
j -1.1- .... .. . "
au were aoie 10 put it togetner
lLZ&i 'FT intC.rf,tlng and cuii " tta. -ES, busters"
t?S I'f.11"!.0 f"? " Li3t 82ld- "W "to carted opened, we had a pcU that showed
he worried-looking ghost al
most certainly wiil appear
in most any avenue of cloth
ing or entertainment you can find
these days. You can see him at thouch thev hanHipH mf,h,n
the top of the screen in the latest dise for "Star Trek" and other big
or materializing in any number of
Music Television spots,
forever trapped in that red res
triction zone.
science nction fan cluhs nnri
trades, the $20 million Ghostbus
ters was "the" vehicle, Lister said.
"We wanted to deliver a fan
club about that film that was
"We get a number of things like available anywhere else. We can
that. Most of them are very inter- always do that with other
movie3," Garvcy said.
And between the slimings, the
prehistoric bitches, the power
grids and the marshmallow men,
is there any part of Ghostbusters
the ghostbusters themselves liked
the most? "Sigourney Weaver, no
doubt about it," Garvey said.
little spuds in Lincoln end ether it because we were fans as well"
points, noi iu iiieciton on out
tons, lunch boxes end other child-
80 percent public awareness of tion
the movie, which is pretty high
for any film."
Lister and Garvey sensed the
hit as well and contacted Colum
bia about the exclusive rights for
for an "Ecto-mobile design. Mat
tel is working on a Stay-Puff Marsh
mallow Man doll.
Usually you don't see this kind
of behavior in the general busi-
There are imitators out there.
and Others who markp T.hrt
ren's items. But, it doesn't stop and the like, but the official fan
there. Sor.cwl.ere in New York a club Dacket inciud
store with n exclusive contract subscriotion to the
is marketing Jump suits with the magazine, a certificate of anti- a fan club the next week. Thev
uttc 64ivov vy .v vv vtumivrmm pronciency, an in- naa to advance the motion pic-
A car-maker is considering plans surance packet in case you are ture comoanv a "sizahle" amount
"slimed in the line of duty," an to show they had capital to pro-
Ecto-vehicie bumper sticker, a duce a quality product and had
badge, patch and a set of stickers, to commit to a product that
T-shirts, posters and other mem- "respected" the film and its play-
entos are available on a mail ers. f!oliimhia still cpts n norron.
. ... 1 t..A. .1 , .... . .: - d"v" - r' --..i
ness pmce. uui, inese are just order list. The packet costs $8.95. tage of each club membership
some of the multi-million dollar The response has not exactly and part of any Ghostbuster item
deals that have grown fr om the turned Fantasy Traders into a Fantasy Traders sells,
success of "Ghostbusters," this demilitarized zone. Lister and
summer's largest money-making Garvey had two employees before The real test for the Ghost
film. With its ticket sales ap- May. They now have 10 who work busters club will come after the
preaching $200 million and its 12 to 15 hours a day. A 'ton" of film closes. The Stuart Theatre,
by-products pulling in at least neighborhood kids volunteer their which has shown the film five
hail tnat, tne ousiness of ghost- time to help stuff the member
busting articles has grown to the ship packets.
size ot a i,uuu-pouna Twinkie
"It happened pretty fast,"
lister said. "The first mention of
Ghostbusters is keeping us busv
right now and we hope it keeps us
busy for a while longer. But our
purpose is to provide mforma-
and materials that aren't
Ghostbusters fan club member
ships are available by .writing
Ghostbusters: Post Office Box
8278, Pittsburgh, Penn., or by cal
ling 800-331-1000.
And, if you're one of the few
who hasn't seen the film, or just
part of an ever-diminishing num
ber who hasn't bought at least
one Ghostbusters item, well, a lot
of people might say about you,
"It's true...this man has no...taste."
times a day since it opened, will
end Ghostbusters' run Oct. 10. It
already has closed in some smaller
cities and will end its general
release everywhere later in the
the club was on an inside Dase in month. This is one case, however,
USA Today. That first day we got where Lister and Garvey think
about 2,000 calls on our 800 num
ber." Lister estimated that over
35,000 applications have been re
ceived and sent out and the num
For Mark Lister and Jim ber keeps growing.
Garvey, the guys who own the "The promotional items on
exclusive rights to promote the Ghostbusters got out a little late,"
international Ghostbusters fan Lister said. "Manufacturers were
club, the fascination began at the waiting to see if the movie would
"out of sight, out of mind" won't
"We're very much up to date as
far as the future of Ghdstbus
ters," Lister said. "I've been bug
ging Columbia about a second
film, but so far they say there
aren't any plans." .
In the meantime, the club paper
first screening they saw together, become a hit before they started .will carry interviews with the
Lister, a former security sys
tem installer, and Garvey, a
former psychotherapist ("I used
to bring people back into reality,"
he says, "now I bring them out"),
started Fantasy Traders of Pitts
burgh as a part-time business
three years ago.
"We were both big, big movie
fans," Lister said. "We traveled to
a lot of movie conventions, selling
in on the T-shirts and dolls and so
forth. That's why we're still filling
a lot of orders for those kinds of
Susan Miller, an administrative
assistant for Columbia Pictures
in Dallas, said Columbia knew
they would have a hit, but never
thought it would be this big.
"As far as it getting to this
point, I don't think anyone would
Continued from Page 2
for children or pregnant women,
she said.
There are practically no dangers
involved in the lacto and lacto
ovo diets, Caudill said. Although
the diets are low in iron, women
generally don't get enough iron
anyway, she said. Lacto stands
for milk, which is important in
the diet, she said.
"Milk actually is the best source
of protein to us," she said.
The purist diet is the easiesjto
get all the nutrients and there
fore is the safest one, Caudill said.
Vegetarians became popular in
the early 1970s when people were elude coconut oil, palm oil and
concerned with feeding the world, chocolate, wnile polyunsaturated
she said.
"A lot of college kids probably
started it," she said.
In addition, during the last five
to 10 years, the importance of
fiber in the diet has gotten more
attention, Caudill said, Raw fruits,
vegetables and whole grain foods
help fulfill the body's fiber needs,
she said.
Vegetarian diets meet the
American dietary guidelines,
Caudill said.
Less saturated fats should be a
avoided, Caudill said, whereas
more polyunsaturated fats are
encouraged. Saturated fats in-
film's stars as well as real-life
ghost stories, and profiles on real
ghostbusters. The film will open
overseas in December and Fan-'
tasy Traders already is bracing
for a new wave of believers.
"We not only get letters from
people who like the movie, but
from a lot of people who say they
really believe in ghosts and want
to know if Jim and I are really in
the ghostbusting business," Lister,
Last week, a letter told of a
woman who was housekeeping
for a neighbor when the clock fell
off the wall and broke. Later, she
found out the neighbor had died
in a car accident at the time
showing on the broken clock face.
If w
mv 'i Hi! ill i
l inh'i ill LJ
P ft A
saa Lii u vj ill Rul
11 J
taudill said. It then became con
nected with a fad where the
question of safeness comes up,
fats include corn, cotton, saf-
flower, sesame, soybean and sun
flower oil, she said.
An rvrr-n
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