Wednesday, September 2G, 1984 Dally Ncbraskan Pages 2a Letters Vverweightfemale ' actually ice cream cone In reference to a letter to the Daily Ncbraskan (Pgo 5, Sept. 25, "Student says insensitivity, ignorance pervade campus life"), we would like to add the following rebuttal. We would like to inform the public that the picture in our window of Schramm Hall, which was deemed insensitive, is in fact not so. The image consists of a "Ghost busters" sign with a large ice cream cone in the center, not a "crude rendering of an overweight female." The caption under the sign is a semi-popular song by the California-based band the Sex Punks, titled "No Fat Chicks."The sign is meant to be humorous, because many of our women friends will get an ice cream cone after dinner, then later complain that they need to lose weight. We did not appreciate getting slammed in public and I'm sure the person in Harper that has a sign up in his window didn't appreciate it either. His sign says "Where's the Pork?" and it i3 part In response to Gina Gror.e's letter (Page 5, Sept. 25) about insensitivity and ignorance, I wonder how much she weighs. It appears that she is confused about insensitivity. The article about insensitivity to Indians dealt with people's various cul tures and lifestyles. Does she consider being obese an ethnic culture? Obesity af fects all races, sexes and different nationalities. In some countries it is considered healthy to have excess weight. The latter proves that a person comes from a fam ily that can afford good food. However, in the United States obesity is a gross eyesore that affects at least 50 percent (if not more) of our population! Being fat is not just unhealthy, but it represents weak character, no will power and little self esteem. The people who exercise, diet and limit their indulgences do so because they care about their bodies. These same people realize that they are damned lucky for having a well-functioning body. It is the people who are obese and who indulge that take for granted not being handicapped in any manner. Only when it is too late will these same people wish, "Oh, if I hadn't been so lazy!" Granted, the style in which some students ex press their prejudices toward un attractiveness is crass, but these same students have the right to live in a healthy environment. Without the use of such blatant signs, the message of truth doesn't penetrate those who should heed good advice. Grone may protest, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."That is true, for we cannot help the way we were born. However, if Grone were to reread the last sentence of her letter, "The only way things can change is if people change," she might realize that the ignor ance lies in the obese people. They have the capability to re ward themselves by changing un healthy habits and for once en joying and new and better life style. Juliette Miles junior history Blindfederation criticized by former student Lets "get-acquainted" over the problems of being a BLIND STU DENT." This seems to be the mes sage in the announcement enti tled "Get acquainted session set for blind students" appearing on Page 7 of the Sept. 17, 1934, Daily NebrasKan, - I may be somewhat of an opti mist by experience, having com pleted both my undergraduate and graduate degr ees visually im paired with relative normality and little or no maladjustment, but I have a difficult time seeing an organization such as the National Federation of the Blind supplying a service to "blind students" by gathering and pessimistically dis cussing past problems and calling it a "get-acquainted session." Then again it is difficult to recognize NFB as an organization "formed to help secure equal op- !1 portunity for blind and visually impaired" individuals when it stig matizes and overemphasizes the "blind" in blindness with practices such as the overuse of the white cane, while opposing textured strips at the edge of BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) platforms where 13 visually impaired individ uals fell off platforms between January. 1980 and September 1983. NFB says the strips would single out the blind as a "subclass of less capable Americans," the edge protection "signifies the in competence of the blind." If these edge strips are so stig matizing, what does the overuse of the white cane by those who could possibly do without cane travel, or the sleep shade during the mobility training process, do for the image and status of the visually impaired. Mark A. Demuth Lincoln 02. Continued from Pstge 4 IS: She can't. She's in a camp for marrying and consorting with a homosexual. Guilty. NEXT. (Suspect 3 steps forward.) IS: Occupation? 3: Cosmetologist IS: Guilty. NEXT... (Suspect 4 steps forward.) IS: Occupation? f4: Lumberjack. IS: Hmmm. Have you even known a homosexual? 4: Nope. IS: Hmmm. Have you ever known anyone who has, or did have, AIDS? 4: Nope. IS: Hmmm. What's your favorite food? 4: Beer and raw hamburger. IS: Kmmmm. (confers with fel low Inquisitors, then hands 4 a piece of paper) Read this. 4: (reading) She sells thcathelli.. Shethells... IS: (triumphantly) Guilty! NEXT It's a cold, windy dawn in New . Midwestia. Convicted homosex uals are transported in railroad cars to a camp, formerly a drive In movie theatre. Convicts sit chained to poles with speakers blasting the King's New Order of Midwestia History: u... and the Britons conquered the Scots who were a bunch of homos who wore skirts..." n n. w& i ww. r so & o iih hi o i n s .MB no n J For you if your classes conflict, work schedules intrude, and you can't always be where you'd like to be. Earn University of Nebraska-LincofrT credit studying at your own pace. For information, visit the UNL Division of Continuing Studies Independent Study Department, room 269 Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, 33rd and Holdrege. Take the shuttle bus from city cam pus., Or cali 472-1926. O 1 UUULu WEEKLY SPECIALS of an on-going battle with some girls In Schramm. Yes, we ere teasing a little, but it was not meant to offend any one, especially someone we don't even know. If anybody was of fended, please accept our apol ogy. Dan Divingnzzo junior engineering Rob Poggenpohl sophomore business administration WEDNESDAY A mi J f 2! n 5 u Student says obese people can change lifestyle m Golden Oldies Nite" SPECIAL ATTRACTION m live entertainment performed by . . . , UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment pro'fsms. srsd abides by al ietieiai regulations pertainifts to same. t- yl 1 fii cs ' S zrz s o I- m "SPIKE AND THE SPUTNIKS" $1.00 Cover Charge 50 DRINKS 25 .DRAWS M,50 PITCHERS & OTOOOEG SPECIALS I HURSDAY Wet T-Shirt Contest d-rers $1 50 1st Place Prize $50 2nd Place Prize r SIOOOES SPECIALS & m si o n IES' NIGHT 1 fl -is K B e I ! yone! 1 "C26PSt. Jj O H a o o r o C7 5 03 o rn P o in Q nj P p.m. Q- 1 ( J rn 5 ft j