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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1984)
i V i i ill i'i ft i SD r , Tuesday, September 25, 1934 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol.84 No. 23 By Asm Lowe ' - Lcily Netixs&aa Senior Reporter Editor's nets; This is. the second article in a five-part esric3 cxpleriag vazisrs isssea behind Nebraska factbalL Take UNL's Memorial Stadium on a big game day and pack it with 76,000 screaming fans. Give the fans a little booze and sorae Behind . 1 Big Red oranges to throw. Things could get pretty wild. .Someone might even get hurt. Two years ago, someone did get hurt. In the 1C32 Nebraska-Oklahoma game, Sgt. Marv Kinion of the UNL Police Department was struck by a frozen orange thrown from the stands. Neck injuries forced Kinion to take disability retirement at age 58. He still wears a neck brace and continues with physical therapy. Since last fall, UNL officials nave tried to prevent similar acci dents. Fans are not allowed to bring large coolers, glass con tainers and. oranges into the stadium. A closed-circuit television system v21 installed in the press box so police officers can keep a closer watch on the crowds. The rules may be stiffer and the equipment may be sophisticated, but it's still a big job to keep the stadium clean, orderly and safe on Big Red football Saturdays. G&me dsys start peacefully about 5:30 am., when grounds keeper Bill Shepard arrives at the stadium. Shepard and about 18 other grounds and maintenance workers spend the morning dust ing seats and bleachers, setting up folding chairs and running a giant vacuum over the inside of the stadium, said building mech anic Dick Lutz. As fans pour in from all over Lincoln and UNL police officers stand in parking lots and busy intersections to direct traf fic. Capt. Jim Baird of the Lincoln Police Department said LPD sends about 35 officers to direct traffic before the games and about 45 after. Other officers are stationed at the stadium gates to help ticket takers keep coolers and other contraband out of the stadium. By John RIelssner In what now sounds naive, a Daily Nebraskan editorial on Nov. 15, 1933, two weeks after the col lapse of Commonwealth said: "When this whole situation (Com monwealth) is over, we may find that there were no fraudulent or illegal actions. But if there was any wrongdoing, the state has a responsibility to uncover it and punish those involved With the sentencing last Friday of former Commonwealth Presi dent S. E. Ccppla to 1244 months in prison, the state, 10 months after the collapse of Com monwealth, took its first step towards punishing those involved Copple fs prison sentence b 1LSME iML police hmm The officers dont frisk fans or "search parcels, said Lt Joe Whencr cf the UNL Police Department. But Wehner said the ne w restric tions have limited the amount cf alcohol that gets carried into the stadium. Altogether, about 110 officers are on duty at the stadium dur ing game time, including UNL and city police and Nebraska State Fatrol officers and Lancas ter County sheriff deputies, Wehner said. As some officers patrol the stadium, others keep their eyes on the TV monitors to find fans who are drinking, fight ing or throwing things, he said. Besides the security offi cers, about 45 volunteers from the American Red Cross, four nurses and two doctors are on duty to handle medical emergen cies, said Del Weed, UNL coordi nator for spectator emergencies. Backed by two ambulances and a mobile heart unit, this health team typically responds to 15 to 20 emergencies at every game, treating everything from bee stings and minor scrapes to chest pains and shortness of breath, Weed said. , Chest pains' usually are "more from anxiety than anything else," Weed said. No fan has had a heart attack at the stadium for a year and a hal he smd. - - Weed said the number of medi cal emergencies has decreased since last season's crackdown on bottles and Coolers. Fewer people are tripping in the aisles, and fewer fans are getting drunk and getting sick at the games, he said. -But Comhusker games aren't completely trouble-free, he said. It's still "not uncommon," he said, for officers to interrupt fights and escort unruly fans from the stadium. About eight minutes be fore game's end, most of the police officers head back to the streets to guide post-game traffic. Then, after the game is over and the fans are gone, the Big Red clean up begins. UNL police officers take lost and found items to the campus station, where they are kept for seven days, then given to charity, Wehner said. On Sunday, the grounds crew and volunteers start the cleanup, which usually takes about 150 work hours a week, said UNL Grounds Director Bud Dasenbrock. "One' of the problems with the wheels of justice is they grind very slowly," State Banking Direc tor Roger Beverage said Lion day, adding that thwarted efforts to return depositors' money or gain retribution in court are "very frustrating to them and us." A list of the major parties in dicted, acquitted, or convicted in court because of their actions follows. Paul Douglas The state At-, torney General escaped unscath ed ifomaNebraskaSupreme Court impeachment trial in March and a federal grand jury investigation . which ende d earlier this month. However, he faces charges of per jury and obstruction of justice in . i " ,. 1 .. - L . David CrsmrDaNy Hcbreckxn Statelwuse gets facelift A good deal cf renovating will be dne around tLe south entrance of the Capitol. Stcry on Page 6. Learning disabled students get help from specially trained By Brad Gilford -. The learning disabled some times fight a silent battle. Many colleges and universities do not offer a program to help them because of limited funding for special services. The learning disabled have been on the fringe of special program spending be cause their problems are not as visible and are sometimes more difficult to detect. UNL now is reaching out to learning disabled students with a new program to help them adjust to and overcome their problems. Before this program, UNL could offer only standard academic advisers to students with learn ing disabilities. UNL Affirmative Action officer Bradley Munn said that was not enough. "Learning disabled students have special problems and need specially-trained counselors," Munn said. Although this need was as sessed years ago, it was not met until money for the new program was provided by an anonymous donation from a local family and a grant from Burlington Nor n ern Railroad. earns i a Lancaster County trial sche duled for Nov. 26. It is rumored he appeared before the Nebraska State Bar Association inquiry com mittee in Omaha (all disciplinary proceedings are kept confiden tial). Both the court and the Bar are looking into Douglas busi ness dealing with Marvin Copple, Commonwealth's former vice president. If the court finds Dou glas innocent. Beverage said that "ends all criminal matters...unles3 they come back with another in dictment" State Banking Department and the State cf Nebraska These , entities have been sued by the receiver cf Commonwealth and 140 Commonwealth depositors. mnrvr i i i . . ,i -, t -S !, I ; t t-: I ( L- , -J - - 1 1 t Three specially trained counse lors and Munn, who mainly refer students to the appropriate ' advisers, now are available' 24 hours a day, every day. They act as a liaison between students and teachers, concentrating on build ing students' abilities to do basic tasks, like spelling, reading and writing. The program currently has 20 participants, but Munn said he thinks that there are other stu dents who have not yet asked for assistance. Many students may not realize they have a learning dis order. Others may know they have a problem but are afraid to ask for help or do not know how to handle it. Munn said the program can help all of these people. The service is operating on a trial basis, Munn said. He will evaluate the number of students in the project, the different types of counseling and the effective ness of the whole program to determine its future. Stewart Porterfield, a junior majoring in music, said the pro gram is "very worthwhile, but maybe I'm a little biased." Porterfield has dyslexia, a neu rological disorder that causes him to transpose letters when he The former suit put the State Banking Department, named as the receiver of Commonwealth, in the unique position of suing itself. Both a $57 million tort claim and compromise $33 mil lion claim were rejected by the Lancaster County Court, however. The latter suit asks for $1.8 million because of negligence. S. E. Copple Although he faces no other charges in return for providing information to authorities, the 87-year-old Cop ple awaits sentencing for a sim iLir conspiracy charge he pleaded no contest' to in federal court. Newt Copple Charges of aid ing and abetting in Lancaster County District Court are still wheels of justice ? -1 counselors writes. Like his father, mother and sis ter, Porterfield attended Wash ington University in St. Louis. He said that WU was a Harvard-typ school, but after four years he quit. He was frustrated because no one could help him with his problem. Porterfield, in his first semes ter at UNL, decided to enroll even before the new service had opened ;. because people like Munn "sat down and talked with me." "I told him we didn't have what he was looking for, but that we'd do everything we could," Munn said. Nov Porterfield is getting the chance to do everything he is capable of. He said he doubted that he could graduate from WU, but he now has his sights on graduate school and teaching. "If you get through school but can't write things down, you have nothing," Porterfield said. "I'm net going to come cut of here with just a piece of paper, but some thing that works." Learning disabled students in terested in the program can reach Munn at 472-3417 or visit his office, Administration 504. pending for the son of S. E. Cop ple. Additionally, he has been sentenced to 16-24 months in prison for forgery used in obtain ing a loan from the Beatrice firms he presided over. Like his father, however, he is free pending ap peal of the sentence on grounds of cruel and unusual punish ment. Marvin Copple Lancaster County District Court is prose cuting Copple on two felony counts of theft for two payments totaling $500,000 he received from Commonwealth, but again, like his father, he is protected from further state and federal charges in return for his testimony in the upcoming Paul Doujks case. J ft