The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1984, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, September 12, 1G34
Daily Nsbraskan
Pago 3
By G2I1 Y. Hsey
Dally Mebrasiaa Senior Eejrt?y
The University Health Center
will sponsor a weight-to pro
gram for students who Ere at
least 15 percent over their ideal
weight, psychiatric social worker
Margaret Eager, Said Tuesday.
The program, scheduled to
begin Oct. 1, will kst 10 weeks,
Eager s aid. Participants will meet
from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. every
Monday in the basement confer
ence room of the health center,
she said.
Students who participate must
be at least 15 percent over their
ideal weight, which b determined
pushes weight' loss
by a physical taken at the center,
she said. To arrange for a physi
cal, the student can contact the
center for an appointment with a
health center physician.
During the program, students
must weigh in every week, Eaer
said. The program will take a
"healthy lifestyle" approach in
which various kindi cf informa
tion will be presented, she said.
The program will focus on teach
ing students to eat fewer calories,
to exercbe more and to change
their behavior patterns, she said.
Aerobics to improve the cardio
vascular system particularly will
be emphasized, she said.
The program will Include dis-
cussion on weight loss by show
ing films, presenting medical rea
sons to control weight, citir.3 good
nutrition practices and allowing
students to dhcus3 their weight
problemEarner said.
Cost for the 10-week program
is $25 and up to $20 is refundable,
depending on the student's at
tendance, she said.
Students who have completed
the 10-week program can enroll
in the follow-up program that
will meet every Thursday. Cost
for the program, to begin Oct. 4,
will be $20 and is non-refundable.
Students who were in the first
program can continue to lose
weight in the follow-up program.
L. r r til
Booths still are available for noon, 12:15, 12:30 and 12:45 p.m. Houston will speak about the U.S.
those wanting to display or sell Buses will travel non-stop to Space Shuttle program during a
items during Lincolnfest "84, Sept. Lincoln Center and Memorial Sta- dinner Sept. 20, sponsored by the
29 and 30. Rental prices are $100 dium. The 11:30 a.m. buses will Women's Division of the Lincoln
for commercial enterprises, $50 make the downtown loop before Chamber of Commerce,
fornon-pmaorfund-reisingorgani- going to the stadium. Schuessler is responsible for
zations and $25 for informational After the game, fans can catch engineering technologies on the
or display purposes. Booths will a bus from the stadium back to Space Shuttle and Space Station
be set up near Pershing Audito- Holmes Lake or the college, programs. He is involved with
rium. Any booths decorated with Another bus will pick up fans at astronaut training and flight crew
the Lincolnfest theme, "A Cele- 11th and M streets at 5 p.m. planning and supervises Eight cali
bration of Life in Lincoln," will be Service costs and departure trollers at NASA's Mission Con
eligible for a competition with times may change because of tel- trol Center in Houston,
cash prizes. Contact Pam Wright e vised games. Call 476-1234 for y
at the Lincoln Center Associa- more information. Treventing Child Sexual Abuse,"
tion, 474-5500, for more informa- .' a five-part national public TV ser
tion. The Near South Neighborhood ies airing Sept. 17 through 20 at 7
' Association will have its 11th An- p.m., offers advice to parents on
ThelincolnTransportationSys- ?ual e 4Cream Sodal Sunday how to prevent their children
tern will operate two Big Red S2 4Pfath!5S?yal!? .f lt
Express Lots again this football 2 lhe Pout? Church Pr(mdf non-threatening pro-
seaSon. They are at Southeast JOth and D streets. Ice cream finoufor children, geared to their
Community College 8800 O St m Campus Dairy age group and level of under-
And at Holmes Park, 70th and & JSSSJ "!? onh?wt protect them-
Van Dorn streets. home-baked goods will be served, selves. The national programs will
A live band will play. be supplemented with local facts
Game-goers can board Big Eed about assault of children and
and Express buses from Holmes John F. Schuessler, director of adults on "Sexual Violence in Ne-
Park or Southeast Community engineering at McDonnel Douglas braska," which begins Sept 17 at
College at 11:30 am., 11:45 a.m., Technical Services Company in 8:30 p.m.
Tii3 Joumd-Sfer presrfe:
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Psrsonal Computers
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September 17, 1834 5pm - 9pm
September 18,1984 10cm - 9pm
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Pershing Auditorium's PC-Expo '84. Representatives
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high technology thafs fast becoming part of our
everyday life. Experts will answer all your questions in
a learning environment You can even register to win
an Apple Dc, an I BM PC Jr", or a complete Home Video
System. Ifs Lincoln's largest exhibition of home,
computers and home electronics ever. And it's coming -soon.
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