t Wednesday, August 29, 1034 Dally Nabraskan Pago 5 Guest Opinion Cohen speaks for "most" on abortion I always get just a little bit nervous when people purport to speak for "most Ameri cans." Therefore, when Richard Cohen informed the readers of the Daily Ne braskan (Aug. 27) that "most Americans" reject the view that "a fetus, no matter how young, is always (sic) a person," I decided to respond empirically. In fact, Cohen is wrong. According to the May 3 1 , 1 03 1 , Gallup Poll, most Amer icans (54 percent) think human life beg ins at conception. This view also accords with biological reality because unques tionably, from the moment of conception, each unborn child is human, living and a genetically unique individual who is defi nitely not a part of his or her (yes, unborn human beings have gender) mother's body. The real issue in the abortion controv ersy is whether society should allow mil lions of unborn children to be put to death as a solution to a series social prob lem (the social, economic, and emotional burden of bearing an unwanted child). The abortion problem is a tragedy, be cause no matter which path we take, someone will be left behind. But what we must do to respond to the tragedy is seek out humane solutions to the social prob lems resulting from unwanted pregnancy, and put a stop to the taking of human life that is being done in the name of the so-called "liberty" of abortion. We must devote more of our resources to making childbirth less burdensome medical programs for pregnant women, child care programs for working parents and group homes for unwed mothers are some examples. At the same time, we must find a way to reverse the Dred Scott decision of our times, Roe vs. Wade. The state then must act immediately to pro hibit abortion (with an appropriate ex ception for life threatening pregnancies) and to do what they can to help the par ents of unwanted children cope with the reality of their situation. Actually, there are few truly unwanted r-r-7 children. There are many children who are unwanted by their biological parents, but there are literally masses of childless couples and individuals who are waiting desperately for a chance to adopt a child and give him or her a loving home and upbringing. In closing, I wish to remind Cohen that supporters of the abortion liberty do not have a corner on the market oFpersonal freedom" those who seek to protect the lives of unborn children do so selflessly and out of a desire to enhance human rights for everyone on the continuum of life, from the moment of conception to the moment of death. Richard F. Duncan UNL associate professor of law t 7 xi Daily a EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER PRODUCTION MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER NEWS EDITOR ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS Chrit Wlcch, 472-1766 Daniel Shattll Kilty Pollcky Tom Byrns Kelly Mangan Slav Meyer Michlela Thuman Thorn Gabruklewlcz Brad Kuhn Stack Thomai Vlckl Ruhga Ward W. Triplett III Christopher Burbach Lauri Hoppie Julie Jordan Lauri Hopple Terl Sparry Billy Shaffer Joel Sartore Nick Fotey, 476-0275 Angela Nletfeld. 475-4881 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER Don Walton, 473-7301 The Dally Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday in the fall and spring semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer sessions, except during vacations. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-2538 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, caU Nick Foley, 476-0275 or Angela Nietf ield, 475-4981. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1384 DAILY NEBRASKAN COPY DESK SUPERVISOR SPORTS EDITOR ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR NIGHT NEWS EDITORS WIRE EDITORS ART DIRECTOR PHOTO CHIEF PUBLICATIONS BOARD CHAIRPERSONS ' NEW CBA . "Build Your Own Ice Cream Sundae Party" Front Lawn of CBA Thursday, Aug 4:00 p.m. mis even i is iur new frcslimcn and transfer V: students in the College of Business " ; Administration.'.- "-..-.n U , - -V inf., QBE united to erw rvsn n nil u insyss i A JJ if XI I f l '- ( AaNs, . If.. St di jaif f S II Si M G n ' J , I I U LA vJ Mm reel 24 hoy irs!! Russ's has all the snacks you want to cure the late night munchies! Russ's has a deli with hot fried chicken, spare ribs, macaroni salad, potato salad, cole slaw and much more! Russ's also has a bakery with fresh cakes, donuts and cookies! o The meat and produce depart ment at Russ's B & R is pure quality! Russ's B&R has a liquorstore at the 17th and Washington loca tion. Russ's B&R Locations: 66th & "O" 27th & Highway 2 17th & Washington (llilJJ) They Hav Evoniilmw 5 1 'J