Dally Ncbrcsk&n Tuesday, August 28, 1084 Psga 10 A DropAdd Benefit Life downtown clock chimes for Lincoln shoppers Today is the fu st day of Drop 3, Add in the Centennial Room in the Nebraska Union. It continues through Sept. 5. Drops will be permitted until Oct. 19. DropAdd procedure: 1. Complete Drop Add form, (available at administrat ion). 2. lick up Time Appointment Card at Window 5, Admin. EMg., main level 4. 5. 6. Go to Centennial lioom in 7, Nebraska Union at time noted on the Time Appoint ment Card. Have fee assessment made at Student Accounts Stat ion. Pay $5 DropAdd fee at Bursar Station. Consult the posted Open 8. Course List or the Open, Course Terminal and select call number identified" as 9. open. Complete Course Request form, entering only those call numbers identified as open for adds. Enter call number for courses to be dropped and mark the ap propriate "bubble on the form. Submit Course Request form. Proceed to waiting area for print-out of classes. jVfete 6eiiy& your Sport Shop! TrR7 1120 "PSTREET-JuST OFF CAMPUS 474-4288 Sfd:,ti to a pzt U,'l I P. cJ fsd? IS eff rtr fd fcsi to Senhr IS, t34. Our GaprycuicufoD When you order and pick up your phone at one of our phono centers process you re going to save tsmo and installation costs. First, wa ll your request on the spot. Then, you simply chooso tha tetephona you want and take it with you when you loavo. JUST VISIT ONE OF THESE LOOTION3, DURING THESE COflVEHiEIIT HOURS. 8:30am-4:S0pm UNL Sft&cn! Union, North Lobby City Campus, August 20-24 and August 27 end 28 8:30am-4:30pm Union Osllsg, Gymnasium August 20 and 21 8:30arn-5:00prn LT&T Pheira Center Bswntswn, 15th & M, Monday-Friday. 9:00am-6:00pm LTaT Fhc-ns Center Esst, East Psrk Plsza, 200 North 66th, Monday-Friday. Also open Saturdays, 8:30am5:00pm Ask us about buying your own telephone. Wanava a variety of styles and colors at our Phona Centers at 15th & Mend 200 N.6S1 u -?ri i .. . V X 11 M it v s - Downtown Lincoln shoppers who wonder what time it is can listen for the chiming of Lincoln Benefit Life's new addition a chiming clock. The clocks on the front of the building at 134 S. 13th St. is the first to mark the hour in downtown Lincoln since the 1950s. Ted Kocser, second vice presi dent in charge of marketing ad ministration, said company offi cials installed the clock because they wanted to give the building mere identity. "..After all, 13th Street is Lin coln's little Wall Street, with a number of prominent banks and savings and loan institutions along it, as well as our life insu rance company " Kocser said. Hav ing a chiming clock goes right along with this feeling." Although some people have com plained that the chiming disturbs their work, Kooser said the com pany has received more positive responses. The insurance execu tive said he has seen people glance at the chiming clock to check their watches. "It's kind of fun having it around." he said. A crane was used to lift the 500-pound clock to its perch Aug. 17. Kooser said the clock face measures 8 square feet and plays "Westminister Chimes" every quarter-hour. "It gives some life to the city," UNLjur.br Resa Shamsuddin said. Shamsuddin said he heard the chimes for the first time Monday as he walked near the Lincoln Benefit Life building. The clock is not the first in .downtown Lincoln, but Kooser said the clock is the first of its kind since one was removed from 10th and O streets in the 1950s. , '-A M l7 HI V vO 1 ft 4 Ml I M H 1 si 1 I J 0 JjL lice jport Two UNL students who live off campus were arrested late Sun day in connection with the theft of a table from the lounge of Fedde residence hall on East Cam pus. Housing fSeMs reported the 'table mbsiag at 8 p.m. Witnesses and a vehicle description helped UNL police locate and contact th suspects. Arraignment will be Sept. 11 in Lancaster County Court, The following incidents were reported to UNL police between midnight and 10:33 pja. Sunday. 12:01 a.m. Person reported tampering with emergency phone in Parking Area 3 near New Hamp shire Street. Person gone when police arrived. 1:27 am, Notee disturbance reportedi at 1715 N. ICth St . 21:01 ilku Second complaint of noise disturbance reported at 1715 N. 16th St Citation issued for disorderly conduct 2:53 a.m. Officers assisted with a violation in Sandcs HalL 1 2.-09 p.ra. Fire alarm report ed sounding at Esst Campus live stock paviUion. Alarm slegedly was tripped becaust of condensa tion. i2:41 p.m. IVo-car accident reported west of Pound Hall. No injuries were reported. 7:13 p.m. Vandalism report ed at Nebraska HalL 8 p.m. Table reported stolen from Fedde Hall on Esst Campus. 8:03 p.m. Stereo speakers reported stolen frsra car in Park ing Area 1 at' 17th and E streets. 10:33 pm Two people arrest-. ed on suspicion of theft of table from Fedde Mail t 1 aemmts your mom. ) Lower Level Douglas HI 204 N. 13th Msn.-Fri. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 10-5