Monday, August 27, 1934 Dally Nebreskan Pago 9 Officials brace for UNL kegger n By G&hY.Haey Doll Ne&rmsk&a Eerier Exporter As UNL students return to class es, Lincoln law enforcement cfH cials are bracing for another sea son of weekend beer parties. Lincoln area wholesalers are than 20 people nor includes an cooperating with the commission entire floor of students in a dor by not delivering kegs on campus, mitory, he said, she said. Alcohol is not allowed Keggers may become more of a on university or state-owned problem when the drinking age is property. raised to 21 on Jan. 1, Lincoln The commission will have a nnlirpnptprtlvpM.n.arknsklfiflJd. Carolyn Hatfield, division super- public hearing Sept. 14 in thd After Jan. 1, about one-fourth visor for the Nebraska Liquor State Office Building to discuss of all college seniors will be able Control Commission, said bee; the matter, Hatfield said. The to drink legally, Carkoski said, parties or "keggers" are prevalent public will be able to ;Jve input on ' Carkoski said police depart- at the end and beginning of a whether it approves of the plan ment officials find out about par- cchoolyear. Students usually cele- and, if so, how the plan should be tics in several ways, brate during weekends before implemented. Sometimes officers receive an- classes begin or after they finish a Keggers present bigger prob- onymous tips or find flyers listing semester, she said. lems when minors are served or a party's address, time and ad- In an attempt to crack down when the beer is sold Illegally, two mission price, on keggers, the commission plans police officers said. Carkoski said officers some to ask retailers to report any sin- Since alcohol is not allowed on times will find a party during gle sale of three or more keg3 of university property, all beer par- routine neighborhood patrols. De beer, ties are illegal, UNL campus pol- pending on the area where the A retailer who sells more than ice Lt. Joe Wehner said. party is discovered, one of four three keg3 should have evidence The campus police control most teams in the department will re that the beer will not be resold parties occurring on campus, be- spond, he said, illegally, she said. All persons who cause most of them will draw A kegger that has 50 to 60 peo resell liquor must have a whole- attention right away, he said. A pie attending almost always draws saler permit. party usually never gets mere attention, he said. Campus Calendar Today: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sept. 3 and 4: Information booths Student Watch, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nebraska Union; Chapter Summary Bible, 9:30 am. to 2:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. First day of dropadd, Nebraska Union. Informa tion booth Campus Crusade, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Nebraska Union. Barbecue, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., East Campus Maxwell Arboretum, UNL Horticulture Club. Information booth Credit Card applications, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Delta Sigma, Nebraska Union. Music and Melons, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., UPC, Union Plaza, BFD (Big First Dance), 8 p.m. Great Plains Room, East Union. State Fair begins. Sorority rush begins. Labor Day vacation no school. -TfEJff t WfJWWr A AH UVOER&VZX TJMOPVP: THABQ&A7M op- 179 THAT Fr-ki'' fr"- r - - - Mppyn XZM YJtTH ucz&, zcr&. 'AMmsmvx tefruifr at rvr ft aWaiS'A ur.v' i mJtm m em UK, I'M SUfEJCWP...YOU MAVD TAB . 4 4 M M ugneWJi TeiL Otty KiUl KIP$... Tfrsy DWT mvS TO WCftk 01 0 I C? Save 25 Art-Crafr' diamond bridal sell. Save 33 Cold Chains and Bracelets Save 30 Art -C 19 ft diamond Dinner Rings Save 25 UK Gold Wadding Bands Save 33 Diamond Pendants and Earrings Save 20 An-Craff mens Diamond Rings Big Savings on pierced earrings, watches, fashion and birthstone rmgs. A t t JS Is. CP "Meet the Brodkey Boys... Wear Diamonds" SBRODEtEY1! CENTRUM LINCOLN Monaay thru FrMay 10-; Stfurday 10-S.3O; Survrtay -5 Several Convent ent Chaiqe Plana available 1 ikmni Hiiu rrM ID--. Saturda tO-5;SO; Survdn 13-$ I H , 1 1 It's all right here at the UNL We've got everything you ne most convenient campus location ookstores. Your troubles are over. d to start Fall 1884 off right at the I 1 1 r " " NEW AND USED TEXTBOOKS o SCHOOL SUPPLIES o METICS o CARDS o GIFTS o SPORTSWEAR o MUNCHES LOCATION AT THE MOST CONVENIENT C Lower Level City Union Garden Level East Union