The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 27, 1984, Page Page 21, Image 21

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    tonday, August 27, 1C34
Pzzo 21
Ticket applications still accepted
mm mm
C"y r.stmfcm Fist Fhcta
Frsislt Cccrcr in test yesra C7-13 virtory over Ksssss.
Jayhawks to restock
cupboard-bare cor
By Rlilte EeilScy
Daily KbffflSsaa ia2ITSWtr
University of Kansas football
coach Mike Gottfried has his work
cut out for him.
Gottfried must replace several
key players from last season's 4-6-1
squad, which tied with Colo
rado for sixth in the Big Eight
The Jayhawks record-setting
offense has been devastated by
graduation. Void3 left by career
leading passer Frank Seurer, All
American kicker Bruce KaHmeyer,
and four offensive linemen must
be Med if the Jayhawks hope to
escape the Big Eight cellar.
Only three offensive starters,
junior tailback Robert Mimbs,
senior tight end Sylvester Byrd,
and senior center Bennie Simecka,
return this fall.
Gottfried hopes to have a solid
replacement for Seurer in junior
college transfer Blika Ncrssth.
Norseth, who threw for 2,639
yards at Snow Junior College in
Ephrim, Utah, to the leading cand
idate for the quarterback posi
tion after an impressive sprfeg.
Norseth wo expected to 11
the shoes of former Snow pro
duct David Archer at Iowa State,
but was convinced the Jayhawks
offensive system would benefit
him more.
On the receiving end of Nor
seth's aerials will be receivers
Richard Estell, Sandy McGee and
Skip Peete. Estell caught 22 passes
last fall, including a 57-yarder
against Nebraska. McGee had 20
receptions in 1933 two for
touchdowns. Peete redsMrted the
83 season after transferring from
Lettermen Quinton Schonewise,
Chip Schuler and Paul Oswald
will battle newcomers Doug Cer
tain, Jim Davis and Bob Pleper
for starting roles in the offensive
Although the offensive side of
the Jayhawks appears gloomy,
the defense has a few bright spots.
All-Big Eight linebacker Willie
Pless returns after leading the
conference in tackles. Pless had
80 unassisted stops and 103 assist
ed tackles in 1983.
Darnell Williams, an all-conference
honorable mention line
backer, had 147 tackles in his
freshman year. Williams ranked
second in the league behind Pless
in total tackles.
Gottfried is high on his pair of
young linebackers.
"They're as good as any line
backers in the conference, if not
the country," Gottfried told the
Big Eight Skywriters Friday when
they stopped in Lawrence.
Kansas, which is on NCAA pro
bation because of the recruiting
tactics of Don Fambrpugh's stzS,
has been unable to recruit the
"blue chip" athletes thb year. In
stead, the J&yhawks have relied
mainry on junior college transfers
to ESI starting roles.
The Jayhawks host Wichita
State Sept 8 before embarking on '
a demanding schedule. Kansas
plays Florida State, Iowa State
and Big Eight powers Oklahoma
and Nebraska at home and meets
Vanderbilt, North Carolina, Kan
sas State, Oklahoma State and
Colorado on the road.
Kansas ends the regular sea
son on Nov. 17 against the Mis
souri Tigers in Columbia, Mis.
Kansas upset the Holiday Bowl
bound Tigers last year, 37-27, in
Lawrence, Kan.
Gottfried's rebuilding program
will not be an overnight success.
It will require some time.
UNL students hava only two
dsys left to apply for 1C3 i season
football tlckits through ths JUL
Athletic Ticket Cr.ta.
The ofnee, in Couth Stadium,
will be open from 0 s.m. tq noon
' end I p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday end
Tuesday to eccpst Explication
cards that ore avUtli ci the
ticket cllce, ths recount
Gf;.c3 in AdmtaLtr&ticn 20-i End
tha min desk of the East Union.
. Jesn YS&lsott, clcrtcsd assistant
'.of the athletic ticket, ccid a
steady flow of ticket tppllcations
'cair.3 In last week.
"Freshmen were sent applica
tions list spring, so we-e received
a pood many of them," she sal
The tickets are $42 each for
students. Students who want to
buy a ticket for a non-student
spouse also will have to pay a $90
regular charga for the extra tic:
"We've had some confusion about
that in the past, when some peo
ple thought they could just pay
the $84 (last year's price), for two
tickets," Walcott said.
A full-time student should have
no problem getting a ticket, but
registration will be checked as
usual for each ticket applicant
A student who b registered for
les3 than 12 hours (undergradu
ate), or nine hours (graduate)
may apply for a ticket now, but he
or she must be registered as a
full-time student in order to pick
up the tickets beginning Sept. 4.
Walcott said the early applica
tion deadline date is set in order
to check ticket applications with
the university's records.
Each application must be paid
for in the proper amount, either
by check or cash.
That's one thing we cant empha
size enough," Walcott said. "We're
not tha bank. We Just cannot
maks changs for ail thosa gtu
dents." Tickets m?y be picked up by
both fall tnd eprir.g applicants
Sept. 4 through Sept 7 from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. &t the ticket office.
Marled stu dents must hcv &
merrier; 3 certificate cr ccrtiiicd
copy to pick up the epouss'a ticket,
end students who were part-time
must show a validated full-time
IlDITOOT NOTi:: Ths ticket
application etory on re "2 2 cf the
rpcrU section Li Wednesday's DJ
Nebrakan incorrectly eali thst
this Tuesday wa the only dr to
turn in ticket eppUcct kmai Applica
tions have been accepted since
test spring. Tha Deily Nebr&sksn
regrets the error.
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All students are eligible to apply for a refund of their Fund "A" portion of student fees
beginning August 27, 19&4 through September 28, 1984.
(A) Application forms are available at Student Activities Financial Services Office, 222
Nebraska Union; ASUN Office, 115 Nebraska Union; or East CAP Office, Nebraska East
Unless mi shoall be. returned, to 222 Nebraska Union. Students should bring their student
l.D. t th? tise of ajjplleaibn ar.i asaia when pickics-up refunds.
(1) Students who hive completed a refund application and rtun:sd it oa or before Sep
tsaaber 28 15S4 xsmy pick up their refund at the Stodait Activities Ftnanda! Services
Office 222 Necrassa Union rjssisg uctoocf i,-is Kiroia uceppo- a.
denfj wha zn unstb to persons!! return their application to tae stuaens Acsmaes
Fisasdsl Services OfHcc should costad Doug Metzsr, Room 222 hzhrzz Union ysa.
472-21 81 ) before SepteJsbsf 2S, 19S4 for ether cnsssssieats.
; Fsad ''Arrfundsaoants are as follows:
A.UJJ. $1.72
Dally Ncbraskan .92
State Student Association ' '.50
University Prcgrsin Council 2J-1
n -i .- . . - ? ' - v - - "
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