Monday, August 27, 1834 Pag 14 Daily Nebraskan 1- I J ) ; V 1. w 'V ' v ) J j I . I n At sl : i ra i ' -I I l , A . " f,mt - (1 j :f . -."-JTr-sar tjsbrcskan In Photo Sorority members Btxb Eltze (left), Chris Closson, Julie Uoseberry, Julie Wulf end Nancy Culek line up Sunday to "practice" for nisfi, winch will oe over ldot nay wwkiiu. 1 rm-m r,rnfr.,i - - fl l n (cl I. 1' vy, 7 AsT, V KnKfi P a n p o i I,. j 3 . X ' N. . - a w . Quality Vaterbed y and Accessories Have Never Been More Affordabii the Silver Creek Collection With your purchase of the Woodstuff dresser and hutch mirror, set the ni3ht stand for only A -11 ' I lit r-A 12 Re3uiarlyj189 99 f Deluxe Mattress Pads . . . : Two Padded Capraiis $12 Vi Dozen Waterbed Conditioners ". $12 Receive a FREE WAVELESS MATTRESS with your purchese of the Faiibrook bookcase water bed (shown here) or the Montrose four-postar waterbed for only $323.89. Both available in light or dark stain. Don't Miss This Opportunity For Quality Waterbeds and , Furniture From the Leader v a in Flotation ren. . - ill "I 7i e wav fs Nebraska's Largest Waterbed Store Mon, Wed., Thurs 10-9 Tues, Fn, Sat. 10-6 Sunday 12 5 SCSI 'C St 483-4561 'Smiles everyone ' as cafe, same format highlight sorority rush By Jay Mulligan Daily Nebrsk&n Stall Writer Some good advice for women preparing to go through sorority rush this weekend would be to smile, keep an open mind, and most of all, enjoy yourself The advice is from Sandy And erson, Panhellenic rush chair man, who said rush is an excel lent time to meet people and learn more about life at UNL. This year's sorority rush will be different from previous years be cause it will take place during the Labor Day weekend, Anderson said. Rush traditionally has been held the four days before the fall semester. "They (Panhellenic office) want ed to try having rush over Labor Day weekend to see how it will work out," Anderson said. Anderson said having rush later will avoid time conflicts with band camp, flag corp and athletics. However, Anderson said, class es will have started, so many rushees will have homework to do. Practice times for girls in volved In outside activites must be worked around meetings and sorority activities. "Most of the girls seem happy about not having to move in so early," Anderson said. Every game has its rules, and rush is no exception. For exam ple: rushees cant be contacted by someone from a sorority whom they have not previously known, cannot be promised a spot in a chapter before rush starts, and chapters are not allowed to ad vertise in the Daily Nebraskan to promote themselves. The format of rush week will be the same as always, Anderson said. Friday Evening orientation and a short mini-tour of each house; Saturday Rushees will be asked back to eight one-hour sessions; Sunday Rushees will be invited to five one-hour ses sions, which vail include house tours; Monday Women will attend three 00-minute sessions and will preference their choices immediately after the sessions. To help rushees Panhellenic delegates will be in the residence hall3 before rush to help answer any question the rushees may have. "We'd rather have them ask questions than withdraw alto gether," Anderson said. Anderson said that of the more than 600 women who apply, "most every girl who sticks it out makes it into a house," Anderson said. To qualify, rushees must have graduated in the upper half of their high school class or have scored a 21 or better on their ACT. How rushees present them selves, what they've done and what they plan to do are all important, Anderson said in 11 hU" Li Li r.J3 A lot of .f JU3 people think cancer is unbeatable. That simply isn't true. In fact, over two million people have had cancer and survived to lead happy, normal lives. And not only can . cancer be beaten, it can also be prevented. There are definite precautions that have been proven to decrease your risk of getting certain cancers. Ask your local American Oincer Society to send you a free booklet about cancer risks. Learn the facts about cancer. And make not know ing the risks, one less risk. it- nay save your life. Vcsdiff I