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And gravity too, for that matter. . Vertigo, August 22-Sep-tember 22: Your life reaches dizzying new heights, but you feel sick about it. Your love life peaks, but dont open your eyes you may get nauseous. liver, September 23-Octo-ber 22: You're too much of a party animal. Firewater has entered the house of Depres sion beware of the Porce lain God. Cancerous could figure prominently. Scorpion, October 23-No-veaber 22: Your social life is a desert. Things look very bleak, and could get worse. Lay low during the day, make your move at night. Keep alert, you can't afford to let one opportunity for a sting escape. . S&d-aad-DeIirls, No-vess&ber23-December 21: Your mate will leave you, your pet iackto school ballad By Chris Bmbach For everything, there is a sea son. For every season, there is a song. Here are a couple for fall Sung to the tune of Try to w iiinior Remember." "Do you rcir.err.bcr this time last September, When textbooks were calling, Your grades quickly falling? Try to remember, That hellish September, will die, you loss all your under wesr,you fpnk 11 your classes, you stub your toe, you're slimed by a ghost, and your parents move and leave no forward ing address. But there's hope. CerIy Cera, December 2 Jgassry 12: Things look sweet for you. Don't force yourself on others, though too much of you is more than anyone can handle. People say you're a sap, and your buds are jeal ous of your sweet tooth, but you know better. You're color ful and tasteful. For you suc cess comes easy like taking candy from a baby. ,. AimimM,JiiKffiry20-Feb-mmy IS: Something fishy's going on in your life. You appear to have lots of options, but be very careful which ones you bite on a mistake could be fatal. A member of the opposite sex could get their hooks in you. But be choosy, there's plenty of fish in the sea. Hides, Fetemiy lS-March 20: Someone has set a trap for you, so don't walk into things blindly. Fight shy of farmers' wives; they're dan gerous. When trouble comes, you may do best to crawl in a hole. . . AMtad, Mxdi 21-Aniil And swallow, Whyd you come back here, To anxiety and fear, To sweat and frustration, Mental molestation? Try to remember, Your grey matter schkg, Your writing hand breaking, And escape." Sung to the tune of "I cmft Hslp Falling in Love With You." . "Wise men say Only fools go to school, ' But I cant help it, Pve got nothing else to do. Like a three-toed sloth, Hanging in a tree, Watching life go by, . That's thaway I was meant to be. 2: Dont bother to listen in class. You need a clue, but will never find one. To find your stars, look inward all of space is in your head. Intel ligence knocks at the door, but nobody's home. Bsrs-ns, April 21-IIsy 20: Yawn . . .You may make a mint aa a personal insomnia consultant, if your patients ever wake up to pay you. At parties your best line is no line, keep your mouth shut. Geia-fci-cye, Elsy 21-Jraae 20: You may finally get that rock you've been looking for. Diamonds are your best and only friend don't compro mise. When he or she pro poses, ask to see some carats first. Cscerm, Jmaa 21Jc!y 20: Your personality is infec tious, you become attached to Liver. You'll confront life and death decisions. Reject the advances of scientists, they're out to get you. Eii, Jcls 21-Aiisist 21: Forget school. Travel is your future pack your bags and take a long tropical vacation. Give yourself and your friends a br eak, get out of town and take Bore-us with you. You're headed for a jungle, but don't be afraid. You belong there. scoring tears So take my dough, Take my time, my love, my youth, For I cant stop Until I find the truth." all;-addo upl Ieo3ls money, n 'o a good : start . 3 in a pool can roaSlv park SMART .