The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 20, 1984, Page Page 7, Image 7
,:4T2-2r 1 1 I r i it ... Summer, 1984 :1 Daily 'Nebraskan Daily Nebraska! welcomes students Welcome to the firct New Student Orientation edition of the Dally Ne end do well in both. During the summer, the Daily Ne braskan. From the booklets and pam- braskan publishes twice a week. In the phlets at NSO, most students can learn fall and spring semesters, it puoitsnes the bare facts of what goes on at UNL. on weekdays. The Dally Nebraskan's But the Dally Nebraskan tells you what publisher is the NU Board of Regents, makes the facts, what makes things The Daily Nebraskan welcomes reader mippcn uxiu wiiy uuuys iun uiu inpuuf you have an ideaforastory, a they do at UNL. compliment or a complaint, call or Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Ntb. 68583- 0448. L&uri Hopple, editor in chief This edition of the Daily Nebraskan hrln it in Our nfiw i r?m ai Nphraska l i .ii.jj.j lt tl . . - - IliiS Ut'CU UIYIUl'U 1IUU uvu sciuuua, Business and Pleasure. While the univer sity atmosphere is supposed to be business, students still find time for pleasure. The trick Is to be able to enjoy Jf w vy era 0 0 0 O O O Unique cards with a wide selection. It Quality, Personal gifts, llvi 18 & 12 month calendars. IL.J Great Christian records & tapes. Posters. US Wedding Invitations. ' Books. You . . . The aim of lfej Bookstores is to serve and make friends. Lower Level Douglas III 204 N. 13th bookCstore Mon.-Fri. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 10-5 r . - J v - sere foU BETRAYAL by Harold Pinter. October 4, 5, 6, & 9-13 at 8 pm Studio Theatre THE FOX v by Allan Miller November 8, 9, 10 & 12-17 at 8 pm Studio Theatre THE RULES OF THE GAME by Luigi Pirandello February 14, 15, 16 & 18-23 at 8 pm StudiaTheatre THE DINING ROOM by A. R. Gurney, Jr. April 4, 5, 6 & 8-13 at 8 pm Studio Theatre THE HOSTAGE by Brendan Behan October 25, 26, 27 & 29-Nov. 3 at 8:00 pm Howell Theatre AMADEUS by Peter Shaffer December 6, 7,8 & 10-15 at 8 pm . Howell Theatre GREASE Book, Music & Lyrics by Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey March 7f 8, 9 & 12-15 & 20-23 8 pm; March 9, 16 & 23 at 3 pm Howell Theatre , MACBETH by William Shakespeare April 25, 23, 27 & 29-May 4 at 8 pm Howell Theatre . University ot NebrasSa-Unesin., SEASON TICKETS on sale from August 27, 1S34. Ask about our preview Night Special price. Page 7