The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 24, 1984, SUMMER EDITION, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    arley mee
is with N.Y.
At the end of last week's episode
Harky Davidson was on his way to
New York to participate in a talk
show, Meanwhile, Celeste's running
mate, Antoinette Chateaubriand, met
aary Louise
. Knapp
with Gcraldine Fcrraro. As a man ij
leisure turned tycoon, Otis bought a
$200 suit and accompanied Harley to
Nrj) York.
Otis and Harley arrived punctually
at the sumptuous KKUD TV studio in
Manhattan. Harley. who wore hb usual
jeans and T-shirt, seemed at ease, but
Otis was uncomfortable in his new
"Gosh," he said. "Even the secretaries
look more sophisticated than me, and
I'm the president of a big company!"
Just then Ed Phillips, the king of talk
show hosts, bounded forward to greet
"Welcome to KRUD, Mr. Davidson,"
he said, shaking Otis' hand. "I hope you
had a pleasant Journey."
Otb blushed. "Uh, I'm not Mr. David
son. Har ley's right here."
Phillips looked alarmed. "Oh, cer
tainly, certainly," he mumbled. "Uh, Mr.
Karate Kief:
with above-average story
Ey Glenn Ctcva
The Karate Kid" is a strange mix
ture of movies. On the one hand it's
part "Rocky." On the other hand it's a
little like the old television series "Kung
Fu." And then again it's a little bit of
every movie youVe ever seen where a
w kid in town gets pushed around by a
bully, but eventually proves himself
and not only whips the bully, but gains
the bully's respect at the same time.
It's not as inspiring as "Rocky," nor
as interesting as the series "Kung Fu."
But-its not a half bad movie and is
certainly a step or two above most new
kid vs. bully movies.
The plot of "The Karcte Kid" is pre
dictably simple, but then movies like
this can't really be expected to be
overly intricate. Dsrdal, a ymng hoy
from New Jersey, and his mother move
to California. Danial meets a beautiful
girl whose ex-boyfriend just happens
to be a national karate champion. How
Denial h&3 been teaching himself kar
ate from a book, has several run-is
with this jealous ex-boyfriend and
because his skill is no match for that of
the champ, he gets beaten to a pulp on
several occasions.
Fortunately for Danial, he stumbles
on to an old man from OMnowa named
Mlyagi who was taught karate as a
child by his father, and though he
holds no official belt, fa apparently
somewhat of a master. So Danial learns
from Miyagi, not just how to defend
himself, but about the inner balance
that a true master of the arts feels.
Okay, it sounds just a little bit hokey.
But "Indiana Jones..." i3 hokey and
people go see that. Anyway, Danial.
becomes very good, enters a big karate
tournament, and ends up fighting and
beating the bully in the final round,
thus becoming the champion and win
ning the respect of all, including the
Despite its predictability, "Karate
Kid" does hold a few surprises. One of
them is Ralph Macchio who plays Dan
ial. He gives a good understated and
very believable performance as the up
and coming karate kid. like the char
acter he was pitying, MaccMo has
good control, and has made the transi
tion from the television screen (he was
on "Eight is Enough" in the later sea
sons) to the movie screen quite well.
Another surprise is Ralph Morita,
who plays Danial's mentor, Miyagi
Morita handles this role with a great
deal of care, seesnbsg at times to .be
nothing more than an eccentric old
man, but always later reveals that he
has a deep knowledge of the ways of
the world. Some critics are calling for
an Academy Award nomination for
Merita's performance. He was very
good. Well just have to wait and see
what the competition looks like.
1 rri wl
'111 I '
Over the next
several years the
American Cancer
Society will be con
ducting more research
into certain lifestyles
and exposures which
could increase cancer
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A Frck -li3 Ccn All Afford
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All Eeef 4th with I Topping
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AND Large Drink.
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talk show
Davidson, if a pleasure to have you
with us today. Uh, if youll Just step
right this way, please . . ."
He led them into his plush office,
poured them coffee, and began to
explain the talk show procedure.
"Mr. Davidson, before we go on the
air, we'd like to make a few changes in
your . . . er . . . attire, if you don't mind.
You see well, to be perfectly honest
with you, you don't lodk like a male
romance author. We were expecting
someone a tit more . . . er . . . stylish."
Harley pulled a pint bottle from his
back pocket and added its contents to
the coffee.
"We think our audience would react
more favorably to you if you'd put on a
suit. You might trim those sideburns
and shave, too. And a little makeup
would hide those . . , uh . . . blemishes."
Hadcy abandoned all pretense of
drinking hb coITee, and began taking
swigs straight from the bottle. Phillips
began to sweat. It did not seem that
Harley was going to be an easy man to
deal with.
"And another thing, Mr. Davidson.
Our station policy does not permit
drinking on the air. If you could Just
leave that bottle with the receptionist
until you're finished with the show . . ."
"Look, Mr. Phillips, I appreciate your
concern," Harley said. "But I'm either
going on the air just the way I am, or
not at all. If you want somebody in a
suit, why dont you interview Otis there?
You can ask him how the Perky Lite
Corporation is doing."
Phillips looked at his watch. In ten
minutes the show would begin. Although
he feared the station's ratings would
tumble, he conceded.
"All right, Mr. Davidson, you win," he
said. "But could you at least wash your
Music and Lyrics by George M. Cohan
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Tuesday, My 24, 1984
Dally Nobrcskah
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