The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 20, 1984, SUMMER EDITION, Page Page 3, Image 3
. On Lincoln cable televis ion viewers wont have to give the Entertainment end Sports Programming Network or Atlanta super station WTB8-TV, accord ing to Dick Bates of Lin coln Cablevision. Although the Federal Cominuriications Commis sion recently ruled that cable operators can re move such services from their basic "tier of cable channels, Bates said the ruling wont affect Lin coln's cable service at all. MAs far as we're con cerned, nothing will hap pen," Bates said. Accord ing to Bates, Cablcvision is satisfied with its cur rent franchise with the Lincoln City Council, sup plying 1 2 bask cable chan nels for $ 1 0.25 each month. The FCC ruled July 12 that cable operators may choose to remove program channels such as ESPN, VTBS or Cable News Net work from the basic chan nel package. This-pack-age is subject to rate reg ulation by local govern ments. The FCC gave local governments the right to regulate the basic service package more than 10 years ago. Bates said the ruling would be helpful to cable operators whose rates had been severely restricted. But, he said, Cablevision did not plan to remove any channels from Lin coln's basic service tier because the Lincoln City Council had been very reasonable in granting nec essary rate increases. "We don't always get what we ask for," he said, "but I think we get a fair , return. I just don't have any complaints." . Assistant City Attorney Lyn Miserez, who handles Lincoln's cable dealings, was out of town and not available for comment. COME SHOPPING! Crimestoppers set $20,000 for fall fund raising goal To continue fighting crime, the Lin coln Crimestoppers will have a fall fund, raising drive, according to the group's fund raising chairman. Bob Fix ter said Crimestoppers'hopes to raise more than $20,000. The group relics on private contributions not on tax dollars, Fixter said. Crimestoppers provides a "fantastic service" to Lincoln in terms of solved crimes and reduced criminal activity, he said. Lt. Lee Wagner of the Lincoln Police Department said the Lincoln program has received more than 15,000 phone calls giving tips on crimes. These phone calls have resulted in $500,000 worth of recovered property and 432 arrests, Wagner said. The Lincoln Crimestoppers began 3Vfe years ago when a vacationing Lin coln police officer observed a Crimes toppers program in Florida. He return ed and began the Lincoln group. The first program started in Albu querque, N.M., in 1976. Since then, the program has grown into an interna tional effort against crime, Wagner said. The program involves the commun ity in that fight, he said. It offers cash rewards and anonymity to people who give information leading to the arrest of criminals. When people have information about an unsolved crime, they can call Cri mestoppers at 475-3600, Wagner said. People should dial 911 in cases where crimes are in progress. When people call Crimestoppers, they are assigned a number by which they are referred to. Fixter said that although rewards are offered, many times people refuse them. Many people are satisfied in knowing that their tip was useful in solving a crime, he said. Police . Report 6:55 am. Attempted theft reported at West Stadium. 8:03 a.m. Theft reported at Coli seum. Telephone receiver reported missing. 8:10 a.m. Parking permit reported stolen from car in Parking Area 7 near South Stadium. 11:58 am. Burglary reported at Schramm Hall. Money reported missing. 8:36 Intoxicated person re ported on campus. Person taken to Detoxification Center. Wednesday 4:16 a.m. Persons reported possi bly prowling around cars in Parking Area 2, near 16th and Y streets. Per sons gone when police arrived. 10:15 p.m. Bicycle tires vandal-' ized near Burnett Hall. E' . ....... . i--.. . ....M.iiiMiiw'N : x nmTkTJ INDEPENDENT SPECIALISTS INC. IMPORT CAR REPAIR The following incidents were report ed to UNL police between 2:30 am. Monday and 10:30 p.m. Wednesday. Mesdny 2:42 am. Emergency phone report ed vandalized in Parking Area 3 near New Hampshire Street. 8:30 am. Two persons reported panhandling near College of Business Administration building. Persons gone when police arrived. 8:49 am. Theft reported at Archi tectural HalL Books reported missing. 3:54 p.m. Hold-up alarm reported sounding at 501 Building. Alarm ac cidentally tripped. 6:40 p.m. Two-car accident report ed at 10th and P streets. No injuries reported. m i U . I e a s t r 2 !MPOHT TOWING SPECIALIZING IN- VOLKSWAGEN, AUDI, DATSUN, HONDA, TOYOTA, SUBARU WE ALSO HAVE A FULL SERVICE BODY AND FRAME SHOP REPAIRING ALL CARS & PICKUP TRUCKS Used Import Cars For Said WE SELL PAHT3 FCH VOLKSACIfJ, A'JDS, CATru:J, TOYOTA & HQfiBA i f & u n mi GIAGN3STIG CCVUTIR ANAlYZltJG . AUGNMCN7 AMD tAWNCING l ( ' won- ViSA Certified Mechanics ISAJCES McmESSCN STSUTS FtONT HO ACCESSOR Alt CONDTONG 2435 N. 33rd LINCOLN The Centnan For Great Finds In Fashions, Foods, &Fun! Over 30 Stores At 11th & O ST. convenience with Call us for prices and 'Vj..". ( I I J information ' .'' '8: Q ) ) ( I 70th Normal Blvd. Lincoln j j J Holmes Lake Marina Windsurfing, Sailing, Canoes, and Paddleboats. Rates by the hour or by the day. " Free lessons at your convenience with any rental. THE JULY SPECIAL 6 hrs. of boat rental -Free Boat Lessons Get Both for $36.00 Hours-10:00 am to 12:00 pm 7 days a week .OWOUT 20 OFF or more BMX Parts and Accessories SALE ON SELECTED 10 SPEED MODELS 15 OFF or more BMX BIKES EAST PARK PLAZA 203 No. 66 V tfK v r.'i The experienced gt&ff of Sartur Ilasi&ait Back row: Stan Kuta, Eegistered Jeweler; Joe J&ines, RegisteredJcweler; Bob Fixer, Certified Gesaologist; Gary Fox, Certified Gemolosist; Don E&mtsm, Eegistered Jeweler. Front row: Sosmn Jacobson, EesSstered Jeweler, Elck Ham&siJi, Grtdaist? Gemclo gist; Teresa Mromas, Registered Jeweler. 12 Good Reasons to Buy From Sartor Hamann 1. 90-Day Cash Refund Policy 2. Comparable, Affordable Prices 3. Customized Service 4. Uncompromising Quality 5, Qualified Personnel 6. Variety of Finance Plans to Fit Your Budget 7. No Interest Lajiauxiy Policy 8. Quick Service 9. Guarantee 10. Comparison Grading System 11. Insurance Option 12. Trade-in Policy 'Bonus-free Lifetime Checking and Cleaning V rtcr IlaEiaaa JeTreiers fees been ggrvia tlis IiscsM cssaiasmity igt Uj yciro. A es university ci r e crss-ica ciuenis rave mw&ja oeea ! iiaosg cut most vslis.ed custoracrs, Ssrtcr nnaim realizes ihzt udesit f&snces c&a b somewiust lissited, so a variety cfilnss&dii plms can be tailored to fit anyone's budget. if CERTIHtD GEM0L0GIST AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY DOWNTOWN GATEWAY Il50"r KNCLUSKI) MA1J. i s.i".i..""""'i'i,"'","'"', " Daily Nebroskcn Page 3 Friday July 20, 1984