Breads add special touch Continued from Pass 7 wrap and cloth towel Place bowl in pan of warm water (about 05 degrees). Let rise 15 minutes. Punch down dough several times to remove air bubbles; shape into ball. Let rest on counter, covered with inverted bowl, for 15 minutes. With floured hands, knead 30 seconds to remove air bubbles. Divide into 2 parts; shape into 12-inch oblong loaves Place on prepared cookie sheet. With sharp knife, make a to-inch deep slash down center of loaf. Crush with egg white. Cover; let rise in warm place 15 minutes. Sprinkle loaves with coarse salt, if desired. Bake 25 to 35 minutes or until loaves sound hollow when lightly tapped. Cook at 375 degrees. Immediately remove from cookie sheet; cool on wire racks. 2 loaves. Ninety-Minute Beer Bread 3lA to 4 cups bread flour (may substitute with all purpose or unbleached flour. Decrease kneading time to 5 minutes and omit resting period). 3Vi cups rye flour 2 cups beer, room temperature Vi cup honey 2 tabiespoons margarine or butter Vi cup warm water 2 packages active dry yeast 4 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons caraway seed ' ' 1 teaspoon garlic powder Grease two 8- or 0-inch round cake pans. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. Combine 3 cups bread flour and all of rye flour, set aside. In medium saucepan, heat beer, honey and margarine until warm (105 to 115 degrees). In small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water (105 to 115 degrees); let stand 3 minutes. In large bowl, combine 3 cups flour mixture, warm liquid, yeast mixture, salt, car away seed and garlic powder. Blend at low speed until moistened; beat 2 minutes at medium speed. Stir in remaining flour mixture and lA to V cup bread flour until dough pulls cleanly away from sides of bowl On floured surface, knead in V to Vi cup bread flour until dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. Allow to rest on counter covered with inverted bowl for 15 minutes. Divide dough in half; shape into balls. Place in prepared pans; flatten slightly to fit pans. Cover. Place loaves in cold oven. Place pan of hot water on shelf below. Let rise about 35 minutes. Uncover loaves and remove pan of water. Leave loaves in oven; set oven to 375 degrees. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until loaves sound hollow when lightly tapped. Remove from pans immediately, cool on wire racks. 2 loaves. Redoes taken from Pillsbury cookbooks. Clas CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2S88 $2 50 minimum charge per day on com mercial ads. Ten words included. $2 00 minimum charge per day on indi vidual student and student organiza tion ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT IN SERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. 1 N. 1 r King-sized waterbed and linens, $250. Hotpoint portable dishwasher $250. New pressure cooker, $40. Wedding gown, size 4-6, $150. 468-1820. 1971 VW 82.000 miles, good mech anical and body condition. 464-7196. Part-time checker stocker. Starling minimum wage. Must be available even ings and weekends. Shuster'i Jack & Jill, 1535 N. 27th. BOSTON ADVENTURE Explore opportunities of exciting city while working as live-in childcare worker. Many openings, one-year commitment. Contact Allene Fisch. Child Care Place ment Service, 149 Buckminster Road, Brookline, MA 02146. (617) 566-6294. One or two male roommates to share house for second summer session. Very close to campus. 474-5492. Female graduate student needs a place to life fall semester. Prefer East Campus location. Cell 464-9075. Female Roommate $116month plus 13 electricity and telephone. Nice apartment in good neighborhood, close to campus. 466-8545. J 3501 BALDWIN. Two bedroom apart ments. Very clean. All equipped, plus parking, laundry, fireplaces $330month. 483-4600. APARTMENT FINDERS 435-5555 a service of Joseph Kean Company WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS Get your summer tan by our pool! 1300 Knox Street Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 East Campus 3600 Huntington, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, central air, parking, laundry, 439-9916. Summer plus Fall Housing Available Cornhusker Co-op, 705 N. 23rd St. for further information call 474 0772. Ask for Craig Gissler or Greg Van Beek. Nicely furnished apartment available August 1 st. Walk to Capitol, Campus and shopping. Off-street parking, laundry facilities. 3 bedroom house, 5 blocks from camp us. $275. Call 483-7475. New furnished apartments five minutes from campus. $235. 435-6683. Darla, Well, your 18th ended up a little out of the ordinary, and I know your 19th will be nothing you can imagine. Happy Birth day. Barry WERE YOU AT HOLMES LAKE ON SUNDAY JUNE 24, 1984 WE NEED YOUR HELP If you were at Holmes Lake on Sunday, June 24 sometime between 6:00 PM-7:30 PM you may have seen a certain person and may be able to provide important information. We are looking for a white male and white female who were sitting by a tree near the drinking fountain located in the west part of Holmes Park. The tree and drinking fountain are located near the west beach parking lot at Holmes Lake. If you were one of these individuals you would fit the following descriptions: White male, mid to late 20's. approxi mately 6', medium build, medium length brown hair, mustache, possibly bearded, believed to be wearing glasses with dark frames and clear lenses. White female, mid to late 20's, tall, blonde shoulder length hair, wearing tan shorts. If you fit any part of this description, you may have very important informa tion! Please call 471-7631 anytime, day or night. SINGLE & PREGNANT? Consider adoption. For confidential pregnancy counseling call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TEST ING AVAILABLE TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 WORD PROCESSING by WORD GRAPHIC Term papers, Theses, Dissertations, Resumes Your project stored in computer for editing and correcting. Free compu ter spelling checker, word count and grammar checker. VISAMC Sixth Floor Gold's Galleria 476-WORD Have Macintosh Computer, Will do Wordprocessing. $1.25 page. Call Gail at 483-7064. , Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confi dential helping hand. 433-2609. flit'?;. jmImki oisf jjl Htti" Did )Wfk I 1 HIP iK- X-iiiliia CMiI ;S kM TU'CTliX ? P ft i tr.z ?: v ftp rriBitirlr? ITtT T SIOlL I tfv str iff Get your THESIS typed at Word Graphic and receive credit two ways! Not only will you receive credit for your professionally typed paper, but also from us, with either Visa or Mastercard. Word Graphic now honors Visa and Master card. So even though you can't put off the Thesis you can put off the payment at. . .Word Graphic. S76-WORD 11 &0 (Gold's Galleria, 6th Floor) US Ail u mm gm f 'hi -fttraaT m m m s '1 tm mn Only 25 for 2 game; Only 25 a play 1102 "El" .1 5 p H m CLOVE CIGARETTES CLIFF'S 1200 "O" Street GOVERNMENT JOBS $i6,55-$50.553year Now Hiring. Your Area. -805-687-6000 Ext. R-6636 (or $0 directory V V. Tin G:ntri!m HOURS: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. . Sat. 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 1111 "0" St. I This Coupon Worth CJOC ft A3 new Jewelry , A3 Custom-Msii Jajvelry A3 Estats Jawelry Jewelry Inspected end Ocsrxd I:j Oil Your Rrst Jewelry Repair -.--ji.--rc-,.- BLu,i-iy I mm 909 '(V Street 474-4C07 Rider Wanted: Austin. Texas July 23. Help share driving and gas Call Janet 472-6851 days 464-3660 evenings. 226 South 16th Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to midnight Fridays Saturday 's a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday noon to 9 p.m. inmg all Special June 11 - August 17, 1984 Harper Dining Hall, 1140 N. 14th - Purchase a pre-paid meal ticket and eat at Harper Hall this summer. This ticket lets yoa eat any combination of breakfasts, luncheons, or dinners at $1.80, $2.90, and $3.80 respectively. Enjoy the air conditioned dining room with its pleasant atmosphere and large variety of menu selections. Tickets and details available at the Food Service Office, Harper Dining Hall. 472-1069, 472-1071. -1 nx'' CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA . WW-1 ACROSS 1 Beige 5 Scrutinizes 19 Crackle 13 AldaorKing 14 Ancient Greek colony 15 Breech pin li Michael Jackson's forte 17 Cross-examine 16 Place for an arras 13 Marie Henri Beyle 21 Fox and Creek 23 Edible grain 24 Biblical halting place: Deut. 10:6 25 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 29 Ed and Keenan S3 Ames and Errol 31 A lunchtime hr. 34 Work units 35 Farm buildings S3 Rios, Jamaican resort 37 Pekoe or hyson, e.g. 33 Hysterical fear S3 Welty's "Music from 43 Eric Arthur Blair 43 Cravings 45 Rower 4S Rivulet 47 Tom, Alger hero 52 Impel 53 A happening 55 Enameled metalware 53 Musical tones 0 Whence some S3 Herbert 57 Bakery item condiments creation S3 Caudal come S3 Baffle appendage 19 Fiendish S3 Quick, sharp 53 Bend in timber 11 Metal tip on a blow 3 Samuel - shoelace 41 White-tailed Clemens 12 Cardiff eagles 61 Russian lake citizens 42 Spoiled v 15 Spin 43 Support fv, 23 Speaker's 44 Ann Arbor's bi'll platform river 1 Fall on 22 Old-make cars 47 Japanese deaf 24 Wild horse Buddhist's 2 Jumbled mass 25 Harp's cousin church 3 Competition 23 In an 48 Against for Atalanta attractive way 43 Shout 4X-quantitiesto 27 Sounds in "The 53 Charles Lamb be solved Trolley Song" 51 Small, 5 Observes 23 Eagle's nest secluded i Persian 23 Soaked valley gazelle 32 Rizzuto - 54 Promise 7 Indigo . 33 My, in Metz solemnly 8 Nothing 35 Variety of pear 1 12 i 4 I i 4 I? U id ; s0 11 12 ; ! f it' I J jiaTT" 16 j 17 13 T7" " ' ' 2i - "T S I j irj" kiT""" '"27 i 1T" I si" " "" "" .ja "" " " IT" 2 jj C IJ I ! JJ I J ! j I I I - ' i f S li m m mmfr-vr-r- -h mim ishw mrnm-, mm mmmm mmmm mm j j 1 - j j I i Pcgo8 Daily Nebrcskan Friday. Jut 13, 1984