The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 06, 1984, SUMMER EDITION, Page Page 10, Image 10
p cj q nil en E3 C3 cza o ers a m n 0 Here's tha beef, Here's the bargafn!! U 8 2 for $2.99 j n on Hot Phili Steak Sandwiches p D OFFER GOOD ONION ri TILL JULY 15 INCLUDED j D WATCH FOR AJ n OTHER n SUMMER rS fV INGREDIENTS j i-iir,i., jr rvTn a m tVtN NU 1 zrr.J .tmn M 2-FER AROUND 4 Qi uwro MAGAZINE Q ; 0 Downtown n 1321 O St. y 477-95U7 2&LiJ?SjTJJl ,457-5710 U NOT VALID WITH DELIVERY. MUST PRESENT COUPON Fl 2 til EZ3 CZJ EU EZ3 CTJ CJ EZ3 GZi tU dJ E3 LJ v lilrlillttt. '11 .fit' 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! Thousands of Albums Hundreds of Artists I I I tc i r tit i f. m si Ni3S"L- -S2" t) j jli RECORDS fi TAPES 237 3o. 70th locations 220 II. 10Ui MONDAY - FRIDAY 10-8, 9:30-8 DOWNTOWN SATURDAY 10-6 OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 " J y ""i Turn HT'Bm ii iii ii n ii-'"i TiilrriW-iiMii-inii'' r'irn"ii itiMir--' f'y1 &t.m '1 think the Chop Shop is awesome The Chop Shop has a reputation for giving a precise cut. All cuts are $5.50. Styles are $11.50. Visit the Chop Shop and you'll discover they have hair cutting down to a science. tl r -N-Sn. the ChoD inop Ckxktower Plaza , 70th & A 489-8352 COOL OFF YOUR SUmmER NIGHTS AT SRLOON LIVE BANDS FOR JULY LOVE SLAVE & j BLUE COLLAR TIIE17RBC MY CREEt JULY 6,7 JULY 13,14 JULY 20,21 ULY 27,23 ! WEEKLY SPECIRLS mON.-THURS. SPORTS TERm'S 3rd PITCHER FREE ccmi in mm enjoy OUR OEER GRRDEH. 10 20 P STREET 1 5 1 1 I v "rf'' f - ,'f'Jr - it ' iir - n iK- rtV n -ws W iiN IN iN i r m v iy & fvi fci i f W', i t "dli hhl lryiS lU f-g jf J LIVE BAJDS Bill's Saloon, 1020 P St. Love Slave and Blue Collar, tonight and Saturday, no cover (wave). . Qieslerllefcls, 234 N. IClii St. Frentics, tonight and Saturday, no cover (rock). Drumstick, 547 N. 4Sth St. Pagan Idols and The Blinkies, $2 cover charge (wave). Green Frog, 1010 P St. Extasy, tonight and Saturday, $1 cover charge (heavy metal rock). . JudesfBo's, 2C20 Cornhusker Highway Main street and Eclipse, $2 cover charge (rock 'n' roll). Mountains, 311 S. 1 1th St. Dee Allen, $1 cover charge (rock 'n' roll). . Rivera's, 1S20 West O St. Clvde Foly Cum mings, tonight; Bandana, Saturday, $5 cover charge (CandW). Royal Grove, 340 W. Cornhusker Highway Alias, no cover charge (rock'n' roll). Skylight Bistro, 235 N. 11th St. Ray Williams, no cover charge (C and W). Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th St. Anson Funderburgh and the Rockets, $3 cover charge (Texas blues). , MOVIES Cinema! & 2 "Rhinestone" 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 p.m.; "Gremlins" 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30 p.m. Cooper "Star Trek III" 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30 p.m. Douglas 3 "Top Secret!" 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, and 9:20 p.m.; "Karate Kid" 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, and 9:40 p.m.; "Cannonball Run II" 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:40 n.m. East Park 3 "Conan the Destroyer" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.; "Rhinestone" 1:05.3:15, 5:25, 7:35 and 9:45 p.m.; "Gremlins" 1:10, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20 and 9:25 p.m. Jcyo "Racing with the Moon 7:30 p.m.; 3 p.m. Saturday and 5 p.m. Sunday. Plaza 4 "Romancing the Stone" 12:30, 2:45, 5, 9:30 p.m.; Sneak Preview of "The Last Starfighter" 7:15 p.m. Fri. & Sat.; "The Pope of Greenwhich Vil lage" 1 , 3:40, 6:20 and 9 p.m.; "Bachelor Party" 1,3:15, 5:30, 7:45 and 10 p.m.; "Conan the Destroyer" 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. Sheldon Film Theatre "Confidential ReportMr. Arkadin" 7 and 9 p.m.; 3 p.m. matinee Sat. and Sun. State "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:20 and 9:40 p.m. Stuart "Ghostbusters" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. 84th and O "Cannonball Run II" and "Never Say Never Again" THEATRE KimbflK Recital II&ll - The Boy Friend," UNL Music Theatre, Saturday, 8 p.m. Temple Hall Studio Theatre "Crimes of the Heart," Nebraska Repertory Theatre, tonight and Saturday 8 p.m. Folson Children's Zoo "A Toby Show," Neb raska Repertory Theatre, Saturday 10 a.m. 'Bachelor Party is mindless fun By Scott Harrah "Bachelor Party" is the latest fatuous farce to come out of Hollywood's collec tion of sex comedies. In the tradition of its artis tically reprehensive prede cessors "Porlcs ," "Spring Break," etc. this film relies on raffish humor rather than plot to com pel the audience. M The "plot," what little of it there is, centers on a young couple about to be married. The mainland man from "Splash," Tom Hanks, plays a lovable slob busdriver named Rick who's engaged to Debbie, a punk clothing store clerk (played by Tawny Kitaen). When Rick announces that his buddies are throwing him a bachelor party, Deb bie gives her approval as long as no hookers will be present. Deliciously lubri cious madness follows. Coie,the quintessential preppie geek who also has his eye on Debbie plots revenge when she turns down his marriage prop osal For some reason, two salable sirens show up at Debbie's bridal shower to perform a wickedly rau cous' S&M scene. This is one of many cheap yet hilarious sequences that arent germane to the story. Essentially, the film is nothing but a chronicle of the hedonistic tempta-i tions Rick must avoid to 1. w I t ! w y( : It f M i rv. w IV J f i'i ii r Tom Hanks imd coiapaay batch it up in "Bachelor Party. htiotoCouitesy of i wentiitifi Century Fox stay true to his sweetie. However, Debbie has her share of temptations as well. When her girlfriends take her to Chippendale's, a male strip joint, a beefy waiter serves the gals hot dogs but one of the franks on the serving tray isn't an Oscar Meyer! I won't reveal anymore of the juicy details as they are much too lurid foj publication.. Though this film is tunny, it is hardly high quality. Pervasive sensationalism and Tom Hanks' commen dable performance are the only elements that can hold an audience's inter est and after an hour of this nearly two-hour flick, the predictable jokes get old, you get tired of hear ing and seeing hookers and the unfettered breasts are no longer interesting. If writer-director Neil Israel would have edited his screenplay to thirty minutes, this movie may haveworked Instead,movie goers are forced to wait two hours to see if Rick and Debbie will get mar ried and live trashily ever after. So if you're iii the mood for a mindless, escapist flick and have two hours to insult your intelligence, check this campy turkey out. You will laugh and feel guilty about it! 1 T-TTT-tffS?' 1 1! Leonard Nimoy has been signed to star in "The Sun Also Rises" a four hour mini-series currently being produced by Twentieth Century Fox Televi sion in Paris and Spain. Nimoy, a veteran actor, writer and director, is best known as Mr. Spock in the "Star Trek" television series and feature films. Nimoy will play the role of The Count, a myste rious member of Parisian society, in the mini-series which will air on NBC. James and Roberta Larson have recently joined the staff of the Omaha Magic Theatre. James Larson will serve as Assistant Artistic Director, and Roberta Larson as Production Manager. James Larson has been teaching acting and improvisation for the Department of f hestre at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas for the past three years. He is currently completing work on his doctoral dissertation, which centers on the his tory of the Omaha Magic Theatre and its pkywright-in-residence, Megan Terry. ' Friday, July 6, 1984 Pogo 10 Dally Nebraskan