V 7 I 3 t J David TroubaDaSiy Nt brisksn The Model Citizens All's been quiet on the UNL thea tre front so far this summer, until this weekend, that is. Both the Nebraska Repertory Theatre and the UNL Music Theatre have declared war on the summertime blues: Nebraska Rep with a comedy called "Crimes of the Heart" and a delightful little production of "A Toby Show," and the music Theatre Picnic lunch . . .. Continued frosa Pgge 7 Coat each chicken piece with butter mixture, then place individually in plastic bag with crumb mixture. Place chicken pieces in a baking dish and bake for one hour or until crisp and tender. Makes four servings. Calico Potato Salad 7 medium potatoes Vi cup chopped onion xh cup chopped green pepper 3 tablespoons chopped pimento 1 Vt teaspoons salt 3A teaspoon celery seed Vi teaspoon pepper 2 hard-cooked eggs Va cup mayonnaise or salad dressing 3 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon prepared mustard cup whipping cream Cook, peel and slice potatoes In bowl stir together potatoes, cucumber, onion, green pepper, pimento, salt, celery seed and pepper. Reserve one hard cooked egg yolk; coarsely chop the white and remaining hard-cooked egg. Add chopped eggs to potato mixture. Cover; chill. - To make the dressing, combine mayonnaise or salad dressing, vinegar, sugar and mustard. Beat whipping cream until soft peaks form; fold into dressing. About one-half hour before serving, toss the dressing with potato mixture. Fut the reserved egg yolk through a sieve; sprinkle over salad. Makes six servings. New England Baked Beans 1 pound dry navy beans or dry northern beans (2J3 cups) 8 cups cold water teaspoon salt 4 ounces salt pork, cut up 1 large onion, chopped Vfc cup molasses V3 cup packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard M teaspoon salt . . lA teaspoon pepper Rinse beans. In heavy 3-quart saucepan combine beans and 8 cups water. Cover; soak overnight. (Or bring to boiling; boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat; cover and let soak one hour.) Add M teaspoon salt to mixture. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, one hour or until tender. Drain beans, reserving liquid. In 2-quart bean pot or casserole combine the beans, salt pork and onion. Stir in one cup of the reserved bean liquid, molasses, brown sugar, mustard, i teaspoon salt and pepper. Cover and bake in 300 degree oven for 2V hours or to desired thickness, stirring occasion ally. Add additional reserved bean liquid if neces sary. Makes sb to eight servings. Friday, Juno 29. 1 984 with a musical comedy, "The Boy Friend." See WEEKEND for times. Around Town Caribe is back in the Capital City for two nights at the Zoo Bar tonight and Saturday. An excellent chance to get sweaty amid some sweltering island music. The Model Citizens will be at the Drumstick tonight and Saturday. "Get paid to study! Become a plasma donor! $10' is paid for each donation and you can donate twice a week (but please wait 72 hours between donations). It only takes a maximum of 2 hours and you can study while you earn up to $95 a month. New donors bring this ad for an additional $2 for your first donation. So save your energy for more important things like enjoying the summer! Call now for an appoint ment and find out how you can win $100 in our monthly drawing! "University Plasma Center 1442 "O" Street 475-8845 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 AM-7:00 PM Wed., Sat. 7:30 AM-6:00 PM ... ' Federally Inspected TUESDAY JULY 3RD PEONY PARK BALLROOM MEMBERS $3.75 LADIES $5.50 MEN $5.75 An RFRRC L Lj Li Ld uw t AND BIG BAND U.SA 10 PI (O) i! ( iji j ECE BAND" DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 DANCING STARTS AT 8:30 WEDNESDAY JULY 4th IN THE ROYAL GROVE usm - - j ilL, w.,J W W irM Ground Displays . . . Aerial Displays .. . The Largest Ever! Presented by Goodrich Dairy. KOIL& Peony Park OPENING ACT ROYAL GROVE GATES OPEN AT 7:30 P.M. $3.00 ADMISSION n h OPENING ACT "Bap FRIDAY JULY 6TH P SPECIAL IN THE I ROYAL GROVE f FT t ft i u- E $ N E E K E U S ROYAL GROVE GATES OPEN - 7:30 P.M. $3.00 admission 85T & CASS OMAHA 3Q1-&253 Daily Nebraskan Page 9