The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 26, 1984, SUMMER EDITION, Page Page 12, Image 12
Diverse athletes... Lewis Meyers of Richardson, Texas and Alvin Spencer of Long Beach, California will compete for the men's team while Julie May of Denver and Sherri Birmingham of Omaha will dive for the women's team. Huber said this year's class was "potentially my best." "We were able to go head-to-head with Florida and Indiana for Lewis Meyers. That's the first time we've won one of those battles," Huber said. "Alvin Spencer and Julie May are both extremely talented, but have had only limited amounts of training at this time. Both should really prosper in our pro gram. Sherri Birmingham needs some work, but shell get the chance to grow in our program and I think shell begin to realize her true potential." All four divers have impressive credentials. Mey ers was runner-up in the Texas state champion ships in addition to qualifying last year for the junior nationals. Spencer, although he has been diving for only 18 months, finished second in the California high school championships. May is a three-time state champion in Colorado, while Birmingham qualified all four years for the Nebraska state meet while competing for Omaha Marian. She finished fourth as a senior. CI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-J568 S2 50 minimum charge per day on com mercial ads. Ten words included $2.00 minimum charge per day on indi vidual student and student organiza tion ads. Students must pay for the ad at the time it is placed NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT IN SERTION FOUND ads may De submitted free of charge We have several hundred texts and reference books at 25C each until June 30 Open 8-1 daily. Old Books 1822 N St. MUST SELL 76 Honda CB550F 81,000 miles. $750 or best offer. Call any evening after 4 p.m. 475-2690. 27" Viscount Aerospace Pro, 24 12" frame. 22 lbs. Shimano, Clement Tubulars. 466-1136. NEED SUMMER HOUSING? APARTMENT FINDERS can help youl 435-5555 a service of Joseph Ktan Company SPECIAL SUMMER LEASES WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS Get your summer tan by our pool! 1820-1842 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Energy efficient, close to either campus, carpeted, all appliances, pool for summer use. Deposit, no pets. 476-6200 Manager Joseph E Kean Co. 474-1666 ENVIRONMENTALIST The Nebraska Water Conservation Coun cil is hiring students to staff full-time state-wide campaigns. Will train, travel. Career opportunities. Call 476-2060 for personal interview. Shop Monday and Thursday until 9. 19 12 r ' r 1 I tl?. S L - , ,.,., J lium t MOONS. - Boston Adventure explore opportunities of exciting city while working as live-in childcare worker. Many openings, one-year commitment. Contact Allene Fisch, Child Care Placement Service, 149 Buckminster Road. Brookline. MA 02143.(617)566-6294 SITUATION WANTED Free room, board plus $ 100 per month in exchange for child care. Working parents need person with A M classes to care for 9 mo old. Need to be available at 1:00 p.m. Mother home by 600. Weekends free, evenings free Need own transporta tion. Mother out of town Mon.-Wed. twice a month, need you those p m.'s. Call between 9 and noon. 423-4982. 1 liliWIfiiHtliVfililk International Advertising SeminarLon don. Examine advertising strategy and policy in the foreign market. Dec. 26-Jan. 12. For details contact Flights & Study Tours. 345 Nebraska Union, 472-3264. "Stephanie. I'll be at Farmer's Market Saturday morning Stop by." Wanted: 1 female roommate to share apartment for second five-week session only. Call 477-6443 Female to share 3 bedroom house: Southeast Rent negotiable. 489-6912 PARKER TYPING SERVICE Betiy Parker 5200 Boeckner Avenue 483-7057 P'Ofessional. prompt attention to your manuscript Typed to your spec ifications. Ali pages proofread Minor corrections and editing by experienc ed teacher with MA in English 4C line WORD PROCESSING by YVORD GRAPHIC Only 6C a line with student ID when booked by June 30 Suite 603, Gold s Galleria. 1 1 th and ' O 476-WORD SINGLE & PREGNANT? Consider adoption. For confidential pregnancy counseling call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING AVAIL ABLE. a This Coupon Worth All new Jewelry All Custom-Made Jewelry All Estate Jewelry Jewelry inspected and Cleaned Free Off Your First Jewelry Repair DICE'S JEWEEY I 909 'O' Street I I 4744007 1 If Nebraska signs two swimming recruits Nebraska women's swimming coach Ray Huppert has announced the signing of two more recruits, Penny Stanek of Omaha and Renee Coffman of Rockville, Maryland, to national letters of intent to compete for Nebraska next fall. Stanek was a state champion in the 100 back stroke last season for Omaha Gross, where she was also the Metro Conference 100 backstroke cham pion and an academic All-metro selection. "We are thrilled that Penny has decided to swim for us next season," Huppert said. "We feel that her potential is limitless and shell have a good chance to develop over the next four years." Coffman was a junior national qualifier in the breaststroke events, but has only been swimming in a year-round program for a short time. "Renee's father is in the Foreign Service and she has lived in many different countries, so she's never been able to really train for a long period of time," Huppert said. "Shell add 'a great amount of quality to our breast stroke events next season and we feel that she has a lot to offer our program." These two signings bring to four the number of athletes that Huppert has signed this spring. 0 TYPING Term papers, manuscripts, theses and dissertations. IBM Selectric III. Reason able rates 423-7166 Typing, word processing, dictaphone, reasonable rates, near mam campus 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Avis Siebert, 477-5997. TYPING 15 yrs. experience, term papers, thesis PMevenings. 488-4954 TYPING We type for you! You do-it-yburselfl We can do your typing for you on our wordprocessors. You can rent a wordprocessor by the day. week or month. For large or small projects once the information is stored you can edit, change, run proof copies, do spelling checking, etc. No matter how many times you make revisions only pay for the changes and avoid new mistakes. Since it is typed only once you save time and money. COMPUTER TYPE 1630 Q Street Phone 476-TYPE TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N. 13th 474-4136 r ' li I let. si I.NVi s4flif CLIFF'S FOR COCKTAILS 1200 "O " Street ' s t ff"- ..-5 m i ( ) First, there are the respect and dignity accorded an Army offi cer. Then there's the opportunity to travel, changing hospitals with out losing seniority, as so often happens in civilian hospitals. And there's the opportunity to add new and different nursing disciplines. To study, continue your education, attending professional conferences, working in a variety of nursing specialties. If you're working on your BSN or if you already have a BSN and are registered to prac tice in the United States or Puerto Rico, talk to our Army Nurse Corps Recruiter Dally N&braskan gj-r-i GOVERNMENT JOBS $16.559-$50.553year Now Hiring Your Area 1-805-687-6000 Ext. R-9636 for $20 directory UO0N! Shop the Atrium for Fashion j Food and Fun. ACROSS 1 Door fastening 5 Disney or Kelly 9 Recites the Pater Noster 14 Et (and others) 15 Bridge expert Sharif IS "Balcony Scene" suitor 17 Profane 10 Perfect model 23 Singers Bryant and O'Day 21 Bring home the bacon 23 Detroit-to-Atlanta dir. 24 Rental units: Abbr. 23 Tear canal 28 Punishes 32 Chide 33 Owns 37 First American minister to England 33 Flexible twig, to a botanist 49 A defense at court 42 Relative of a Wichita 43 French lover 44 Fortification 45 Boutonniere locus 47- Borch, Dutch painter 43 Sleeper's fantasies S3 Cheetah's asset 52 Zhivago's paramour 51 Prevaricator 3 tree (cornered) 53 Villainously contrives : AT IA ATfTf 111 ACCEI!T PrintingCopycenter 226 South 16th Street 475-5000 Shop Sunday Afternoons. ifny u 6 Ton Bv '"-i",, 10 t :.: ,; 12 dn. Ntowtiv thro k. Sctiudv L 1223 f St. vycz) j CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESX1u 3 Fabled guards of inner earth 64 Beersheba's desert i Isolation 8 Rhone feeder 63 "Educating ."ISMm 70 Once, once 71 Filch 72 Stanch 73 Witnesses DOWN l"Mary little..." 2 About two feet in Denmark 3 Pedro's assurance 4 Famed Michelangelo trio 5 English yarn 6 Docs' bloc 7 Overdue 8 Trample 8 Harold Foster's creation ' lOSteigeror Serling 11 Ed or Nancy 12 The ayes have these 13 Filet of 18 He appears with "Shazam!" 22 Grate 25 Villainous growl 27 Fleece 28 White beet 29 Czech coin 30 Divagation 31 Untidy mark 33 He didn't just fiddle around 1 2 3 ""YTplJ" j I io n i2 ITT" j 7r j p T7 la ' 73 aa 1 ' u p- 1 : rj n ,r r 3r ,4S 4"1 f'-J ; j !J I I i " ; wTr" . ; If & ; . 175- I I Ll 1 I j J JLL A Blah Resume Is like a Bad Rumor. Many employers only take 30 to 45 seconds to look over a resume. If 1't typewritten or photocopied on white, it might be boring. Or cheap looking. And that can create t fatae impression about you. Give the right impression come to. Accent. We'll show you how affordable quality can be! $ 1.00 off ANY REGULARLY PRICF.D ALBUM OH TAPE WITH GTUDENT I. D. ) ) CENTRUM GATEWAY 4 7t ' 9 K' ? 34 Doctrine 35 Ledger item 38 Flower section 41 Phoenician god 43 Terse, witty saving 49 Hindu title of respect 51 Queen-bee victims 53 Gelling agents 55 Etats -3 Nuisance 57 A 1989 World Series hero 51 Shoal 61 Of little consequence 62Tobe,to Boethius 63 Fast fliers 65 Lost cause for NOW? 67 Ingested r (j BT I0t. tN,jp BP1, - 1 Tuesday, June 26, 1984 i I i