Politics! Advertising Political advertising will be charged at the local open rate. Prepayment is required, except for ads from recognized advertising agencies. Political advertising must carry a disclaimer showing the name of the candidate or the sponsoring group, and the name and address of at least one person officiating for the group. An embargo will be imposed on all advertisements which state accusations or make allegations about a political candidate or controversial issue two days prior to election day. This is imposed to provide for candidates and groups supporting or opposing issues the opportunity to respond to accusations through advertisements. On election day only advertisements supporting a candidate will be accepted. Jo display advertisements of a political or controversial nature will be printed unless the proof has been signed by the person or group paying for the advertisement. Advertisements having the appearance of editorial material must be identi .d as "Paid Advertisements" at the top of the ad. "Make-Goods" The Daily Nebraskan assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of space actually occupied by the advertisement in which the error is made. The Daily Nebraskan shall not be liable for typographical errors which do not lessen the value of an advertisement. Billing adjustments will be based on what percentage the error detracts from the effectiveness of the total advertising message as determined by the Advertising Manager. Such adjustments will not be considered unless the Advertising