The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 25, 1984, SUMMER EDITION, Page Page 12, Image 12
Backpac a m n 0 l3 J canoen i & highlight trips By Tim McGratti For university community members who want to add to their extracurricu lar activities or just have some sum mer fun, the UNL Office of Campus Recreation offers a myriad of op portunities. Kenda Scheele, Intramural coordi nator, said the summer intramural program differs from the regular school year's program because fewer students participate. The activities offered are traditional summer sports golf, tennis, outdoor volleyball, and slowpitch softball. A few of the sports are directed primarily at faculty and staff members who generally have a smaller workload in the summer. The highlight of the summer intramurals, according to Scheele, is the co-rec slow pitch soft ball which involves students, faculty and staff in mixed- play. This allows people to meet others within the uni versity they may not otherwise meet, Scheele said. Besides the sports, the rec depart ment offers non-credit instructional classes for a fee, Scheele said. These currently include swimming lessons, a youth soccer clinic and tennis lessons. Scheele said that a canoeing seminar and sailing lessons may be added later. The goal of these classes is to provide inexpensive quality instruction in pop ular activities. The summer instructional classes will serve as a test market, with hopes of providing similar instruction in the regular school year, Scheele said. Open recreation facility hours have been reduced in the summer because of the drop-off in use, Scheele said. However, she said the use level this spring had been higher than normal and attributed the increase to poor weather and increased publicity. Open summer facilities include the outdoor tennis and racquetball courts, Schulte Fieldhouse, the Coliseum pool, weightroom and gym and the East Campus Activities Building. The open recreation hours are available at the Office of Campus Recreation. For those students who take serious ly the adage, "Don't let school interfere with your education," outdoor recrea tion department offers several trips for those who want to "get away." The trips range in price and time from the $45 weekend of basic rock climbing seminar in South Dakota to the $205 7-day Whitewater canoeing seminar in northern Wisconsin. Scott Titterington, outdoor recrea tion staff assistant, said the programs focus on canoeing and rock climbing. "These trips not only provide a jri s i p '! li EMEKT OFFICER Wft JIM PALMER 6 " Vp- p Ml u" r-zr c t bf' ry C1 fs For Sale: 191 Bush & Lane upright piano $150.00 or best offer 477-6253. FORD PINTO $800 One Owner. 475-2583 after 6 p.m. Doug H. 10-speed touring bike, good condition. Best offer. 464-5226 anytime. 4 blocks to city campus. Clean, 4 bedroom. $275. 475-6669. Duplex 2 bedroom. 30th & Holdrege. Shower, Air, Parking, Bus. $275. 475-6669. Learn about IBM & Compaq personal computers. And, about a special price for UNL students, faculty and staff. Free information sessions 9 a m to 3 p.m. both days. Sponsored by ValCom and the UNL Business Services Dept. Wednesday. May 30th City Union Regency H Thursday. May 31st East Union Room to be posted STOP BY! A 5-Day Stop Smoking Clinic will be held at the University Health Center June 3-7. It will be from 7-9:00 p.m. in the Health Center Conference Room. For information call 472-5050 between 7:30 4:00 daily or come to Room 106 in the Health Center. SINGLE & PREGNANT? Consider adoption. For confidential pregnancy counseling call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING AVAILABLE TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N 13th 474-4136 CLIFF'S FOR COCKTAILS 1200 "O" Strati la i.i J -ij NEED SUMMER HOUSING? APARTMENT FINDERS can help yout 435-5555 a service of Joseph Kean Company. WHAT'S A "CLUSTER LEASE"? If you don't know, you are paying too much rent! Call APARTMENT FINDERS and save! 435-5535 A service of Joseph E. Kean Co. SPECIAL SUMMER LEASES WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS Get your summer tan by our pool! 1820-1842 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Energy efficient, close to either campus, carpeted, all appliances, pool for summer use. Deposit, no pets. 476-6280 Manager Joseph E, Kean Co. 474-1666 Roommate to share older 2 bedroom apt. by 1st. Downtown area. $110mo. plus electricity. 474-2910 before 2:00 p.m. late night. Two roommates to share large duplex. 475-7561 early morning or late night 474-2111 Ext. 203 leave message. mvTT I .363 S - ;S fi V it i l till:, Iii5 iyiiTSTni'S TiT5 mm ULLTJftJi i' J2IU fIRt sTj Hit, mm EJ SWT N salmSi u Worn Part-time interior design assistant. 10 1 5 hoursweek. Education in commercial intericr design, drafting skills and general knowledge of design and resources re quired. Apply in parson 9 a.m.-noon only. Sheppards Business Interiors, 201 N. 8th. p x 2530 O. 5Wt Lincoln, Me b0 irkrn in kck chance to get away from the stresses of the everyday environment, but also genuinely teach skills in the outdoors that can be used long after graduation, he said. The trips are usually geared toward beginners, but intermediate-level trips exist too, Titterington said. The canoe trips offered this summer include: The Upper Niobrara, the Cala mus, and the Dismal Rivers. There are two Rock Climbing trips this summer. Besides basic rock, the intermediate rock climbing seminar is offered near Colorado Springs, Colo. Basic rock is a prerequisite for all future rock climbing trips, Tittering ton said. The Whitewater canoeing seminar and a backpacking trip in the San Juan Mountains near Silverton, Colo, high light this summer s trips, he said, ihe backpacking trip starts off with a narrow-gauge, train ride to the trail head. Included in the cost of all the trips is all transportation, equipment, instruction, food while participating in the activitlty, insurance and guides. If interested in planning a trip or activity, the Office of Campus Recrea tion rental program can provide tents, canoes, backpacks, sleeping bags, stoves, bats, balls, gloves and a whole list of other outdoor and intramural equipment. More information on what the rec office offers this summer is available at the office at 1740 Vine St. When that last test or paper has pushed you over the edge, or you want to get together with friends to have fun the rec office may have what you're looking for. Softball postponed 'til morrow The Nebraska-Fresno State first round College World Series softball game was postponed last night due to lateness. It has been rescheduled for 11:00 today. Ticket stubs from last night will be honored today. Fresno State and Nebraska players were sent back to their hotels at ap proximately 11:00 p.m., during the 19th inning of a scoreless marathon between Texas A & M and California Poly-Pomona. That game, still unde cided when the Daily Nebraskan went to press, had already set Series records for number of innings, 22, and length, four hours and 45 minutes. Texas A & M had nine hits to Cal Poly-Pomona's six. The Aggies also had five errors. But nobody had any runs! Texas A & M was hanging on to a 68 inning shutout streak, going back to last year's Series. Even though the last serious scoring threat at press time had been in the 15th inning, an estimated 1500 fans still sat in their rain dam pened seats. Get Your Share of the Student Market! Advertise in the SUMMER EDITION y n Published Tuesdays and Fridays. All Summer Long! CALL 472-2589 CROSSWORD PUZZLE .Edited by EUGENE T. RMLESKA : ACROSS 1 Acetic plain 7 Conflict 10 Like out of Hell 14 Edmond or Pat of film3 15 Self 13 "Whatever wants..." 17 Beverage service 18 gratias 19 Scheme 23 Sale condition 22 Armor-plated horsemsja 24 Smoke-fog combo 27 Meerschaum 23 "Love Story" actor SI He wrote "I Kid You Not" 12 To (exactly) S3 Succinct 51 Swear to S3 Jai S3" is the world . . .": T.H. Huxley 43 Wood: Comb, form 44 Finish a trucking trip 43 Hindu teacher S3 Smolder, e.g. 52 Idle 53 Desi 54 Mimicked 53 Portent 53 Church official 53 Animal pen, in Provence 3 Authentic SI Sound from Sandy 14 More orderly 3Puntadel , Uruguay O Tiny 73 Town near San Juan, P.R. 71 Suffix with young or old 72 Head movement 73 Leave a grotto DOWN 1 Dram 2 Honshu seaport 3 F.D.R. program 4 Argue 5 Indians cr female ruffs 6 Aversion 7 United 8 Stone or Iron 9 Swindle 1 Lofty 11 Scarecrow in the "Oz" film 12 Hawaiian greetings IS Squeal 21 Pose for a portrait 23 Whim 24 Resort like Bex 25 Dillon of "Gunsmoke" 21 Solemn promise 23 Dense fog 23 Slithering sea dwellers 33 Split: Comb, form 37 Plenty S3 Island of Napoleon's exile 43 Assign 41 Wander 42 Stupefy 45 Lair 43 Buffalo hockey team 47 Most ironic 43 Having a handle 43 Composer of 10 symphonies 51G.O.P. member 57 He's expendable and exploitable 53 Paper quantity 2 Early auto 63 G-man 5 Salt 3 U.S. subject C7 A teammate of Reese 14 17 4 31 & Ai n 21 13 34 ,s4 4'j 1 11 13 37 ,44 4 - 44 kl II i ? (J 42 Page 12 Daily Nebraskan Friday, May 25. 1984