The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1984, SUMMER EDITION, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Closing d
Nyah, nyah, nyah! You can't play with us. Nyah,
nyah, nyah!
The Soviet Union essentially nyahed the United
States when it said nyet to the 1D34 summer Olym
pics. Nyah, or nyet, translates into many alleged rea
sons for the Soviet boycott. The Soviets claim lack of
security at Los Angeles are keeping their teams at
home. The rights of their athletes have been ignored.
But, according to Time magazine, the Soviets refused
earlier this year a briefing of the security precau
tions that Los Angeles law officials will take for all
athletes. Time also said that the Soviets did not
consider the Los Angeles precautions complete,
since they did not include bans against protestors
near the games.
Many U.S. publications have suggested a revenge
motive lies beneath the boycott. The 19S4 boycott
may be in retaliation for the U.S. boycott of the 1980
Olympics. Nyah, nyah.
However, retaliation may go deeper than that:
Time quoted one Soviet official (unofficially identi
fied and quoted, of course) as saying the boycott
jabbed the United States, or the Reagan administra
tion in particular, for its hardline nuclear arms pol
icy. The Soviets cut off nuclear arms talks when
NATO countries began deploying Pershing 2 missiles
in Europe.
The'Soviets cut off their chances of Olympic com
petition. Nyah, nyah, if you don't do what we want, we'll
stop playing with you.
But the Soviet won't stop playing, really. They will
just do it in a hack-handed, sly-devil way.
Take the Olympics. The United States won't pro
vide "enough security," so the Soviets will have their
own games. Rumors of these games began circulat
ing the very night of the boycott announcement.
Nyah, nyah.
Take nuclear arms. The Reagan administration,
bent upon catching up with the Soviet stockpile of
nuclear weapons, is on the brink of developing the
MX missile system in Western Nebraska and Wyom
ing. The United States and other NATO countries
have begun deployment of the Pershing 2 missiles in
Western Europe.
In Monday's Lincoln Star, Soviet Defense Minister
Dimitri Ustinov said his country has increased the
number of nuclear-armed submarines off American
shores because of the Pershing 2 deployment. Accord-
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ing to Ustinov, the Soviets "will accordingly increase
the number of SS 20 missiles in the European part of
the U.S.3.R." if the number of U.S. missiles in Europe
Nyah, nyah, nyah.
The national treasurer of the Young Americans
for Freedom, Terrell R. Cannon of Lincoln, said in
Sunday's Journal-Star the United States should
stop "pleading" with the Soviets to compete in the
games. He is wrong.
Pro-Reaganists say U.S. no-nukes supporters
should stop pleading with the Soviets to freeze or
decrease nuclear arms production. They are wrong.
Closing the door will not help, either in the Olympics
or the nuclear arms race with the East-West ten
sions it brings.
The game Reagan is playing now closes the door
between East and West. Ustinov said the Reagan
administration's offer to resume talks are "mere
words" that don't mean anything.
It's time to change from Reagan's hardline tactics.
This time the Soviets said, "Nyah, nyah, we wont
play in the Olympics." Sooner or later they may say,
"Nyah, nyah; we're going to blow you away." ;
Welcome to the first issue of the first ever summer
Daily Nebraskan. The summer Daily Nebraskan will
be published twice a week, on Tuesday's and Fridays.
Summer at UNL is quite different than the regular
semesters, and the Daily Nebraskan will reflect that
difference. It will start your week with news of what
has happened and what will happen. It will end your
week with a guide to how to spend your free time.
As always, the Daily Nebraskan welcomes reader
input. If you have an idea for a story, a compliment
or a complaint, call or bring it in. Let us know what
you want to read. Help us set the precedent for the
first summer Daily Nebraskan.
Lauri Hopple. 472-1766
Daniel Shattil
Kitty Pollcky
Tom Byrns -
Kelly Mangan
Steve Meyer
Jim Fussell
Jann Nyffeler
Christopher Burbach
Michlela Thuman
Jeff Goodwin
Julie Jordan
Craig Andresen
Dave Trouba
Lou Anne Zacek
Carla Johnson, 475-0375
Don Walton, 473-7301
The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) Is published by the
UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday in the fall
and spring semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the
summer sessions, except during vacations.
Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and com
ments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-2588 between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday The public also
has access to the Publications Board. For information, call
Carla Johnson. 475-0375.
Postmaster: Send address changes' to the Daily Nebra
skan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb 8588
Farrakhan the real threat to Jackson
One of the more interesting developments in polit
ics this year has been the emergence of Black Mus
lim leader Louis Farrakhan.
Farrakhan, you may recall, has, among other
achievements, publically threatened the life of the
Washington Post reporter who first revealed Jesse
Jeff Goodwin
Jackson's "Hymietown" remarks to the public. He
also has praised Adolph Hitler and criticized Michael
Jackson as being a bad role model for black teen-
He can't seem to stop. Last week, on the CBS
Morning News, he did it again. Farrakhan com
mented on a recent statement he had made warning
of retribution for any attack on Jackson.
"I wanted America to understand that Jesse
Jackson is not an ordinary leader doing the ordi
nary thing," Farrakhan said. The spirit of God, the
hand of God, is moving him and if this man is assas
sinated, not only will there be black reaction in the
streets, but God himself will react and that is what I
-wanted to warn America and those radical Jewish
elements against."
Letter Policy
The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the
editor from all readers and interested others.
Letters will be selected for publication on the
basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space
available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to
edit all material submitted.
Readers also are welcome to submit material as
guest opinions. Whether material should run as a
letter or guest opinion, or not run, is left to the
editor's discretion.
Page 4
Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper
become property of the Daily Nebraskan and can
not be returned.
Anonymous submissions mill not be considered
for publication. Letters should include the author's
name, year in school, major and group affiliation,
if any. Requests to withhold names from publica
tion will not be granted.
Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Neb
raska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68583-0448.
Daily Nebraskan
Far from protecting Jackson's life, that statement
only adds to the danger that he faces. It almost
invites a response and there are plenty of nuts out
there who would just love to make a name for them
selves by killing Jackson.
If that should happen and American history
shows us that it's always a possibility there's, no
doubt that this country will suffer. But not at the
hands of God. Rather, we will suffer the shame of
destroying yet another promising leader.
Farrakhan should recognize that oppression in
America, although based on race, isn't limited to
race. Our society suffers from economic injustice as
well as racial injustice.
Blacks and Jews both have felt the sting of dis
crimination and they should be natural allies. And,
during the civil rights straggles of the 1960s, they
were. Jews marched beside Martin Luther King in
Birmingham and Selma, Ala.
Farrakhan also brings religion into an arena it
doesn't belong in.
Any sensible person can tell that God is the most
apolitical individual ever to draw breath. You need
only look at the world in your lifetime to tell that.
And this leads to still another problem: Is Louis
Farrakhan's god the same god that Jerry Falwell
prays to? It's doubtful that they would agree it's the
same god.
Perhaps the two could have their respective gods
stage a debate on CNN.
Jackson's failure to condemn his supporter's rhe
toric casts a blemish on what is otherwise a spar
kling campaign.
Jackson has performed a valuable service by giv
ing hope and self respect to millions of people. He
has given them a voice in determining what is going
to be done with their lives.
Jackson should repuditiate Farrakhan's com
ments now, before the storm threatens to eclipse
the important message that Jackson is trying to
carry to the American people.
Tuesday, May 2Z 1984