Dally Ncbraskan Pago 15 - ( -s " f r. f r V -v ; ) fJim fir fTf m r jT jT r r srnr-.-s u3E::Lr;j:3?L3.:i : -Is t-Vs brczia!dng episode of last week reached ' its dramatic conclusion, Celeste's young followers ware stamping ker table. Called "Puppies", or "JxjT Unprofessional Pimple, "these youV.fal voters rc;m ::e;it a powerful, but hiiherto ignored, political As the Puppies, more animated with every pitcher of beer they consumed, became more exuberant, the gu:t3 cf honor tccar.'.o less so. Ronald, I think we had better leave soon," Nancy murmured, touching a perfumed handkerchief to her forehead. "I fear I may be ill" "And to her running mate, Antoinette may her reputation shine as brightly as the diamond bra celet she wears!" A second chorus of amens followed. "Stolen goods," Meese muttered. "And in conclusion," Bernina said, "I herewith present our candidates with a complimentary keg of beer, to be drunk or sold at their convenience!" Reagan choked on his steak. Nancy slid under the table. Meese called for another bowl of soup. presents Friday, April 27, 1C34 T ' I r 1 rx bLlK ll 1 Mary Louie e "Now, now, my dear, we can't leave before des sert," her husband said. "Why don't you run to the powder room for a little while?" Edwin Meese, another guest, called for more soup. "I sur; am glad this stuff is free, because I'm going to eat a lot of it," he said. The dessert, a flaming concoction of brandied cherries, ice cream and meringue, appeared. The Puppies, diverted from their contemplation of Addi son's velvet jacket, began to cut large slices of it. "Forsooth, 'tis a most excellent ending to a fine meal," guoth a Puppette (female Puppie) named .Bernina Kenmore Singer. Bernina, whose parents owned several large sew ing machine companies, had spent the past 20 years in college. She led a hand-to-mouth existence as a cocktail waitress and the beneficiary of government loans. She was chronically short of money. With these qualifications, it was only natural that she should have risen to the top of the Puppie organ ization. Acting in that capacity, Bernina wobbled to her feet and raised her glass. "I propose a toast," she shouted. "To our beloved Celeste may she defeat the old man now in office, the Baptist guy, Carter's old crony, and the cute guy!" . "Amen," the others replied. Celeste smiled modest ly. "Did you ever hear such shocking ignorance?" Nancy whispered to her husband. "It comes from not praying in school, dear," Rea gan replied. "I've told them time and time again." "Welfare cheaters, all of them," said Meese, digging deep into the dessert bowL . . . i - : . r; r v ..rim A- r'fj v; -t - . 0- THE LONNIE BROOKS BAND "FEROCIOUSLY ENERGETIC. WITTY, SOULFUL . . sif.iPLY astc::".cm:ng guitar work- -ROLLING STONE "THE ft,"C3T EXCITING NEW TALENT IN ELUES" WASHINGTON POST 9-l:C3, 03 COVER BANNY AND 'THE MOBEL CITIZENS FPJ. c SAT; APRIL 27 & 28 027 CZth FORD DIVISION CONGRATULATES u X1 MEN C) I) UH WOMEN OSLO V I G0ii Co Rec H7 MS Yadi Kamdicn Jsmshld Mobcbcl'cn B2hmad Eghbcd Mchcmmad Tubctcbci Jafcr Hcdbn Ncncy Gogcn Mcrgia Ructz Suo Olcon Suzzn Overbed: Mcry Prl:dicrd Kris Lsu Kevin Wi!!s Jennifer Wl'lsna Davo Mceencr r- 1 - 8 rrlk P ' ' ' T 1 ' ' ' : : ' : ' ' J " " " ' A ' : ' 1 ' ! OZitizl Vehicle cf the U.S. Vc::ejfc:i Assocktioa FORD BRONCO II has the most powerful V-6 engine and more horse power and torque than Chevy S-10 Blazer. Bronco II has a ti turning radius than the S-10 Blazer or JeepCJ's. ' Twin-Traction Beam suspension for controlled riding. Removable rear windows and sun roof options! AT FORD, QUALITY IS J03l! L ITS A ?IT KV.VI Tim viWDiiar aim tv Get 11 together -Buckle up. t