The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1984, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, April; 2G, 1C34
Pago 2
Daily Nebrcskan
. The Creators
of Timeless
- Beauty
( j 1 ( I I i i (ill ' w
V vii Jiiiili
CORNER OF 13th & P
-1 i5
There will be a meeting
at 4 p.m. today in Room
538 Old fat her for stu
dents who plan to intern
in Washington this sum
mer. The purpose of the
meeting is for those stu
dents to meet with other
students who will be in
Washington, talk about
arrangements and ways
to get the most out of the
experience. For more in
formation call the Expe
riential Education Office
at 472-1452.
Graduatingseniors: Did
you receive a National
Direct Student Loan while
attending UNL? If so, you
must attend an exit inter
view at the Rostrum in
the basement of the Neb
raska Union at one of the
following dates and times.
April 30, 7 p.m.
May 1, noon
May 2, 10 a.m.
' May 3, 3 p.m.
This must be done be
fore graduation!
v 1 1 f I A I JIM y
U r'; M ir n
r x a rr n.
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National and international news
from the Reuter News Report -
David Kennedy found
dead in Palm Deacli
PALM BEACH, Fla. - In the latest tragedy to ,
befall the Kennedy family, David Kennedy, the
drug-troubled son of the late Sen. Robert F.
Kennedy, was found dead Wednesday in a
hotel in this fashionable Florida resort. Police
said the body of Kennedy, 28, was found in a
first-floor room at the Brazilian Court Hotel by
an employee about 11:30 a.m. (EST). A police
spokesman said there were no signs of foul
play and the cause of death was not known.
Kennedy, Harv ard dropout, had been spend
ing time with his grandmother Rose, who has a
Palm Beach home near the 117-room hotel.
Police said Kennedy had been registered at the
hotel but they declined to say for how long.
The police spokesman said there was no
drug paraphrenalia in the room. However, ac
cording to numerous published reports, Ken
nedy had been fighting a battle with drugs that
began shortly after the assassination of his
father in 1968. In Washington, his uncle, Sen.
Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, issued a
statement saying: This is a very difficult time
for all the members of our family, including
David's mother Ethel and his brothers and sis
ters, who tried so hard to help in recent years.
All of us loved him very much."
Aflcrchoclio cholie CaHfomia
SAN FRANCISCO 7- Aftershocks rippled
through northern California following Tues
day's major tremor, and scientists warned
today that this earthquake-prone region could
expect further jolts in the next few days. At
least 18 people suffered injuries ranging from
broken bones to cuts from flying glass when an
earthquake registering 6.2 on the Richter scale
shook wide areas of the state, causing most
damage in the town of Morgan Hill about 70
miles , south of San Francisco. '
Nicaragua: ctop U.S. miring
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands Nicaragua
accused the United States Wednesday of fla
grantly violating international law by support
ing anti-government insurgents and called on
the World court to order Washington to stop
covert operations against it. As public hearings
v began, Nicaragua asked the International
Court of Justice to issue interim measures to
restrain the United States while the court
decided whether it had jurisdiction in the cast.
Today we have come to knock on the court's
door searching and hoping for justice," said
Carlos Arguelio Gcmez, Nicaragua's counsel
and its ambassador in The Hangs. On April 6
the Resgan administration said it would not
recognize the court's jurisdiction in cases in
volving Central America for two years.
Court mica en enctedy czz2
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court Wed
nesday said a divorced parent should not lose
custody of a child because of a remarriage to a
person of another race. The case was brought
by a white divorced Florida woman who lost
custody of her daughter after she married a
black man. A Flrrida court, in awarding cus
tody to the white father, said the daughter
would suffer from prejudice and social so
matization if she remained in a racially mixed
home. The Supreme Court, in a unanimous
decision written by Chief Justice Burger,
agreed the daughter might experience racial
prejudice but said the Florida court was wrong
in deciding custody on this basis. The Consti
tution cannot control such prejudices but
neither can it tolerate them," the court said.
U.S. denies Iran lies bomb
WASHINGTON - U.S. officials-said Wednes
day they asked other countries not to provide
nuclear technology to Iran, citing doubts on
whether it would continue to abide by treaty
commitments not to make a nuclear bomb. At
the same time the State Department discount
ed press reports, quoted by Jane's Defense
Weekly in London, that Iran would be able to
, build a bomb within two years. "We don't think
this report from London is correct," the depart-' said in a written reply to a reporter's
question. The department said it had no evi
dence Iran had repudiated cr violated its
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty plcd to '
place its nuclear activities under international