The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1984, Page Page 15, Image 15
Fridr, April 20, 1C34 ft J"l C2TUSt'iDA CLASSJFilD ADY'nTlCING CALL 472-1 7S7 $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten ward3 included, $2.00 minimum chsrgs par day on individual studant and student organization ads. Students must psy for the ad at the tims it is placed. NO REFUNDS Oti PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY AS SUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSER TION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publica tion (Monday through Fridcy). MUST SELL: 1S32Yamaha750 Virago, low miles. Excellent condition. 475-4367. 78 Datsun E210. 52,000, exce!!ant con dition. $3,200 or beat offer. 43-2C30. 1976 Chevy Pickup. Maks offer. Con tact Burlington Employee Credit Union, 464-0297 between 8:30 and 5:00. Ask tor Linda or Ellen. . 1959 Dodge Royal Lancer. 4-door hard top.51.000original miles. Srtans tin mobile in excellent condition. $2,750 or beat offer. 477-8154. Leave message if not home. IBM Selectric 1 typewriter, 13", $250.00. IBM 13D" model C type bar typewriter, $100.00. Both just bean jerviced and ready to go. 1977 PORSCHE 91 IS COUPE MINT CONDITION SERIOUS CALLS FOR DETAILS 464-6261.464-1995 - Three-speed bicycle cruiser. Nearly new condition. Must sell for low bucks. Call evenings, 475-15C8. 315 N. tain. ForSale:1981 Kawasaki 650 LTD. 4,000 miles. Like new. $1,400. 421-3183. 1981 LTD 550 Kawasaki. Under 7,000 miles. Excellent condition. 474-2323. '81 Kawasaki KZ 440 LTD. 6,650 miles. $1,000. 489-0293 or 469-5953. f 1981 Dodge Omni, 4-door hatch back, 4-speed, air, radials. 27,000 miles. Gret f m"a-rl looks like new! $5,200. Call 488-4d29 after 5. cor;;!iu:x!ji co-op Make room reservations now and beat the rush. Call 474-9772. Ask for Kerry Schafer or Mac Stevens. Large 2 bedroom a psrtnwilt disriwish r, oft-stret parking, sunosck, washer, dryer in building, close to Eat Cemous. Available early Wy. Cheap. 4 "-7Z2. If no answer. 472-3272. leave m..js;e for Dave. Two bedroom apartment for rent. Close to Eaat Campus & bu linea. Laundry facilities, off-atreet eirking, available May 10. More info, call t.4-ti 17 or leave mes aga at472-(i..;l. Spacious efficiency available for sum mer sublease to non-smoking, neat par son. 12th & K. Call 475-3300. Keep trying. t i 3?S f -.'--'."i-i' . '. Sew East C4 . s, w.m.ei tj-Mse. Lao2 bedrooms. Iireofac, balcony, Pui.aneesL parking,-cnlf ! air to utili ties. B9-S3i. I jK V U. - M V V 1 I 111 r i , j .!! ' -.iM; Click i i r ( if wtCTGAr.P lav 3501 Baldwin. Near East Campus. Unfurnished two bedroom apartment. Very clean. Parking and laundry. Summer lease. $335. 433-4600. Summer Lease 1801 Knox. 2 bed room, air. parking, fireplace, low utilities. $275. 464-8180. 464-6030. ACACIA Co-CD cu:.::.:zn housing AC, Laundry facilities and kitchen. Call John Kleider or Mark Shreve. 475-2242. . , Summer Sub-Lease Option tor Fall 3540 Huntington Large, 2 bedrooms, balcony, ac, appli ances, laundry. Call 466-6373. 3331 Holdrege. Nice, large 2-bedroom. 2 city bus routes. Available May 15. 464-4922. If tCIAL y LEASES VULLO'AHAVXN APARTfctNTS - Get your summer tan by our pooll 1820 1842 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Energy effi- ctent, close to either campus, carpeted, all appliances, pool for summer use. Deposit, no pets. 476-6230 Manager 474-16:8 Joseph E. KeanCo. Special Saving Offer Two-bedroom apartment near campus. Appliances, laundry hook-up. 'Sign a 6 month or year's lease before May 1 and first 3 months rent only $250 por month. 4S9-7070. Summer Sublease: Large classy 3-bedroom townhouse. 3 bathrooms, fire place, sundeck, dishwasher, garage, air conditioning. Available May 1 2. Call 472 8730 or 472-9712. Summer Sublease. Large 2-bedroom furnished apartment near City Campus. Central air, parking. Call Darryl at 472 6870 or 474-3982. Summer Sublease. Large airy efficiency, 15tn & C. Very reasonable. 475-2513. Summer Sublease. 1-bedroom apart ment near East Campus. AC and fur nished. $260month. All utilities paid for. 467-5612. Don't haul it home and then haul it all back again next fall. Store your goods at Infinity Storage. 475-2464. WHAT'S A "CLUSTER LEASE?" If vou don't know, you are paying too much rent! Call APARTMENT FINDERS and save! 435-5555. : A service of Joseph E. Kean Co. f NEED SUMWER HOUSING7 APARTKENT FINDERS can help youl 435-55S5 A Service of Joseph Kean Company Summer Sublease. 2-bedroom. AC. off-street parking, 12 month rent-free. Available May 15. 2412 "W Street. Call 476-9275. ryyy---j(-irww " " - v -VC-A L L Tired of ins repair run-around? VVa offer you: reliable service 50 years combined service specialized G M computer repairs call or stop in today for en estimsta ToTno Repair Service Gzrzz ... Tl323MSt. t Airt.'?7 . ... . Daily Ncbrcskan Dogo i'4 1 wfvVK: 472 Godfather's Pizza now accepting appli cations for part-time day kitchen help. Must be available from 10:30 2 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday. Apply In person at 12th &"Q." Godfather's Pizza now accepting appli cations for part-time evening bartenders and cocktail waitresses or waiters. Apply in person at 12th & "Q." Needed: Cocktail waitresses. Must be able to begin first week of May. Inter views will bt held Saturday, April 21st from 1 1 am. to 1 p.m. at Patoot's Saloon, 808 "P" Street. ATTENTION ARTISTS Homecoming artist needed to design total campaign for 1934 Homecoming Week. Sign up for an interview in Room 200. Nebraska Union (CAP Oflice). BOSTON Professional couple with two children seek a live-in childcare helper. Safe neighborhood, 15 minutes from down town. Opportunities to study, travel. Room, board plus good salary. Start July. Curious? Write Ann Campion, 169 Buck minister Road, Brookline, Mass. 02146. SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE IN LINCOLN, OMAHA, NORTH PLATTE, GRAND ISLAND. KEARNEY, HASTINGS & NORFOLK. CALL NOW. 488-1227. SUMMER JOBS Summer work program for UNL students in Florida for the summer. The program offers college credit, $3,000 income, career experience and special job placement service after graduation. Call Barry, 472 1729 for an appointment. "NEW ENGLAND BOYS CAMP" (Mass.) Counselor positions for program specialists: Basketball, cycling, ten nis, canoeing, fishing, golf, kayak ing, sailing, swim instruction, street hockey,- waterskiing, windwurfing, archery, arts & crafts, computers, dramamusic, ham radio, nature, overnight camping, photography, video taping. Good salaries. Inquire: Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Experienced drummer seeks musicians interested in R & BSoul to form band. Call Greg, 474-6761. Need Cash? We buy used records and cassettes. Dirt Cheap Records and Gifts Downtown 477-6061 East Park Plaza 464-8275 Need high-energy lead singer MF, for working top-40 band, prefer someone with high range, but not necessary, for audition, call Dave, 464-3035, or Bruce, 435-6258. To po slow' i illtHUIl":'tM:ilt Howdy Pardnersl Hope to see ya all at Western Week Games on Wednesday, April 251 Gertie I'm going to "Women Sharing: A Benefit for the Women's Emergency Assistance Fund" tonight at Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street, 8 p.m. See you therel Alice Alice The play, "Just Remember My Name," about racism and feminism will be here tomorrow night, 8 p.m.. In the Nebraska Union. Don't miss it! DANCE! DANCEI DANCE! April 28 Men's PE Bldg. ALL GREEK BALL FORMORRILL HALL. GET YOUR PLEDGE SHEETS NOW! Want to help plan a necking contest? Come to UPC-East Main Events Meeting on Wednesday. April 25 at 7:00 at East Union. Room will be posted. UPC-East Main Events Meeting on Wed., April 25 at 7:00 at East Union. Room to be posted. New Member Welcome! REPUBLICAN SENATE RACES Campaign Orientation Meeting This is your opportunity to help the candidate of your choice. Representa tives of all six Republican Candidates for the U.S. Senate will be present. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. City Union Republicans , John DeCamp Nancy Hoch Ken Kameron George Boucher . Fred Lockwood Dick Thompson v . 6 great reasons to be at the College . Republican meeting. Tuesday, 6:00 p.m.. City Union. Congratulations to the 1984-1985 KAPPA PHI OFFICERS! President Penny Dike Program Coordinator Cathy Burbank Secretary Cherlyn Long Treasurer Anne Getty Service Coordinator Brenda Spike Social Director Lynn Karel Pledge Coordinator Tracy Noll Historian Mary Schmidt Chaplain Deb Pederson Editor ' Kris Peck SPONSOR DEE BORG KODAK PHOTOGRAPHY SEMINAR Tuesday. April 24 at 7 p.m. in the Love Library Auditorium. Free Admission. Sponsored by Talks & Topics. CZJ ZZl 13 Z3 tZ3 CTJ D D D D D D 1229 Street, . 0 D bad ataua cj i-J t-J U3 1 - 4 com3. voon nAlr.l . t . . , L v t i 477-1714 t 17 " i :F77 LrVrirr-i cr 0 KOJ&EwiEK- e; I 4 0 I tml f im . r.- -' Buy $2fl0 worth of Tokens and I 1 14 & Q L- . I -1 Siindav1-"- i 1223 T" St. CI J CJU Offer good tkourji Stircby, April 21, 1934 szJVJ Li-7 L Pcgo 15 By DanWondra w 3 e t" I- 1 X X Sc r fiu-rtF i T (.- ill at 12 h.:::::c:.t I STTATATZ Al-wi. O.S8EACM r- "v ni.f m i noiw-.: receive $2.00 worth of Tolions FREE Offer good FRI.-SAT.-SUM. HOURS I ronl-Tues 10-12 Fri. fit Sat. 10-1 Sun. 12-12 . I if 15 r; rv:: vr 6 oz. Sirloin with Fries and Salad Offer good every Sunday in April. 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm nnr'in.rnn 476-1020 1.1 L Il tirj CZJ -J 43S 6B50 3 13 ndjncl a u I I I D D D 0 D D D D n