Tuesday, April 17, 1984 Daily Ncbraskan Pago 3 'dome economists trying to mange image By Tammy Kaup The American Home Economics Association was formed 75 years ago, but a UNL professor who serv ed as president of the national organization is doing more reflecting than celebrating. "When the AIIEA was formed 75 years ago at Lake Placid, N.Y., it was a dream of many men and women to study the needs of the family in the home envir onment and to be able to make these kinds of studies have professional status" said Gwen New kirk, past president and current secretary of the AIIEA Foundation Board of Trustees. Founders included Dewey Decimal creator Mel ville Dewey and AHEA's first president, Ellen Richards. Richards dedicated the former home eco nomics building on the UNL campus in 1909. In this anniversary year, Ncwkirk said it is impor tant that people understand what the profession is all about. She said many people automatically think of cooking and sewing when they think of home Teams of computers ' to race for clean air The sixth annual Great Computer Race is sche duled for May 9 as part of the American Lung Asso ciation of Nebraska's observance of Clean Air Week May 7-13. The purpose of the race is to draw attention to alternate modes of transportation other than the single occupant vehicle. The Computer Race pits teams composed of a bicyclist, walker, jogger, bus rider and car poolers against each other. Each team is assigned an indi vidual route and starting time prior to the race. A traveling trophy will be presented to the win ning team at the finish line in the NBC Building, 13 and 0 Streets. Awards also will be given to the fas test individual in each mode of transportation. The Great Computer Race is open to everyone in the community and up to 10 teams will be allowed to register. Any interested organizations or businesses should contact the Lung Association office, 321 Lin coln Center Building, 474-5858. - Correction Two names were inadvertantly omitted from the story pertaining to E-Week activities in Friday's Daily Nebraskan. Dan Gee was a member of the team that won first place in the mechanical engi neering division for its high-mileage car project. Honz Iwand of the Nebraska Engineering Center machine shop also worked on that car Two UNL seniors were omitted from the list of ' chancellor's scholars that appeared in Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan. George Gerhardt Hefner, a life sciences major, and Kenneth Paul Gross, a philo sophy major, were among those honored. but Timely ' ' ' . i A Junior... Jsanette is an Ecmcntery Education major at UNL Lincoln is her home. SPECIALIZING IN COMPLETE HAIR SERVICE Always at Student Prices! ."" 11th & II . 474-4244 Appt. or Walk-in All city buses pass our doer. Block South of the Centrum. uilitil HT College of "Lincoln's Comer on Halrstyllng; economics. Out, in reality, she said, home economics is concerned with the way all things affect the family. AIIEA is becoming more involved in policy issues, Newkirk said, by testifying about vocational educa tion, research with respect to families, nutrition, prospective chiidcare, the handicapped, labeling standards for equipment, housing and economic issues. Many men may not realize they could have a promising career in home economics, said Hazel Anthony, college of home economics dean. Zeta Nuckolls, a consumer affairs major at UNL, a member of AIIEA and a Nebraska Home Economics Association state officer candidate, also said men should become more involved in home economics. Work still is needed to change the "Suzy Home maker" image some pcop'e have of home economics, Nuckolls said. Currently all CS AIIEA members in Lincoln are female. However, Anthony said about 51 men are among the 1,030 UNL home economics majors. Newkirk said AIIEA believes in "sustained activity and involvement through research and extension in areas always defined as home economics," and hopes that people increase their understanding and appreciation of what home economics stands for and what home economists can do. Police Report The following incidents were reported to the UNL Police Department between 1 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday: 1:16 a.m. Car hood reported dented in the fire lane in front of Abel HalL 1:58 am. Disturbance reported at Abel Hall. Incident was handled by officer. 8:09 am. Statue of horse reported stolen from East Campus horse barn. Statue was later re covered. 1:35 p.m. Camera reported stolen from car in Parking Area 10 north of Abel Hall. 4:46 p.m. Security alarm reported sounding at Brace Hall. Cause of alarm is undetermined. 7:35 p.m. Bicycle reported stolen from Parking Area 23 at 14th Street and Avery Avenue. 7 7 BE APART. OF DECISION mAKING AT UNL! CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES! , PARKING APPEALS: It is the responsibility of the Committee to hear all parking and traffic vio lation appeals, regardless of the violator's status or relationship to the University. THE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Shall review all policies and regulations for UNL parking facilities. ' GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE: Works directly with the city, state and federal government. INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS: Serve as a liaison between the Director of Athletics & the Faculty Senate. CALENDAR & EXAMINATIONS: Recommends to the Faculty Senate guidelines for calendars for the academic summer sessions. CONVOCATIONS COMMITTEE: Arrange & sponsor all special convocations. STUDENT EMPLOYEE RIGHTS: Grievance committee. COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE: Arrange university commencement exercise. ACADEMIC PLANNING COMMITTEE: Shall be responsible for the Academic Program Review process to study and evaluate both new and existing programs on a continuing basis. CENTRAL PLANNING CQMM1TTEEE: Shall advise the Chancellor in all matters pertaining to space utilization of Un-L facilities and capital construction projects. RECREATION ADVISORY COUNCIL: Is made up of six students elected by the Intramural man agers and three at-large. Each at large member must have prior participation and involvement in the programs and services of the Department of Recreation. SCHOLARSHIP & FINANCIAL AID: Committee shall act as a policy-making body for establishing regulations and procedures for administering student financial assistance and scholarship awards. TEACHING COUNCIL: Has major responsibility for the encouragement and support of efforts to improve instruction and learning at all levels of UN-L PUBLICATIONS BOARD: Selects and hires the editor and business manager for the Daily Nebraskan as well as an advisor. It acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents. HEALTH CENTER EQARD: Shall represent the student body in dealing with the health concerns of the University community, by identifying health problems and by making recommendations to the Health Center staff and University administrators for delivery of comprehensive health care. UNIVERSITY JUDICIARY & APPEALS:A. Deliberate caseswhere violations of the Code of Conduct has occured. . B. Deliberate appeal cases from a lower judiciary. ELECTORAL COMMISSION: Establishes the rules & procedures for the ASUN elections. CURRICULUM; Promote improvement in especially undergraduate colleges. HUMAN RIGHTS: Seeks to assure proper and equal working conditions. UNL POLICE COMMITTEE: Assists in the determination of codes of ethics in the enforcement of campus security regulations and policies on violations. - UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: Shall advise the Dean of the University Libraries on all matters pertinent to the research and general service functions of the libraries. SCHOLASTIC OR ACADEMIC COMMISSION: Are the vehicles by which ASUN attempts to re represent student interests and needs in all facets of University activity and decision-making. HONORS CONVOCATION: Shall arrange the Honors Day Convocation: CHANCELLORS COMMISSION ON THE STATUS WOMEN: UN-L Equal Opportunity Coordinator. Applications available; 115 Nebraska Union, DEADLINE APRIL 18th 1S34. 1 1