The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1984, Page Page 10, Image 10
Tuesday, April 17, 1CC4 Pago 10 Daily Nebraskan o n i i'Tl illll H 0 J 1 777 o 4 ByWardW.Triptettlll Maurtice Ivy might have led Omaha Central to three state tournament trips to Lincoln, but when the day came for the city to lay out the red carpet for her, the papers fell through. That is, the national letter-of-intent papers. Nebraska women's basketball Coach Kelly Hill battled iMarian Wash ington of Kansas and Earnest Biggins of San Diego State to get the papers in front of Maurtice on April 11. But the letters failed to reach the Ivy home in Omaha in time. Ivy signed a fake piece of paper for the video camera crews and reporters. "We mailed it out of here on Monday and thought that was plenty of time," Hill said. "But here she was, the top player in state history, and I didn't have the letter. It was kind of an embarrassing situation for me to be in." The real letter did get to Ivy on Thursday and by Friday, the signed letter was in Lincoln. The commitment by the 5-9 Parade All-Ameriean could result in a drastic overhaul in the Nebraska program, Hill said, beginning with an improved record and ending with improved attendance.' "I think the main thing is that she's going to be playing on our team and not against us," Kill said. "Maurtice is a lot like Crystal (Coleman), in that she's a game breaker, a money player. She's soft-spoken, but an intense com petitor. There were plenty of times we could have used a player with her ability this year." Hill will have all five starters back from a team that finished 6-8 in the Big Eight. While Ivy is expected to battle senior Cathy Owen and sophomore Stacy Imming for a starting guard spot, Hill also has three other recruits to challenge for leading roles. Lisa LaGuardia, 6-1, from Wheat ridge was the Colorado state tourn ament player of the year her sopho more year. She made the all-state team twice. LaGuardia turned down DePaul, Washington State, Hawaii and Colorado for Nebraska. Five-foot-six Pam Finne started for Illinois state champion York High of Elmhurst and averaged eight assists per game. The last recruit, 5-11 Stephanie Bolli of Burvvcll, is- expected to use her aggressive style of play to rebounding and "mixing it up" inside, Hill said. Bolli also was recruited by Kansas, Kansas State and Missouri The Buskers second target behind Ivy was 6-2 Michelle Krudy from Mich igan. Although the Parade and Street and Smith Ail-American forward had Nebraska as one of her last two choices, she went to Dayton, where her older sister played. "Sometimes, the strangest things hap pen in recruiting " Hill said. "We did everything we could have done to get Krudy. When you lose like that, you just have to sit and wonder where you went wrong." The 10 Busker returnees, including all-Big Eight forward Debra Powell will be pushed in practice by the four newcomers, Hill said, creating a comp etition the team hasn't had for a while. "I think they (the returning players) are looking forward to being pushed," Hill said. "I've had conversations with all of them to try to calm them down, because anyone who follows state bas ketball has heard of Maurtice. Anytime you bring in a player like that, it's a threat to the rest of the team. It's a positive thing to do, but IVe got to get all of those people playing together." Another concern Hill can see is mak ing sure Ivy doesn't think she has a reputation to live up to right away. "Her skills are going to speak for themselves," said Hill, who will ac company Ivy to the Olympic Trials later this month. "She will hear talk about being a freshman All-American, but I don't want her to feel that kind of pressure from the staff and the team here. The less she has to worry about being an Ail-American, the more she can concentrate and get that kind of due." But even Hill, whose in-office de meanor belies the "Attilla" label her players have given her, doesn't totally back off when the effects of a player of Ivy's proven ability are discussed. First, Ivy's reputation should help the meag er crowds the Buskers have been get ting. "I think we play an exciting style of ball and I firmly believe that if we can get people out to see us once, they'll come back on their own," she said. "When people who have heard so much about Maurtice come out to see her play, they're going to see four other players out there too, and they're going to see that those players play pretty well, too." "We recruited four players this year and we told them all we thought they could come right in and play for us," Hill said. "If we can get the same kind of game going we had when we ended this season, we could be looking at a pretty good year." Nebraska's chances to challenge for the Big Eight title improved even be fore Wednesday's signing date, when 6-3 Tina Dixon and 6-2 Angie Bonner both quit the Kansas State team. The Cowgirls, who ended Nebraska's season with a last-second shot in the Big Eight tournament, will be the Bus kers' second conference opponent next year. "That should be a real emotional game for us," Hill said. "We've got to live with the memory of that shot all sum mer. I'm sure we can't really erase that until we go back to Stillwater and beat them." The tentative Nebraska schedule in cludes home games against Clemson, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan State and Northeastern Illinois, and away games against Michigan, Minnesota, New Mex ico, Iowa, Oregon, Washington and NCAA runner-up Tennessee. Daigle a 'much happier ' man after EusJcers beat Kansas By Jeff Browne Nebraska softball Coach Wayne Daigle was a much happier man after the Huskers' 9-1 rout of Kansas Mon day than he was 24 hours earlier. Sunday, the Jay hawks behind the pitching of Sandy Bunge upset Neb raska 2-1. After the game, Daigle said his team gave a "poor performance" and the game was a "real disappoint ment." But after a team meeting Monday morning and nine runs on eight hits that afternoon, Daigle's outlook was quite a bit sunnier. "I think the girls have shown to themselves that they're one of the teams to beat in the Big Eight," Daigle said. "I'm just proud of the girls." Pitcher Sandy Wolterman led the Huskers to the Monday win at the Nebraska Softball Complex. Wolter man, a senior, struck out 10 Jayhawks and just missed a shutout when KU scored on two walks and a single in the last inning. "Sandy's had a gutsy senior year," Daigle said. "She's got a tough injury, but she's done nothing but throw her heart out every game." Nebraska scored first in the second inning when center fielder Cindy Aerni led off with a single. She advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by Shelby Mertins. Aerni then attempted to steal third base. KU catcher Kim Cobb's throw to third sailed over the heads of KlTs infield and Aerni beat the relay throw to home plate. "It all started with that little old nickel and dime stuff" Daigle said. "After that, they (Kansas) just lost their composure." The Huskers scored three runs in the third and five runs in the fourth off Bunge. The most damaging blow was a three-run double by third baseman Ann Schroeder in the fourth. That gave Nebraska an 8-0 lead and all but buried the Jayhawks. Daigle said that Nebraska's batting success Monday was no reflection on KU pitcher Bunge. "Tracy Bunge is a good pitcher, one of the best in the country," he said. "We just got on her. Things just kind of snowballed on her." ! TtUi 1981 Kawasaki 440 LTD, 3,000 miles, excellent condition, $1 ,000. 466-4307. 1973 Honda 450. Low mileage, new f tire, chain and sprocket. Excellent con dition. 475-9647 or 476-9754. Jamie. 1983 Honda Passport, $470; Bianchi special 25', $200. 488-2144, evenings. Schwinn Continental 1 0-speed bicycle, $70. Call 472-9844. MOVING MUST SELL Hundreds of pieces of furniture in stor age, privately owned. Free delivery, pay ments accepted. 466-6252. 1977 PORSCHE 911S COUPE MINT CONDITION SERIOUS CALLS FOR DETAILS 464-6261.464-1995 Large frames varied sizes and prices. Great for posters or art work. Call 472-0703. I I Late cancellation causes: apartment vacancy re-opened, East Campus newer 4-bedroom, rec room, $440. 483-6549 after 5. Summer Sublease. 2-bedroom, AC, off-street parking, 12 month rent-free. Available May 15, 2412 "W Street Call 476-9275. 3525 Baldwin Near East Campus Summer Sublease Large 2 bedrooms, fireplace, balcony, appliances, parking, central air, tow utili ties. 439-9916. ATTENTION SUMMER RENTERS Beta Sigma Psi has one and two bed room AC rooms with bath available. If interested, contact Ron or Clayton at 435-7251. 474-2873 or 475-6324. WHAT'S A "CLUSTER LEASE?" If you don't know, you are paying too much rent! Call APARTMENT FINOcfSS and savel 435-5555. A service of Joseph E. Kean Co. Summer sub-lease. Large 2 bedroom apartment. 3331 Holdrege. Available May. 467-3735. Summer Sublease. Spacious 2 bedroom wair conditioning, balcony, appliances and offstreet parking. 35th & Huntington. Call 466-8352. Summer sublease: Large 2 bedroom apt.. East Campus, fireplace, central air, very reasonable utilities. Available May 1 . $305.00. 466-9049 after 6. SUMMER SUB-LEASE East Campus 3525 Baldwin large. 2 bedroom, ac, appliances, laundry, fireplace, parking, $280,467-4930. 3225 Baldwin Near East Campus, summer sub-lease. Large 2 bedrooms, fireplace, balcony, appliances, parking, central air, low utili ties. 489-9916. i Large 2-bedroom apartment, dishwash er, off-street parking, sundeck, washer, dryer in building, close to East Campus. Available early May. Cheap. 466-8782. If no answer, 472-3272, leave message for Dave. SPECIAL SUMMER LEASES WILLGWHAVEN APARTMENTS Get your summsr tan by'our pool! 1820 1842 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Energy effi cient, close to either campus, carpeted, all appliances, pool tor summer use. Deposit, no pets. 476-6200 Manager 474-1668 Joseph E. Kean Co. Summer sub-lease with option to con tinue renting. Two bedroom apartment. Location: 4241 Holdrege. Call 486-1088. Near East Campus 4200 Huntington. 2 bedroom, fireplace, AC. parking. Call 464-1904. Don't haul it home and then haul It ell back again next fall. Store your goods at Infinity Storage. 475-2464. Summer Sublease Two bedroom, pool. Move in after finals. 20th & G. 476-1839, $319montn. 1717J 1 bedroom apartment Off-street parking, laundry, heat paid. $160 plus deposit. 466-3411 Show your SUPPORT FOR GARY HART. Students are needed for leaflet drop April 28, 29. VERY IMPORTANT Call 476-9881 ; j I l 1 I f . i $3,000-$6.000 a month. Key persons needed to fill supervisory positions. Cail for interview between 1 4 5 on Thursday, April 19. 476-7698. ELECTRONICS SPECIAL PROJECTS WORKER Full-time individual needed to perform equipment maintenance & technical specifications. Also responsible for assisting in the maintenance & expan sion of cable networks. If you are an indi vidual with a background in electronics, then contact the Human Resource Dept. at: Bryan Memorial Hospital 4848 Sumner Lincoln, NE 68506 483-3698 "BOSTON: Professional couple with two children seek a live-in childcare help er. Safe neighborhood, 15 minutes from downtown. Opportunities to study, travel. Room, board plus good salary. Start July. Curious? Write Ann Campion. 169 Buck minister Road, Brookline, Mass. 02146." For a relaxing Friday afternoon, come to Cornstock XIV April 27 at 12:30 p.m. South of the Nebraska East Union. Open Your Ears to Great Music at Cornstock '84 Listen to: MX The Rave High Heel & the Sneakers Gertie, Gertie Celebrate Women's Week with two great films tonight, 8 p.m.: "We Dig Coal" and "The Amazing Equal Pay Show," Nebraska Union, free to UNL students. Alice, Alice STUDY AT YOUR PLACE, YOUR PACE Wjth UNL Independent study. Contact the Independent Study Office, 472-1928. Spring Into Another Worldl Go abroad work, study or travel. Overseas Opportunity Center 345 Nebraska Union ELOCCMOBILE SUMMER JOBS ' Summer work program for UNL students in Florida for the summer. The program offers College Credit, $3000 income,' Career Experience and Special Job Placement Service after graduation. Call Barry, 472 1729 for an appointment. TOOAY Union Ballroom 10-4 No appointment needed, but your blood is) Sponsored by Campus Red Cross Parking Advisory Committee will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18 at City Campus Union. ATTENTION and board in lovely home in exchange for care of two darling pre-schoolers. Caring, enthusiastic, self tarter needed to babysit mornings and help out! Prefer elementary education or human development mejor. References. 476-2772. evenings. Rhythmic Aerobic Certification Clinic May 4 & 5 at UNL. We are looking for energetic, motivated people to teach our program. For more information, call Kris at 423-7171 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wanted: Part-time keypunch operator. CRT experience. Evenings & weekends. Call 435-7021. Evenings only. THETA XI LITTLE SISTERS Thursday, April 19 ' IMPORTANT meeting, 8:00 Pool Tournament, 9:00 Linda N.. Hope you find the Val's gift certificates at the UPC Easter Egg Hunt) Carol & Venna Easter Egg Hunt Friday, April 20 7:00 a.m. ? , East Union Grand Prize: 2 Dan Fogeiberg tickets Sponsored by UPC-East. PORTRAITS OF THE SANDHILLS by Margaret MacKichan, on display April 16-26, Loft Wall, 3rd floor, Nebraska East Union. A UPC-East, Visual Arts production. STICK If TO REAGAN! BE A PART OF A CITY WIDE LEAFLET DROP IN SUPPORT OF GARY HART APRIL 28th & 29th Call 476-9881 WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Looking for a perfect excuse to drop your books and play in the sun? Fly a colorful high performance kite from the MOOSE'S TOOTH OUTDOOR SPORTS. Just for the fun of itl 17th & Holdrege . 475-4453 The retreat was great on Saturday. UPC City will see you at 7:00 Wednesday for our meeting. Alpha zeta meeting East Union Tomorrow April 18 6:00 p.m. initiate meeting 7:00 p.m. regular meeting Congratulations to the new Gymmee Oificersl (18d4-19$5) President Marche Steven Vice President Patty Schroeder Fruit Tables Fruit Baskets Posters Booklets HOLY WZEX WOnCHSP Favor. r . i M : t need summer housing? apartwest finders canho'oyou! 435-5355 A Service of Joseph Kean Company ANYONE WITNESSING THE AC CIDENT FRIDAY MORNING AROUND 9 30 PLEASE HELP! THE LADY IS DENYING THE FACT THAT SHE RAN A RED LIGHT. CALL 475-5025 after 5 p.m. THANKS! Maundy Thursday, 6 and 9 p.m. Good Friday, 7 a.m. Easter Sunday, 6 a.m. sunrise service Good Friday and Easter have breakfast following. Lutheran Center 535 N. 16th GOLDEN HEARTS IGMA PHl EFSILOiI Special Events Bev Parrish Lynn Karel Susan Snow Michelle Uzendowskt. Frances Pokorny Sheryl Siewert, Jonni Maatseh Jennifer Acker, . Terri Kroll Very important meeting tonight at 6:00! Info on: Summer Rush and the Party this Thursday. Nutrition Majors! Sign up for the counseling skills work shop on the bulletin board on 2nd floor, R.L.H. Deadline is Fri., April 20th. Be somebody special, be a CORNSTOCK MARSHALL! Information meeting Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m or call 472-1730. The Publications Board will meet to discuss sexism in advertisements in the Daily Nebraskan at a public meeting 4 p.m., Tuesday in the Nebraska Union.' Rainlers have been lured near 9th & P Streets. Capture and consumption is most noted to take place near here on Thurs day night in accordance with the Citizens Committee on Carbonated Phenomena. Rainiers have been lured near 9th & P Streets. Capture and consumption is most noted to take place near here on Thurs day night in accordance with the Citizens Committee on Carbonated Phenomena. The Publications Board wilj meet to discuss sexism in advertisements in the Daily Nebraskan at a public meeting, 4 p.m., Tuesday in the Nebraska Union. GAYLESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP on WESLEYAN CAMPUS IS STARTING AGAIN! For more information, call 466-2371. Ask for Rev. Jim Stillman or Dr. Mary Smith EASTER EUf-;::z3 Cute, adorable, over 1 5 different styles. Won't eat or make mess. Cut out this ad and save 20 on all plush bunnies. Pres entations, 2nd floor. Centrum. Ends Sunday. Round up soma WILD RAINIERS Thursday night near 9th & P Streets. All Greek Ball for Morrill Hail Saturday. 28th. Be there! Interested in UPC American Films Committee Meeting New Members Welcome Tuesday, April 17, 4:00 p.m.. Union MOVIE BUFFS Positions available on UPC American Films Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 14 4:00 p.m., Union COLLEGE RIPU5LICANS interested in Helping the Right Campaign Fred A. Lock wood U.S. Senate Contact Troy at 435-2S39 KtlliKDER -Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma initiation ceremony will be held Wednes day, April 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Union. A make-up ceremony and election of offic ers will be held Thursday. April 19, at 7:00 p.m. Must ba present to become a member! NOTICE: RAINiERS HAVE INFESTED THE :.f ft P VICifiiTYI Bike Pedaters 205o CAfiiiGNDALE SALE Bikes. Bags, Clothes. Accessories. A f .B.'s have arrived. 474-7CU3