The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1984, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, April 11, 1034
Pegs 6
Dally Nebraskan
By Stephanie Carter
Twenty-seven UNL alumni will speak to journal
ism students and their guests during J-Days, April
12 End 13.
The speakers were selected by each of the depart
ments within the School of Journalism, said R. Neale
Copple, dean of the School of Journalism.
"We chose alumni because they have accomp
lished the same goals many of UNL's students are
hoping to accomplish," Copple said. That makes a
tighter bond because they are the same land oijoik.
J-Days is a way to identify with the college and
people in the profession, Copple said. It j Is a way
for family and friends to get to know what the jour
nalism students are doing, he said.
This Li the second year far J-TVm he said. "I
don't know if that makes it a tradition yet.
Along with the guest speakers, J-Days festivities
include a journalism honors convocation and the
Kappa Tau Alpha journalism honorary induction.
The 20-member honorary will induct 28 juniors and
seniors, and six graduate studnets that have dis
played high scholastic achievement.
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The Distinguished Journalist Award will be pres.
c-nted to Gerald II. S&ss, vice-presidenteducation
for the Gannett Foundation. Sass was chosen buy
the J-School faculty for hia contributions to the
journalism profession and education.
James Weal, associate professor cfjournalism, will
be awarded the Amoco Foundation Award for Dis
tinguished Undergraduate Teaching. Jack Botts,
professor of journalism, also will receive an award
for Distinguished Teaching of Undergraduates.
A new award for the top scholar in the journalism
college will be given to Dulcie Shocncr, of Rising City,
who is a senior news-editorial major.
Director of computing
starts from scratch
By Noreen Niimi
Because most people will use computers by the
end of the decade, universities will be put on the
spot to provide students with better services, the
director of UNL computing said.
Doug Gale, who began working at UNL in March,
was the former director of Decentralized Comput
ing Services at Cornell University in Cornell, N.Y.
That position, he said, involved strategic planning,
research and development, and the support of
decentralized computing. Before that he was a pro
fessor of physics at East Texas State University,
where he was also active in the computer science
program. He received his Ph.D. in physics from Kan
sas State University in Manhattan, Kan.
Gale said that since UNL has not had its own
academic computing service, he is essentially start
ing from scratch.
"It's a real challenge to develop the kind of com
puting environment that the students and faculty
deserve" he said. However, he said, in many ways it
will be easier to start from scratch since he will be
unhindered by people who say they have "always
done it this way."
So far, Gale has organzied a seminar with the
physics department outlining projected goals for
the next five years. Computing in general, he said, is
changing rapidly: What computers do for how much
they cost doubles about every 18 months. ,
Even though the general direction of computer
technology can be seen for the rest of the decade,
Gale said, two years is the outer limit for any
detailed planning because of rapid technological
"No one can ever catch up" Gale said. "There is no
way to grow fast enough to provide all the services
demanded." Universities will have no choice but to
try to provide some sort of expanded computing
services, he said. Otherwise, they will not be compet
itive in providing students with the necessary skills
to succeed in their careers.
Gale said even now, by the time high school
freshmen reach the university level, computing cur
riculum will have to be changed because most will
already know about computers before graduating
from high f chooL
The computer is no longer just a tool for the
scientist and the engineer, but a tool for everyone,"
Gale said. Computers will prove helpful in any field,
he said, whether it be humanities, fine arts, or social
sciences. For example, he said, an archeology pro
fessor used a computer system to date a piece of
wood within five minutes, while it would have taken
days before.
Gale said that the country is entering a period of
traumatic change. The '60s was the era of batch
processing, the 70s saw interactive processing, and
now the '80s are moving toward a distributive net
work of computers, he said. This distributive envir
onment is much more challenging to manage, he
This distributive network is a hierarchy of differ
ent computers connected together," he said. While
the use of main frame computers is rapidly growing,
he said, the use of micro-computers is skyrocketing.
Gale said the increase in the use of micro-computers
win increase the use of the main frame computers.
Gale said in the future, main frame computers will
oe much larger than now to accommodate the
greater number of micro-computers connected to
the network.
At UNL, the plan for computer installations is
going as planned, Gale said. Becasue of the details
involved and unsolved issues, he said, it will pro
bably be late fall before the facilities are in f ull oper
ation, including those in the residence halls.
Gale said because he knows about the changes
occurmg in the computer field, he knows the pres
ent system will have to be replaced in the not too
distant future. He is already looking for replace
ments for the CDCs now being installed.
It s an unending task," he said, "machines con
stantly need updating and modification." But, he
said, it was this challenge at UNL that appealed to
th if . aid he would also like to teach classes in
laterP CS computer science departments