Daily Nebraskan ; Pago 7 rr April 4, 1934 Continued frcr.i P&3 1 "I've said before that I don't care what I'm doing if I enjoy it and I'm good at it then I'm likely to try to continue. And if I have to do some things that are unpleasant and this would be a very unpleasant thing to do yes. it affects my judgement about the job." . lie qualified his statement, adding "but it's cer tainly not fatal." Late Tuesday, Stuart and Wright issued a state ment on behalf of the American Investment Group. The statement refers to the videotape, saying it con tains "numerous false, misleading and defamatory statements" about AIG and its individual partners. It also said that Stuart and -Wright had turned copies of the videotape over to all concerned law enforcement and regulatory agencies. Beverage said State Security Savings had not been hurt in any way, and that the institution's financial condition had actually been strengthened by the transaction. PrAD ADVERTISEMENT r 0.0 iwn i JtiJbJUJ jup) nvju n u uo . - i I I. -x.'" ' ' V y ( - ! f ii J t : v f -5 'S - s , tnk; 'a- $ " - a. X- "ii&ir- "" S; . W 1 . : J n i .: r .Jfef .JBi - K I f- ... i; ' I 3. ,t : Hi r-CJ .IP? P.3::c::v:3:u HiK.... .if he Kennedy assassinations sent iremors across me wona I r "1 l Cr- 1 f m f and left the nation in a state of shock and disarray. But that's nothing compared to what hap pened inside the Kennedy family. In the May issue of PLAYBOY, you'll read an incredible saga that begins on the pastoral lawns at Hyannis Port and leads to the putrid hallways of Harlem. This exclusive account of the lost gen eration of Kennedys is graphic proof that the worst can happen even in the best of families. lder women are getting it on famously with younger men these days. You'll know why the instant you see May PLAYBOY'S pictorial study guide, featuring such vital ladies as Vikki La Mdtta and Rita Jenrette. ' ' 'A, Si i i V H ay PLAYBOY has many other pleasing and provocative features. Like Playmate Patty Duffek initiating4 the rites of spring. Jcila Sportswriter Thomas Boswell m 1 t ' : . -. . i 'V on the upcoming baseball season. An liitcx vxcw vvxtxx vyaivni xviciii. x. iua xxvixuxi by John Updike, the year in movies and much more. AH in May PLAYBOY. On sale now at the newsstand of your choice. ' ; ' , ;! tit 5 'It r