The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1984, Page Page 10, Image 10

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Monday, April 2, 1G34
Daily Ncbraskan
i i "
U sweeps double
header with pCmi
By Stu Pospisil
Pickoffs and strikeouts enabled Neb
raska's baseball team to retain a share
of the Big Eight conference lead after
the Huskers defeated Kansas State 6-0
and 4-1 in a Sunday doubleheader at
Buck Beltzer Field.
In the first game, Nebraska fresh
man pitcher Phil Harrison picked off
four unsuspecting Wildcat baserunners
while striking out 12 in the complete
game shutout.
Jeff Koenigsman, after a shaky first
inning, completed Nebraska's sweep
by pitching a four-hitter, striking out
nine while walking two.
By sweeping the four-game weekend
series with Kansas State, Nebraska
kept its conference record unblemished
at 7-0. The Huskers had previously
swept a weather-plagued three-game
series at Missouri
Oklahoma, with a 4-0 record, is tied
with Nebraska on the basis of winning
percentage. The Sooners, however, must
play fifth-ranked Oklahoma State in a
doubleheader this afternoon.
Nebraska Coach John Sanders said
the pickoff "gives us an added weapon.
It's almost an offensive defense. Even if
we don't pick off someone, we keep
them close."
Sanders credits assistant Coach
Mike Evans with working with his
pitching staff, especially with left
handers, on their move to first base.
Koenigsman worked his way out of a
first-inning jam that: began with him
hitting lead-of batter Jay Kvasnicka.
Kansas State's Brian Bascue then
bashed a two-out double off the right
centerfield fence, scoring Kvasnicka.
After a walk, Koenigsman got Scott
Graves to ground out.
Nebraska then exploded in the third
inning on only one hit, a two-run dou
ble by Mike Duncan. After two walks
and a fielder's choice loaded the bases,
Craig Radcliffe scored on Scott Hoop
er's sacrifice fly. Freshman Paul Mey
ers' blooper to right was mishandled
by second baseman Kvasnicka before
Duncan followed with his double.
In the sixth inning, the Wildcats had
runners on first and second with two
out, but Koenigsman got David Ban
ning to ground to third baseman Hooper
for an inning-ended fielder's choice.
"We didn't feel good at that point,"
Sanders said, "especially with two men
open and the win blowing to left field."
Meyers broke open the first game
with a two-run single in a four-run
third inning. Duncan's double to left
field scored Meyers, then Rich King
scored Duncan on a suicide-sqeeze
Nebraska tagged Wildcat pitcher Mike
Wilkerson for 10 hits, but could only
score one run in its final five innings, a
sacrifice fly by Meyers.
Meyers, who leads Nebraska batters
with 36 runs batted in, said he has the
advantage when facing pitchers.
"They've never seen me hit before,"
Meyers said. They dont know if they
are pitching to my strength or my
Davs TroutaDi"y Kcirtttcrn
Left-handed pitcher Phil Harrison delivers a pitch early ia the Crct ce
of Nebraska's double-header with Kecsss Etate. Ilarrban threw a ccn
plete game shutout to raise his record to 6-0.
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Dave TroubaD"y Usbraskan
Catcher Bill UcGuire rips a two-out double in the sixth inning cf Sunday's
double-header against Kansas State. .
Sports Short
Nebraska interim women's basket-
ball Coach Kelly Hill was offered the
position of head coach March 29, after
she guided the Cornhuskers to a 16-12
The appointment, made by Women's
Athletic Director Dr. June B. Davis and
three others, is pending the approval
of the Board of Regents at its mid
April meeting.
UNL opened the position to all appli
cants in February.
Hill played basketball for national
power Southern California and was
team captain as a senior. She served as
assistant at Nebraska for three years
Hill and the 1004-85 team will open
the season November 23-24 at the
Nebraska Invitational
The Nebraska Big Eight champion
ship football team begins spring prac
tice today at 3 p.m.
The Cornhuskers will work c at Mon
days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fri-
d??'oand wm scrirnm2 on Saturdays
sit 1:30 p.m. Spring practice culmi
nates with the Spring Game April 28.
Southern California defeated Ten
nesse 72-61 Sunday in Los Angles to
win their second consecutive National
Collegiate Athletic Association wo
men's basketball championship.
The Nebraska women's golf team
competes today and tomorrow in Nor
man, Ok.,at the Big Red Invitational
The 54-hole tournament, hosted by
Oklahoma, will be at the OU golf course.
Defending Big Eight champion Ne
braska will face eight other teams, four
from the Big Eight.
Nebraska practiced during spring
break in Texas. It was their first out
door play of the year.
Anyone interested in being a Re
creation Building supervisor for fall
134 may pickup an application at the
Ofiice of Campus Recreation, 1740
Vine St. Application deadline is April
An Amateur Softball Association Um
pires Clinic is scheduled for 1 p m
Sunday, April 8, at the Irving Recrea
tion Center, 2010 Van Dorn St.
Attendance at an approved clinic is
required for A.S.A. umpire certifica
tion. There will be a $2 fee, and A.S.A.
umpire packets cost $15. For more
5t? Xi0n' contact Stan Campbell at