The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1984, Page Page 7, Image 7
Daily Nebraskan Pago 7 There will be a variety of live music available for those opting to remain in town over the weekend. The American String Quartet, one of the country's most respected cham ber orchestras, will perform at the Sheldon Art Gallery, 12th and R streets, tonight. The show begins at 8 p.m. Acoustic folk duo Newton and Sayre will appear at the Skylight Bistro, 235 N. 1 1th St. Local rock 'n' roll favorites Charlie Burton and the Cut-Outs will be putting in a weekend appearance at the Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14ht Street. Holiday and Digital Sex, two local new wave bands, will appear at the Drumstick, 547 N. 48th St., Friday night. Disco Ranch will be performing Saturday i Lincoln lovers of music have many options this weekend Kiddie Corzilraoliere Friday, March 23, 1934 Sarah and Job are the only children in town who are not involved with the religion. They often play in their old house, listen to records and draw, which is forbidden. Isaac protects them because Sarah has the "gift of sight" she can predict things before they happen. Sarah predicts the arrival of Burt and Vicky. The children are ready. Children of the Corn is heavy on the blood and guts. Too much so. It is hard to see through it all and see the best thing about the movie suspense. The same point could have been reached if the audience hadn't seen any of the slashings, something that was accomp lished in the Psycho shower scene. There was one such scene where a boy was being cut in a corn field and all that was shown was a suitcase with drops of blood dripping onto it. It was very effective. The acting was surprisingly good. Everyone seemed to be very sincere in their situation, from the callous Malachi to the innocent Job. The special effects were also good, especially 'the man behind the rows" who was portrayed by a moving bump of soil between corn rows. And the slashings looked realistic. Too realistic. This could have been a good movie. Now, it's just another B-grade horror flick. TTT ) I. . a i Siay, f.!:reh 25 7:C3 p CHAMffTieKm VfMONl Ted Oates Ron Ritchie vs- The Grapplers Junior HVWT. title Jerry Oates -vs- Les Thornton Buzzy Tyler -vs- Luke Graham Tiger Mask -vs- T. G. Stone Dusty Wolfe -vs- Roger Kirby Tickets on sale at Pershing Box Office. Reserved ring side: $8.00 Gen. Adm. $6.00. General Admission tickets on sale night of the event only. 1 975 Volvo 244 GL. Reliable, well cared for. excellent condition. $3300. 464-0817 or 466-2371, Ext. 315. Complete queen size bed, good shape, must sell, 464-6581. it J Furn. large 2 bedroom upper duplex. Downtown. Heat paid. Quiet adults. 477-1878. BUCKINGHAM SQUARE Very nice, large 2-bedroom apts., 2 bath, heat paid. Available now or April 1st. Call 477-3889 or 474-5f28. UN-L Approved Off-Campus Coopera tive Housing. 18 Mealsweek included. Four $190 payments PER SEMESTER. 476-2583. " ' Newly remodeled 2-b3droom basement apartment. Close to East Campus. $350 with all utilities paid. Call 464-5148. SPECIAL SUMMER LEASES WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS Get your summer tan by our pooll 1820 1842 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Energy effi cient, close to either campus, carpeted, II appliances, pool for summer use. Deposit, no pets. 476-6200 Manager; Joseph E. Kean Co., 474-1666. SUMMER SUBLEASE Need non-smokers to sublease large, well-furnished, two-bedroom apartment with garage. Mid May to Mid July. $315 month & utilities. 412 S. 24th (476-3006, 473-8430). Holway's, Lincoln's largest formal wear specialists,' is expanding and in need of several well-dressed individuals for immediate openings. Approximately 25 hours per week. Must have transporta tion. Call K.C. for appointment. 476-2262. Hawaiian girls needed for modeling ASAP. Call Jackie Beavers. 488-4323. Help wanted: Experienced lineprep cooks, evenings. Apply in person at Brit tany's, 227 N. 9th. Wanted: loving babysitter for 7 month old daughter. Full-time weekdays. May 14-August 24. Call early evenings, 475-8686. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS Men and women. Two overnight camps in New York's Adirondack Mountains have openings for many counselors in tennis, waterfront (WSI, sailing, skiing, small crafts), all team sports, gymnastics, artscrafts, pioneering, photography, dra ma, dance, computer, R.N., generals. Women write: Andrew Rosen, Point O'Pines Camp, 221 Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081. Men write: Bob Gersten, Brant Lake Camp, 84 Lea mington Street, Lido Beach, NY 11561. Children's Counselors Activity Instruct ors, Cook, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Help for Mountain Summer Camp, P.O. Box 711, Boulder, Colorado 80306. (303) 442-4557. DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Are you interested in working as a Data Entry Operator in an office on an inter mittant basis? We are looking for Data Entry Operators to work during peak production period only, Our next peak begins in early April and should run 6-10 weeks. If you have a typing skill of 55 WPM with 5 or less errors, we will train you to operate a CRT. Work on all shifts is available. We offer Medical Dental, Dis ability and Life Insurance, paid holidays and vacations along with many other excellent fringe benefits. We will offer car pooling assistance to those in outlying areas. If interested, apply in person. CAROL WRIGHT SALES 3601 N W. 15th Street Lincoln, NE 474-2018 between 8 a m. apd 4:30 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer L. OOZEDALL DEADLiriE TODAYI JJLn 1886, following a shipwreck off the west coast of Africa, an infant child became part of a family of apes who raised and protected him. As he grew, he learned the laws of the jungle and eventually claimed the title, Lord of the Apes. Yet, years later, when he was returned to civilization, he would remain uncertain as to which laws he should obey. . . those of man. or those of the jungle. Now, the director of "Chariots of Fire" captures this epic adventure of a man caught between two different worlds. If """aw. f V i T :" . M1YSTOEC1 THE LEGEND OF Lord of the Apes A HUGH HUDSON FILM Starring RALPH RICHARDSON IAN HOLM JAMKS FOX and introducing CHRIS TOPHER LAMBERT ANDIL MacDOWF.l L Music by JOHN SCO IT Produced by HUGH HUDSON and STANLEY S. CANTKR Screenplay by H H. VAiAN and aiilmall al 1 i:N oaseu on tne sioiy kjt nir.niM m r uoAis. is.iv.r. dl wi .ru Directed by HUGH HUDMJN L.umu, uyHOTMIuriMNJKMCMimCN: lAkAN' Irjili-nurk I AKAN mnnth iljr R- Himi.ut.hv. In anil a WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY im'tl m W.ilnrf Bros ln lv M'ltntsM,xi t ,w"ais c t on'sisfrt : f -ffWMrit 'ii mnwBuv.-mmmm,Hmi At theaters everywhere Friday, March 30.