The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1984, Page Page 9, Image 9
Daily Nebraskan Pago 9 Arbitron... Wednesday, March 21, 1934 Continued from Ps-c 8 Most radio people will tell you that Arbitron is far from the Word of Mar coni on what a station is doing right or wrong. Stations that dont show up well in the ratings are really quick to tell you that. Yet, as rating go, it's still Til" DIG ONE. And stations in Lincoln don't take the months of April, May and June lightly. The Book, as it's called in radio-ese, is used by advertising agencies to rein force what the agencies already know about the stations, according to Dave Poison, an ad agency owner who was previously in both radio programming and sales. Poison said the book, al though not perfect, can influence deci sions on which stations the agencies will buy advertising time for their clients. Arbitron has been criticized for two major reasons. It is expensive for sta tions to buy the results and the nature of the survey makes the results ques tionable. Since most participants dont carry the diaries around all the time, they must rely on memory when they write down what they listened to in a ' given day or week. They sit down and try to think back, 'Gee, what did I listen to,' " Poison said. The problem is, he said, a lot of peo ple don't know what they are listening r n awaits UNL to. Poison said he knows people who listen to KLIN, for example, and call it KOLN. Or when asked, say they listen to the "one that plays all the music." But they don't know the call letters or if it's at 102 or 104 on the dial. Some listeners don't even know if the station they listen to is AM or FM. And these are otherwise intelligent people. No wonder program directors get nervous at ratings time. But as subjective as the Arbitron is, Poison said radio would be "terrible" without it. Stations and agencies, as well as independent clients, still rely on the information to help them place ads and reinforce who is listening to what and how many. Its possible how ever, that Arbitron could stop sur veying the Lincoln market. The survey is expensive and if enough stations don't buy it, Arbitron could leave Lin coln. Some stations have tried other sur vey companies. Last year, a few area stations paid to have Birch ratings done in town. Other stations do their own research. The trouble with in- 1 house surveys, Poison said, is that sta tions tend to show clients only the . parts that make them look good. x Probably the best thing about Arbi tron is the benefits for listeners. For at least three months out of a year, the listener "becomes as important as the advertiser. - grant winner Assistant Professor Tho rn as C. Umfrid, designer and instructor of scenic design at UNL, has been awarded an internship grant by the National In stitute for Music Theatre for the 1984-85 year. 'The award will com mence Aug. 15. It pro vides a cash grant to cov er living expensesand tra vel for 12 months of work and study in New York Tlio 10C4 QOflD RflLLYO fipill 3, Entry forms available outside W 194 Nebraska Hall Open to all UNL students ' Orientation meeting Thurs. March 22nd 6:33 pm W183 Nebraska Hall . SPONSORS: IOFT CHfilPUS SLUICE CENTER LITTLE CO'3 VJEST cocn-com nnnaaDar and study in New York n rr?? rmn 11 Ct'-fM PI Citv and John Conklin. U Lnrlli L 1 Ml Jfc J. . U 0 0 D an eminent American stage designer. Umfrid will assist Conk lin in the studio and as a traveling assistant. Conk lin designs extensively out- n side of New York City. n Through the intern- Li ship program, Umfrid will n meet key personnel in reg- ional opera houses. At j the same time, Conklin n will tutor Umfrid's own U studio projects and allow H designerdirectors' conf- U erences and research ses sions. D AT UMJ W&M s EARN EXTRA MONEY WHILE YOU STUDY D D D D D D. 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