The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1984, Page Page 20, Image 20
Thursday, March 8, 1934 Pago 20 Daily Nebraskan oTo C SUMMER JOBS ' J3.000 SUMMER GUARANTEE PLUS SCHOLARSHIPS. PLUS 5 SUPERVISORS NEEDED. 483-1227 PT Manaqement-Trainee $700-$t.000month 474-0014 Mr. Pfeifer DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Are you Interested in working as a Data Entry Operator In an office on an inter mittent basis? We are looking (or Data Entry Operators to work during peak production poriod only. Our next peak begins in early April and should run 6-10 weeks. It you have a typing skill of 55 wpm with 5 or less errors, we will train you to operate a CRT. Work on all shifts is available. We otter Medical. Dental, Dis ability and Life Insurance, paid holidays and vacations along with many other excellent fringe benefits. We will offer car pooling assistance to those In outlying areas. In interested, apply in person. CAROL WRIGHT SALES 3601 N.W. 15th Street Lincoln, NE 474-2018 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer The Lincoln YMCA is accepting appli cations tor day camp counselors througf March 1 5. For more information, call Nor theast YMCA. 464-7481. Female Singer for clean-cut rock band. Call 464-8720 or 467-5771. Ask for Brian. Wanted: Drummer with own set to play spunk & power ska. Male or Female Call 435-1627 ijllif?1k Jeff and Roger (Acacia-UNL), Gosh, oh boy! I bet you never thought I'd answer your fan mail.. You must feel pretty silly now. Paul says not to let the sorority women get you down. David L. P.S. The late night sponges are in the mail. Erin H. (Acacia Lit' Sis), Won't you be surprised. I was. Your B.B. Have yourself tucked in and sung to sleep with a lullaby Chris G.. Someday I'll take my glasses off for you too! "Happy Birthday!" Love ya! Michael J. P.S. Healey was right ... I do take female hormones. To all campus males: Today is Beth B.'s 21st Birthday. She lives in Pound Hall, but don't wish her a happy birthday because she'll probably stare at me. 75 Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth, This one's for you: Floundering "Butt tucks" 1-4 Club T.A.C. . Going to Adams Hot and Doo da Rustle, rustle lying etc. Your friends Stacy S. (Phi Mu), Congratulations on being tapped into Mortar Board. Love, Your Phi Mu Sisters Baby on the way? Invest now in Schramm 2 furniture! I'm not ex, only secret. Try again. Still your admirer xxooxx Ron, Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I love you. Deb Chris G., Here is your obligated personal! So, have a good birthday! Love, Diana Kylie H, Clue 3: 1 have another sister of Acacia. Pud Maria, Can't wait to go to College Life tonight. Jim Spanky (Sig Ep), Good Luck in ASUN elections. You will make a good senator. . T.C. Send a friend a lullaby! . . 'GLIlJ M uu 226 South 16th Open Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to midnight Friday Saturday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday noon to 9 p.m. Lisa P Thinking of you. Love, Steve H. Acacia Dates Saturday night is closing In fast, For Ruskin's Place is sure to be a blast. We're sure you'll be dressed to kill, Keep the date and we'll bring the still, Your Debonair Dates Tim D., Thank you for making me so happy! I'll be proud to be your wife!! Luv you! Kim K. Julie M., Julie J., and Diane D , Congratulations on being accepted to Mortar Board! Your G-Phi Sisters Congratulations Jill F. on being accept ed to Nursing School! Your G-Phl Sisters Timothy Francis, Hello! I'll be watching you, also. Best of luck! Love, Your Best Friend Farmhouse, Grab your dates and at the Cornhusker we'll be found, By the hypnotist we'll all be spellbound. - So grab your red shoes, and get ready to dance. We can't wait; it will be great! The AOPis Dave P. and Dewey U. (Acacians), Hard work pays off. We're all proud of you. Mortar Board, congratulations on choosing two of our best. The Men of Acacia Sandi B. (AKAK Little Sis). Livin' on "T" time, You're dojn' fine . . . It s OK! Woody's Friend Connie E. (a-phi), Congratulations on being accepted into Law School. All your hard work paid off! Love, Your Alpha Phi Sisters ERIC. CONGRATULATIONS ON QUALIFY ING FOR NCAA'S! TO US THAT'S AS GOOD AS A NINE! LOVE, SHARI & CINDI P.S. Let's go get some pizza. Congratulations to Julie K. for being accepted into nursing school. Good Luck! Love, Your Kappa D. Sisters Jill F. (KD). Congrats on being initiated into Alpha Epsilon Rho! Good Job! The Women of Kappa Delta Deb F., Happy 19th, too bad it isn't your 20th. The Men of the WWAK Hotel P.S. Thanks for the memories! To Jamie K.. I hear you think candy is dandy. If it makes you sick, you ca n come to me after all. I love biology (cough-cough!). Good luck! Your BB HELP! I need a non-smoking female to share 2-bedroom apt., 35th and Baldwin, $152.50 II 12 utilities. 467-3943. 464-1908. Roommate needed immediately. Close to Campus. 435-2829. TYPING $1 .00 per page. IBM Selectric. 466-8651 GUITAR IflSTRUCTION Private Lessons Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 AER08IC CONDITIONING Classes begin their 2nd session on March 12th. The following schedule will begin at that time ... MWF 12:00-1:00 Men's PE MWF 12:00-1:00 E.C. Act. Bldg. MWF 5:00-6:00 Mabel Lee 301 T-TH 12:00-1:00 Selleck Multi-purp. Room T-TH 4:45-5:45 Mabel Lee 301 T-TH 5:00-6:00 E.C. Act. Bldg. FIRMER BODY Clauses also begin March 12th . . . M-T-TH 5:00-6:00 Selleck Multi-Purp. Room T-TH 12:00-1:00 Mabel Lee 301 T-TH 12.00-1:00 E.C. Act. Bldg. v- For Information, come to Room 106, University Health Center, or call 472 5050 between 8-5:00 daily. , i - ,1 CROCKETT'S BREAKFAST BUFFET NOW BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER Served Every Sat. & Sun. Morning 830-1130 AM PROFESSIONAL TYPING AND TRANSCRIPTION Typing $1.00 per double spaced page. Done on word processor. Revi sions easily accomplished. Manuscripts stored on diskette tor reasonable length of time. 464-0775 after 4 30. Close to campus. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT is a confiden tial helping hand. 483-2609. TYPING Complete word processing, Proofs, Spelling Checker, Storage. COMPUTER TYPE 1C23 QUE . 47C-TYPE , Single & Pregnant? Adoption Is a caring alternative. For confidential counseling, contact Nebraska Children's Home, 483-7879. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Term Papers, Thesis & Class Projects, Resumes 24 hour service on 20 pages or less. Lots of extras highest quality print and paper, bold face type, rough drafting. 8line text typing 15line statistical 4t copies Park 'n ShopRide 'n Shop plus Community Savings Stamps Miller & Paine Communications Center 6th, Floor 474-2111, ext. 310 TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N. 13th 474-4136 Clove Cigarettes Cliff's 1200 "O" Street FOUND: 2 albums in 320 Bessey Hall. 472-9443. FOUND: Calculator in Language Lab. Come to Hans Gilde to claim. 472-1786. LOST: Keys on a key ring with the initial "K" on it. If found, call 467-3785. 1 1 1 1 1 i i ! iJ 1 1 U f I Sc once again it's time for the University Program Council-City to set out on the search to fill next year's Chair & Execu tive positions. You could be just the per son we've been looking for! What positions are open? President First V P. Second V P. Publicity Coordinator American Films Chair Foreign Films Chair Arts Chair Concerts 4 Coffeehouses Chair Mode! United Nations Chair Special Events Chair Talks 'n' Topics Chair Video Chair Walpurgisnacht Chair Women's Resource Center Chair For more information, contact the CAP office, 200 Nebraska Union. Deadline. ASUN Business Senatorial Candidates Forum. CBA Lounge today at 3:30. Go for itl Be a leader! Join one of the strongest student organizations on cam pus! UPC-City is now taking applications for the Chair ad Executive positions for the 84-85 school year. Learn leadership & organizational skills while having tun. For more information, contact the CAP Office, 200 Nebraska Union. But hurry! Deadline for applications is Monday, March 12! Patoots Saloon 808 'P' Street Once again proudly presents: Bad Comedy Night Thursday, March 8 10 p.m. Midnight Featuring various local talent and other entertainments. Rock--bye baby in the tree top bring your sweethearts night to a stop We'll sing 'em song and tuck 'em in tight To sleep they will go with a sweet lullaby! 'Get them March 7-9 in the Union. CLASSES START ANYTIME with in dependent study. Contact the independ ent study office. 472-1926. 99 - NEED HELP UNDERSTANDING THE STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM? Get help! March 13 at the East Union or March 14 at the City Union. Find out about scholarships and assistance pro grams. Sponsored by student Alumni. GALLIPOLI THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK UPC Foreign Films Series announces an Australian Film Festival, March 16 and 17, Nebraska Union Rostrum, Applications for MORTAR BOARD NOTABLES are due Friday, March 9 at CAP City or CAP East. COLORADO Cross-Country skiing over spring break. Remote wood-heated cabins. Wilderness setting In the White River National Forest on tho western slope of the Rockies. $200 includes transportation, lodging and most meals. For details, contact the Campus Rec. Office, 472-3407. SIGN UP DEADLINE: MARCH LULLABY WITH GAMMA PHI Tickets on sale March 7-9 in both Unions. Only $1 Proceeds go to Nation al Girls Camp. (Deliveries limited to cam pus residents.) Mr. T. says, "Be there!" Dance to the "Star City Players" tonight at the East Campus Union. 8-12 p.m. Sponsored by UPC and Miller Highlife. Ski undiscovered Beaver Creek, near Vail. Convenient townhouse sleeps 6. Reasonable. (303) 526-0064; (303) 945-6065. Want to be someone important next year? To learn leadership and organiza tional skills? To meet a lot of students? To work closely with professionals, agents and advisors? To deal directly with stu dent fee funded system? Apply for a UPC-City Chair or Execu tive position for 84-851 But hurry the deadline for applications is Monday. March 12. For more info, contact the CAP office, 200 Nebraska Union. Go for itl Theta Xi Little Sister Pledging Thurs day nite. Dinner at 5:30. Be there by 5:15. The WHOLE EARTH SOFTWARE Cata log will be discussed at an ACM meeting 3:30 p.m. TODAY in Ferguson 217. Mr. Gerlad Wineberg will be there to take your ideas for possible publication. EVERYONE IS welcome. Welcome to an organization that's social, caring, understanding and educa tional! GayLesbian Student Association Thursday 8 p.m. Andrews 228 "truth sheds light In the darkness of oppression." ACROSS 1 Thin wire nail 5 Likeness 10 Nevada gaming city 14 Tropical fruit 15 Consumer advocate 18"Dovesono"is one 17 Ingredient of a list 18 Like a platitude 19 Channel 23 Contrite 22 Pains in the neck 24 Father 25 One of the weasels 23 Tip 23 Distort a report 32 Gold for Garibaldi 33 Take it easy 35 Become prevalent 33 Defeat soundly 53 One-twelfth of a gross 43 Alluvium 41 German city on the Ruhr 43 Braking device, at times 45 Poetic contraction 43 Thrusts away 43 Wee 3 TV star in the 50's 51 the Man 52 Heavyweight ofthe70's 54 Santa's team 53 Lily plant 3 Think 61 Eye layer 62 Asperse 3 Mexican sandwiches This Is It . . . today's the day . . . the all-important UPC-City Publicity Com mittee meeting In the City Union is at 3 30 this afternoon. Hope to see you there! Parking Advisory Board will meet Fri day, March 9. at 2:30 p.m. at the City Campus Union. Attention Handicapped And Disabl ed Students (HAOS): We are now organ ized. Interested In your needs and sup port. Monthly meeting Monday. March 12. 3:30 p.m. Georgian B Union. CORNHUSKER MARKETING CLUB IhEETiNO Thursday at 8:00 In the Union. Speaker on telemarketing LAST CHANCE! DON'T MISS OUTI SPRING BREAK ON SOUTH' PADRE ISLAND, TEXAS, ONLY $98 00 PER PER SON FOR 8 DAYS7NIGHTS IN NEW DELUXE BEACH SIDE CONDOS WITH POOL. LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE. CALL SUNCHASE TOURS TODAY TOLL FREE. 1800-321-5911. Chemistry Refund Checks from 1st semester can be picked up In Room 301, Hamilton Hall from 2:30 4 00 p.m. Monday through Friday. STUDENT I.D. REQUIRED. 8th Annual Range Symposium Sponsored by the UNL Range Man agement Club will be held Friday, March 9th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Speak ers from across Nebraska to speak on YOUTH INVOLVEMENT IN RANGE. Open to the public. Don't miss the classic film "West Side Story" being presented by Chicano Spe cial Events this Friday & Saturday, March 9 & 10 in the City Union Rostrum from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. DANCE LESSONS Pla-Mor Ballroom Starting March 14 Learn Waltz, Jitterbug, Foxtrot, Polka, Swing Arthur Murray instructors -1 Register Now. 475-4030 We've got style for your eyes! Sun glasses and mountaineering glasses at vTHE MOOSES TOOTH $13.95 and up. 17th and Holdrege. 475-4453 LAST DAY TO DROP a full semester course is March 9. 5:00 p.m. March 12 to April 13: "W period for a full semester course. OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES All travel books 20 off this week only. DOOUGTORE CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA 64 Brook 65 Derby and fedora 63 Wide-awake 67 Otherwise DOWN 1 Radar image 2 Ceremony 3 Orison ender 4 Transfer of an estate 5 Detained and confined 6 W.W. I French battle site 7 Mine entrance 8 Secure 9 Builds 10 Shines 11 Emission of gas from a crater . 12 Carter of fictional fame 13 Meal for Sunny's Halo 21 Stratum 23 Motown's Diana. 25 Deep (discarded): Slang 23 Prepared an apple for baking 27 Ascended 28 Presley vehicle: 18S4 23 Labyrinths 33 Covers a floor, in a way 31 Vestibule 34 White Sox manager for 11 years i 2 3 4 $ 3 t S "3 To"i7" T" tT" JLJ i j4 rl r -4 M , j ".j j - .-L i . LI . -a j t4 . jJ k u i J ' r , , .. mmmm ! ... t U i i '.T"ff """""' tT"" . ''I i 1 I ,1 j ' I l ATTENTION M FRESHMAN AND SENIORS The Innocents Society is now accept ing applications for freshmsn scholar ship and outstanding senior awards. Applications available in the CAP Of lice, Room 220. APPLY NOW! Deadline. March 9th COLLEGE LIFE: 4 Common Misconceptions of Christianity Tonight Tri-Delts House 7-8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME! Have Mnrcy! THE ALPHA STREET 8AN3 Boogies at the Owan frog This Thursday through Saturday. Haven't you hoard? TONIGHT Catch the MYSTERY ZONE at the DRUMSTICK, or something. SAVANNAH SMILES Will be shown st University Luthe ran Chapel, 1510Q Street, on Friday, March 9th at 7:30 p.m. All are invited. OLD BOOKS ICIC30Cir30C3C3fr "CLASSICS REVISITED" I AT REASONABLE PRICES. 1822 N ST. ' ACROSS FROM N STREET LIQ. 8.00-100 37 Schnauzers, e.g. 33 Most dapper 42"- Dimittis" ("Song of Simeon") 44 Tend 47Siouan language 43 Persevere 51 Mister, in Malaga 52 Strike violently 53 Spicy stew 54 Pilaf grains 55 Iniquitous 53 Sniggler's quarry 57 Rhonchus 63 " Joey" isiyaj-" THFF nns I JTIe" c fo "T i tXHo 1 1 l ctvlciLlo'tr fj Ml l iMlir 'ill f-iUr-LJ iMyjsV tIh e fu II "I. Hv ii-"-'Sil! toti.E: AiT1dT . .SilUT?l CROCKETT'S RESTAURANT 33rd & Pioneers