Wednesday, March 7, IC34 Paga6 Daily Nebraskan Short s Subjects including foreign relations, women pioneers, Harry S. Truman, Jewish history, genealogy, music, the American dream, the history of nurs ing and much more will be addressed during the 27th Annual Missouri Val ley History Conference Thursday through Saturday at the Best Western Regency West, 1-080 and Pacific streets In Omaha. This year's featured speakers are George Brown Tindalk Kenan profes sor of history at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill); and Gre gory G. Guzman, professor of history with Bradley University (Peoria, III). For more information or to pre register, contact Jo Ann Carrigan, UNO Department of History, Omaha, Neb., 68182, phone 554-25H,or 554- 2593. 'V Co yeas czrf.y: & a Dntffllo ofld? Become a plasma donor! $10 is paid for each donation and you can H donate. twice weekly (but pbase wait 72 hours between donations! That's up to $95 a month! And that can help update your equipment! New donors clip this ad for an extra $2 for your first donation. Call now for an appointment . University Plasma Center 1442 O Street MOM, TUES., THURS., FRI. 8:00 am to 7:00 pm WED. AND SAT. 8:00 am to 6:00pm FEDERALLY INSPECTED in UL Lw k i U U L i J So, the lowest price may not prove to be a bargain. At Family Contact Lens Center, the health of your eyes comes first That s why we provide thorough, professional care, to assure hsclthy eyes while wearing contact lenses. And we do It at a price you can afford. In addition to a wide selection of lens de signs and materials we offer free consultation and an exclusive 60-day trial period. For more information call: 483000483-5757 Contact Lens Center J "Where the health of your eyes comes first." 6909 East "O" Financing Available Extinction theory postulated By Jay Mulligan A gigantic meteor may have crashed to Earth millions of years ago, result ing in the extinction of dinosaurs a round the planet, according to a recent report from the University of Cali fornia at Berkeley. The report said the meteor may have wiped out 20 percent to 70 percent of the Earth's plant and animal life. UNL researchers point out that the report is only theory. The theory is based on the discovery of iridium, a rare element found in the Earth's crust, said Robert Hunt, UNL associate geol ogy professor. The California research ers believe iridium is the result of a large meteor crash. "A single asteroid between three and five miles wide crashed into the Earth, according to the California group," said Michael Voorhies, UNL geology professor. "It hit so fast it pulverized itself and pulverized the Earth's surface where it hit, causing so much dust that it would screen out the sun for maybe two or more years," Voorhies said. "If you block out the sunlight for two years, the plants could die, causing the plant eating dinosaurs to starve and die, thus causing the meat-eating dinosaurs to die as well," Voorhies said. Voorhies said the theory is a hot debate topic among geologists. He said an entire episode was devoted to the theory last year on Nova, a public broadcast series. c "U's nopn andsh"t case," said Voorhies. "The big question is the tin relationship between the death of the dinosaurs and the date of the iridiun deposits." Voorhies said the time span re searchers are working with is about 63 million years, and the iridium has been dated to within 1 mUion years of the death of the dinosaurs. It will be sev eral years before researchers have a better idea of how closely related they are, Voorhies said. 3 "One problem I have with the theory is the fact that a lot of plants and animals did not die," Voorhies said. "It looks as if the extinction was selective Why didn't the crocodiles and turtles die as well as several tropical forms of plant life?" Nebraska was under a shallow sea during the time of the dinosaurs, but many giant water reptiles existed here Voorhies said. If the theory is correct' reptiles could have been killed in much the same way. The death of plankton in the ocean may have caused the fish to die, which would lead to the death of the larger reptiles, Voorhies said. Voorhies said he will teach a mini course next fall on dinosaur extinc tion and evolution. .... "t ?' f yc-y , ; : This dinosaur which resides in Morrill Hall may have died because of a meteor crashing to earth millions of years e-d. ' vHl nr.:-:-'-.-'-:. :. r - .'-'--1 P v- '' ij fii . "'' j